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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
He fell asleep in his jeans and I tried waking him up and shook him, and felt something in his pocket and it was a well used meth pipe. I woke him up and told him to pack a few things I love him but it was time for him to go he needed to leave and sleep somewhere else tonight and for the foreseeable future. I was proud of the way I handled it- I was calm, not emotional, not mean, just firm. We are going to talk after the kids go to school tomarrow. For now I told him we were broken up, all the kids including his were staying with me, if he gets treatment, daily AA with a sponser, the porn obsession that went with the meth are to be gone, and his user friends are all out of my life and his then we can talk about getting back garantees but it is his only chance. I told him when he comes down this time he is on his own, don't call, I am not holding his hand, he is on his own to get out of this mess. I need to think about taking care of myself and I dont want on this roller coaster of addiction again. I deserve better and so do our kids. I was suprised I didn't give in. He said he had no where safe to go, and asked if he could sleep in garage for a while. I gave him some blankets and said he can go to a shelter, sleep in his car or call a friend. He made this choice. I clearly told him after he had to go to ER in abulance last month and I found out he was on meth that if it ever happened again then we were over.
I love him and I truely want him back and don't want to split up our family but I want HIM back, who he is when he is clean and sober. Not this shell he has become. He is reactive, dishonest, paranoid, porn obsessed, and a lier. Yet through all that I love the man I know he is.
I am worried he is going to hurt himself. I made him promise he won't but he gets so depressed after he screws up and guiltly. Getting him to promise was like pulling teath. I am praying he stops by tomarrow and we talk. Then I will know he is ok. He said he is going to talk to treatment center before he comes and have an actual plan to stay clean and sober which includes AA and a sponser. We will see. I hope I can stay strong and that he is ok tonight.
I also pray I can get a job, keep my car which is past due, and have some sort of income for my kids if he goes to treatment he is sole provider albeit a poor one of late I have about $1.75 to may name right now and three kids. But I am scrappy, I am thinking garage sale. lol So any happy thoughts or prayers you could send my way would be appreaciated.
Well done. I am so inspired by you right now that if you were standing in front of me all 110 pounds of me would give you the biggest hug I could muster up. You had an experience of detachment with love and divine intervention. I know exactly how you felt and how you are feeling right now. Stay in touch with us. Do you have people you can call on the phone to touch base with? You will waffle and you will waver, so you need a support team to help you through. You are one courageous woman and your family is blessed to have you. Wow,
I don't have anyone. I wish I did, but right now I don't even have the gas to get to a face to face meeting or a sitter if I did. I think I have just enough to get them to school in the AM. I have been appling for jobs since 3 AM on craigslist and trying to figure things out. We have a mechanic shop from home he runs but I just don't want him here. He has to finish the work inthe shop for customers and then I don't know yet and if he goes to treatment he will be gone for a while anyway. I am going to have to find a way to focus on what I need and be able to talk to him when he comes by in about 4 hours.
Someone once told me that tears meant I was close to God...don't know if it is true, but I have held it close. I am forwarding it to you...we love you.
Rinn, I applaud you. Enormous courage in drawing your boundaries. Keep relying on your HP to know that there is better out there in terms of a future and a better life for you and the kids regardless of what he does. Whether or not he ever gets truly sober and becomes that person you know he is capable of being....You are so powerless over that and it's such a tragedy that someone would self-sabotage and have so many problems just being the best person they can be. That is the nature of this disease though. It's infuriating the way it robs people of their potential. I do believe you made a huge stride in accepting you are powerless over his disease and over him. I can tell you from my own experience that my family or friends could never "help" my addiction. In fact, the more I thought they would tolerate it, the less likely I was to change. When I only had myself to rely on - I started being responsible and started real recovery. So...don't think that you are putting him out on the street...kicking him out....and that you are the bad guy. You truly are setting him free. He will either find other enablers if he wants to stay sick or will go through the gut wrenching recovery to be self sufficient so he can then be a suitable partner for someone (you or anyone else) not to mention being a responsible dad.
For now, take it hour by hour. You don't have to clearly know what you need to see for him to "come back" or how long that will take. Logically speaking, nobody comes out of rehab all presto chango better...though they do talk like they are. It takes a year or more of living in the real world, taking care of oneself, paying bills, establishing a meeting routine and a serious 12 step program...walking the walk and not just talking the talk.... You will know when the changes are real and not just talk. That type of change/recovery is truly the work of God and you do have to get out of the way to let it happen for him if it's going to happen. For now, just knowing that this is intolerable and your boundaries can't be crossed like this any more is pretty awesome progress for you (even though I know how much it hurts and is scary).
That is some powerful taking care of yourself. No house can be healthy for kids with a meth user in it and you are taking care of them as well as yourself.
I would urge you to get some legal advice. I know many towns have a legal aid office where you can get some advice free. One question would be how you can get some child support. Even if he is not working, he will owe child support, and if he still has money coming in, he will definitely owe it. It won't be easy street but everything helps. Another question is about the custody of his kids. It will be easier for you if the law gives you actual custody -- otherwise he may try to take them away in an attempt to force you to cave (not because he could really take care of handling them). These all seem daunting but they will protect you and start you moving forward to your serenity. For now, take good care of yourself emotionally. I know it can be scary at times. Also peaceful and strong. Hugs!
I have an attorney. The down side is we just got full custody of my stepson because his mom and her girlfriend were meth addicts. She has been a bad user for about 6 months and CPS got involved, it was dangerous for her kids to be there. Now my step son has two parents that are doing the same drug. I love him and hope I can keep providing him a home.
I am not ready to file anything yet thought, I would rather seperate under the radar so to speak and wait. I am not in a hurry to make it legal.
Awesome boundary setting Rinn, and like the others, I applaud you for it... The tough part now, is sticking with them.... As long as he is holding up his end of the agreement, you have a bit more leeway.... My concern is many active A's manipulate our hearts - so even the (nice) part about you telling him you hope he won't hurt himself and desperately wanting to know that he is okay - my experience is that he might just "use that" to try to wiggle his way back in, without honoring all of the sobriety/recovery stipulations you have so clearly stated to him....
I copied an old post of mine, regarding "tough love", which is exactly what you are showing him right now. There are no guarantees of a positive outcome, of course, but I DO believe that you are giving him the opportunity and dignity to make some positive choices, AND taking care of yourself and your children.
Take care, and keep coming back
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
Great job in being strong. Please don't think I am getting in your business or offering unsolicited advice, but I had a few thoughts about your financial situation. A good friend told me that I am worth letting people help me. I was always too proud to ask for help and when offered it, I had a hard time accepting it because I thought it would make me seem weak or needy. In these tumultuous times, I have found that it takes a lot of strength to ask for help when I need it and to find the right people to help me and my kids. I know there are a lot of churches that have funds available for families in crisis. I also think this would be a good time to use the government assistance programs that are available to you. That is what they are for. I know it's hard to tell others what you and your kids are going through, but I am a teacher and we are always able to help families find assistance, food, clothing, etc. for families going through hard times. Maybe reaching out to a school counselor will give you some peace of mind. They are trained to help and will keep your information confidential.
I know how hard it is. I have been supporting my family on my income alone for a long time. I am finally filing for bankruptcy just so I can keep my house and car. We do what we have to do. We didn't choose these problems, but they are not going to go away, so we have to learn how to deal with them the best we can.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have kicked my AH out four times, and I keep caving and letting he back in when he shows me what he wants me to see. This is a tricky tricky disease that has gotten the best of me more times than I can count. I am not giving up on myself though. I hope you can stay strong and get the support you need. I think you will be amazed to find how many people are willing to help you.
You are scrappy...and I am in awe of your courage.....sounds like you are doing all the right have faced fear and stared it down....keep believing in yourself....
Do reach out for whatever help you is in our depths of despair that we connect with others and really get in touch with our humanity....and someday, when you get yourself through this, you will reach out a helping hand to another...and so it goes....
So after I asked him to leave at 2am I got on craigslist and franticly searched for a job, applied, and emailed and posted work wanteds ect. Well during the alanon night meeting someone called! They want to hire me to do alterations from home. I can sew fairly well, I make a lot of my kids clothes. It is ok looking not always the greatest looking but I have a few really good seamtress friends and a lot of professional books. I just moved to this house and haven't unpacked my sewing stuff yet, but I think tomarrow I am setting up a sewing room in my bedroom and making some money. It is heaven sent, stay home with kids, no daycare, work in my own time (like nights) I take 70% of price of alterations. I can hem, take things in, let things out. I just have to see if I can do it fast enough to make any kind of living. Yikes. but until something better comes along it is something.
Much better. Cause the rest of my day stunk. Water heater went out (floor was covered in hot water this morn) toilet broke and needs replaced, kids were roudy in homedepot crying running, jumping on stuff. I was irritable, they were irritable. I am so ready for bedtime in 10 min.
This is the first night in 4 years my hubby and I have been apart (other than when he was up all night on meth) it is so hard. I really miss him.
Also I want to find a sponser, how to I go about finding one? suggestions would be helpful.
should I invite him over and let him sleep in truck in driveway or garage? he doesn't have a place tonight, its almost 10. He went to a friends house last night that was a meth addict. He doens't want to go back. He doesn't have money for a motel... can't deside if it is crossing a line. my gut says it is ok, but brain says then he will think he is comming home to stay. not sure. he went to AA and treatment place today has apt at 9 for outpatient interview.
We are not supposed to give advice, but I am since I know your head is probably spinning. Let him figure out where he is going to sleep, eat, go to the bathroom etc. He created this situation for himself, let him fix it. You have been left to pick up the mess he created and take care of you and your children- time he put on his big boy trousers. This will be the most loving thing you can do for all of you, including him, altough, it may not feel that way.. My husband now thanks me for having the strength to not let him manipulate him when I told him to leave. I would not even talk to him, as I knew I could be manipulated. Your HP has your back, evidenced by the call at your Al Anon meeting...keep watching for the signs of guidance. As far as finding a sponsor, that, too will be divinely guided. If you come across someone at your meetings that you resonate with, ask them if they would like to be your sponsor. If it fits for them, they may say YES.
You have done absolutely beautiful recovery work here from your inner strength and faith, and surrender (Step 1) Keep it up
-- Edited by PP on Wednesday 10th of April 2013 07:29:26 AM
Just wanted to say congratulations on finding that work, it sounds perfect. I am in awe of your powerful protection of boundaries and your self awareness as well. I know it is not easy to stick to what feels right for yourself sometimes, but my word you are so worth it. Sending ((((hugs))))
Agree with PP - let him find his own way. Sounds like you are wavering out of fear and loneliness. Remember, you are not making him homeless - you are setting him free to get help. Ideally, your marriage will come back together when he is well and you both can make the choice that he is ready to return home. It will never work when he's making needy, desperate pleas and saying he has nowhere else to go because his addiction got him to this point. Let him pick himself up, man up, build up some dignity, integrity, and then become the man you want rather than sleeping in the garage like a little boy on punishment. That will only feul an enabling environment for him and you.
I did let him stay last night but I think it was good. We talked a lot and I felt better this morning. I didn't say he could keep doing it, he slept on the floor on a sleeping bag. In the morning he said he was making other arrangements elsewhere because he knew I needed space and he was proud of me for sticking to my bounderies he wasn't going to push them. But it gave him time to make a good clean living arrangment plan.
He did keep trying to check in tell me where he was going/doing/seeing today and I said I really didn't want to know. I wasn't his keeper and his life is his; he doesn't live here and we aren't together. Who he assaciates with is his business. If he does treatment and is successful is all I care about. He has an end goal and it is his job to get there not mine to oversee it. He was a little suprised but i think it made an impact. I also made him knock before coming in since he no longer lives here. I think is is little things helping to show a bigger picture.
he helped me get my waterheater problem diagnosed, a pipe burst in the wall carring hot water from the heater to the house. It was nice to be able to ask for his help and have that sort of relationship. We are more like friends for now. We talk, see each other, he sees kids here, and we are taking it day by day.
He is starting outpatient treatment tomarrow. I guess the are random drug testing, and he has three group sessions a week from 4-7pm and one and one counsiling on top of it. Plus he has to go to AA at least once a day to be in compliance. It lasts as long as his counsiler says it lasts if he thinks after 6 months he is ok then it ends but he said it could be up to two years depending on what they think. He seems sincere I hope he follows through.
I am going to ask him to provide records that show he is in compliance (attends and passes drug tests).
I am a very forgiving person who wants to see the best in people. Already I want things back to normal but I am making myself firm and focusing on my boundries as best as I can.
Thanks for all the support it really helped me get through the first day