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I thought that was the neatest concept I heard shared recently. I don't believe in praying for strength, patience, because I do believe that the God of my understanding will deliver these lessons and so not the way I enjoy them. LOL!! That whole the apple didn't fall far from the tree in terms of God's wicked sense of humor and mine as well.
I can pray to wait passionately for patience though and most of all for myself because I am seeing more and more how hard I am on me. I wouldn't be that hard on someone else so why do I punish myself in this way?
No answers here just thought it was a neat concept.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Great topic...I noticed today I did not have much patience with me or the people around me and I wondered what was up. It came to me that I was struggling with my self will regarding a work situation...need to apply the Easy Does It.
-- Edited by PP on Sunday 7th of April 2013 08:40:19 PM
Hmmm... yeah, a good topic... at the moment here it is Sunday evening and my so is watching cooking shows and weight loss shows. Fact is I watch my stuff in the mornings- for me the best part of my day.
I think that having passion for recovery is a big plus- and certain kinds of passion along the way are okay, imo...
For me emotions are a combination of sexuality and nurturing. Both are essential to survival. I think women are much more closer than we men to emotions, but some of us men, I think are catching up.
This week A. and I are celebrating 30 years of marriage- and tomorrow we will remember her birthday. It hasn't always bin easy. Life was not really designed like that! And because of both our backgrounds the odds were heavily stacked against us. But so far, by the grace of God, we have made it.
I hope this post isn't testing your patience too much- it is a great word. Being patient with me is the doorway to detachment and serenity. And I have to take steps- take action, to keep this up!
To get an understanding of my situation in the past I had to use extra words- anger to rage, fear to terror; this got me to those serious emotions. At the moment ~patience~ is my favourite word- because I am getting more and more of it!
I have been in three Alanon groups. The local group folded after over 20 years. I went up the road to another town for 5 or 6 years. Then we re-booted the local group again. So I do get to be a long-timer in really good company!
It is interesting for me to be a man in Alanon. Nothing at all would really surprise me at meetings and today nothing really worries me at all. To have my feelings heard sometimes I have to be assertive [and not angry!]. And that was a real lesson for me.
Over my lifetime I have seen major changes in the status of women- and being in Alanon has made me a witness to this. It is an awesome experience.
Considering that for years of my life I lived like a zombie- enduring a living hell... this moment and any others after are true miracles!
Yes ma'am... to be able to sit here at the kitchen table- detach from the hony-tonk coming out of the TV and wrote this- so simple- and amazing.
I like what Betty shared. My self will is crazy high sometimes, especially if I fall away from working my program daily or going to meetings or church. If I don't stay connected, I start faltering and my patience wanes. Thanks for sharing this topic, Pushka!