The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello, my name is Tonya! I am 36 years old and have been with my A for 10 years now. I have another A in my life and that is my mother. For the most part of 10 years I have focused on them and their decisions and have completely lost myself. I am great at my job and it seems like I have become my job and have no other interest or friends outside of work. Well, my HP guided me here and MIP is helping me put the focus back on myself. I am getting active, getting out and getting to breath for myself again. It is a struggle everyday for me not to give into the depression and struggles of living in the past and stressing over the future, but I am learning to enjoy the present and it feels good to be alive again. Thanks for being so warm and welcoming!!!!!!!!! Sincerely,
*2013* update
Hi! I'm now 41 years old. My A's are still both my husband and mother. In the last 5 years I've learned quite a bit. The greatest is gratitude. Also boundaries. The ability to choose between acceptable & unacceptable behavior in my life. Loving myself. How are the A's? Hubby at inpatient treatment and mom still drinking. Me? Doing the best I can one day at a time. I'm still great at my job, however it is no longer my focus. I'm surrounded by more friends and af times doesnt recognize the reflection of the girl laughing in the mirror . I still have dark days, sometimes weeks. But today I'm more hopeful in having a happy fulfilling life than I was 5 years ago.