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Post Info TOPIC: Uncomfortably numb

~*Service Worker*~

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Uncomfortably numb

Hi El----cee

I have  felt that way and was advised that just keep showing up, pray, share, continue to work the Steps  and the Higher Power would fill me with the serenity, courage and wisdom.   I needed to face life on life's terms. 

This is  a process and it works

Thanks for your honestyi

-- Edited by hotrod on Saturday 6th of April 2013 08:27:07 AM




~*Service Worker*~

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Hi I would like to share where I am at right now. Outwardly, I am living my recovery. I am out meeting with friends and fellow members. I am keeping calm and trying to do the next right thing but inwardly I feel a bit numb with everything that is going on. I am walking on egg shells and I am a bit lost. Im not really sure what the next right thing is. I cant keep a conscious contact with my hp. I have this horrible feeling of impending doom. I am waiting for everything to tumble around me at any moment. I am scared of life right now. Thanks for listening.


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One day at a time - this, too, will pass.



"Darkness is full of possibility." Leunig


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I'm not a professional, but here goes:


My experiences with feeling numb and feeling how you feel right now related to PTSD and combat trauma, but I believe it's all kind of the same thing. Feeling "numb", as my therapist described it to me, comes from shutting off parts of yourself that are "feeling" stuff, and we do that instinctivly to avoid feeling whatever it is we don't want to feel.  My breakthrough in PTSD therapy came from confronting the stuff that made me shut myself off in the first place, re-feeling those ugly feelings in a safe environment (because those feelings were intense, let me tell you), sitting with them for a while, and then releasing them.  We get kind of blocked up, when we don't cope with things correctly; the normal progression of dealing with stuff is a) stuff happens, b) we react emotionally to stuff, c) these emotions hang around until they eventually disperse d) we move on.  

Now I don't know why you're in Al-anon; I would assume that you're recovering, but it may be a different situation.  I'll just assume that if you're in recovery, you were probably "using" in order to avoid coping with some thing, some ball of emotions that seemed to big and scary to cope with at the time, and the substance gave you the distance you thought you needed to function.  so instead of going from a) - > b) - > c) - > d), you got stuck.  Instead of allowing those emotions to run their course and then diffuse, they got balled up and stuffed somewhere, and that numbness you're feeling comes from having feelings stuffed away.  The sense of impending doom; boy have I felt that, before. For years, even.  That eventually everything was going to come crumbling down.  I think when we wall away parts of ourselves in order to convince ourselves that we've dealt with them and we're "fine now" , underneath it we know that we haven't really dealt with anything, and that any moment, just the right thing could smash that wall to bits and we'll be standing there with a flood of negative emotion that may very well drive us nuts. At least, that's how it felt to me. 

My advice, if any of this rings true (it may not and I may be way off) is to find a therapist and talk about this stuff; they're really good at finding ways of gently guiding you through these hard to deal with emotions, so that you feel strong and safe in allowing those things that scare you to come up.   It sounds like that while you're on the path to recovery, maybe you haven't actually faced the stuff that shut you off and made you turn to a substance in the first place, and you know it's all waiting there for you in the dark somewhere.  You gotta go down there and clean the closet out, man; take it from someone who's done it.  Whatevers down there, it's totally faceable, and once you face it, feel it, and let it pass (because it WILL pass, nothing stays around for ever unless we hold on to it) you'll feel the difference, I promise. 


~*Service Worker*~

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I feel that still sometimes but I continue to tell myself....can I really stop what MIGHT happen? The "what ifs" and fear that something might happen because of this or that only makes me crazy. Unless I sit on my son 24/7 it won't stop and I don't have the power to stop it.

I pray, attend meetings and continue to do my steps to help me cope. I read and and try and keep busy during these times of worry or what I think is impending doom. I find most of the time I worried for not.

You need to stay in the present.....don't think about the past and you don't know what is going to happen in the future.

Like Betty said....we need to face life on life's terms. Nothing your thinking MIGHT happen will help you.

One day at a time...keep posting your worries and let your HP help.

(((( hugs ))))


 Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth

Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1582

I can totally relate, LC. I am right there right now this week. Kind of like this impending doom hovering over me as I wait for the other shoe to drop, and I don't even know what that might be. Thank you for asking about it as I always learn from the responses to questions that I can learn from.

I have found that journaling helps me release the emotion but the 'feeling' of doom seems to be harder to release. For me, it just takes time and sometimes a change of scenery or attitude and I have to spend a lot of time in prayer. Hugs to you!

Struggling to find me......

~*Service Worker*~

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Aloha the other old timers that have stepped up with ESH...this for me was my inbetween stage...that stage coming from total newbie to having some real workable experience with the effects of the disease in my life.  I was missing awareness which hadn't come yet and walking on egg shells and waiting for the next shoe to drop was very sucky to say the least.  I increased the program side of my life because it had started to work for me and more of it would mean that I wouldn't tumble down the rabbit hole with some early good feelings.   Literature saved my butt!!  The daily readers and favorite pamphlets with "scramble" emergency meetings with my sponsor.  It worked out.  Don't give up hope and faith and continue to sit in the palms of your higher power...who isn't your qualifier on any other person in deinal and not working "the" program.  Stay present Yes!! unless you go into the past for gratitudes.   Get to work on your recovery.  In support ((((hugs)))) smile


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It has been a day since you posted this, so it may no longer be relevant for yesterday. But whenever I feel this way I usually check HALT, and add another H for Hormones. Oh! And add an E for exercise! So HEALTH (hey I made my own cheesy acronym). I simply cannot think logically if I am hungry, or sleep deprived. Both of those lead to anger. I never feel lonely but I left that in there because others might. If I don't get any exercise, I go into a tailspin. Can you get some vigorous exercise in? It might clear out some debris. I hope you are feeling better!

-- Edited by ClearTheFog on Saturday 6th of April 2013 03:28:17 PM


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 2940

smile Hi LC,

I waited until the experienced members shared on this one. There was once a term used in Alanon here called 'the poor-me's'. I think stateside it might have been called 'a pity party'.

I used to think it was an Alanon thing. But now I think it was a generational thing. Like 'chin up', grit your teeth, and get on with it.

In recent times, in face-to-face land I have been asked what on earth I have been doing in Alanon for 30 years. Well if so does it actually work?

I always love and listen to what newcomers say. It has always inspired me.

One answer, for me, is that we usually apply the 'no cross-talk' rule to our core sharing. [Now of course we do not apply it to the whole meeting! Not to introductions and to 'coffee time' afterwards.] And we do encourage people to have sponsors, and to make contact outside of meetings.

But, getting to your issue- yes I recall having this gut feeling. I saw it longer term as the doorway to healing. Over time my tension and pain grew less. I gained more insight. I would get fresh memories, not always of bad things. Being an Alanon adult child these memories went back near to the year dot- and I do believe these older memories may be important to all members...

and yes, I do put down the recent success of my home group to the fact that new members come in and they get good straight honest ESH.

I think the cover for Alanon is that we always present opinions. We do not give advice- at least not at group level. [Sponsors may offer advice if asked.]

There is always the option of seeking outside professional help- I believe that Alanon is always working alongside professionals, where they can. Good help like this was not available in my world. But over time I got it by giving and getting amongst our trusted members.

This is what works for me. I am not completely out of the woods. I still have flaws and issues emerge sometimes... but I feel I am on a growth path- and what is marvelous is that I get to share the journey with others!

Thanks for raising this point smile



Each Alanon member is my teacher.                                                                                                                  


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3964

el-cee, I have experienced this many times; sometimes for me, it was a resting period.  I used to worry about it, because, I got so used to believing that something was "wrong".  Perhaps it is a nice time to just be with what is and keep up your recovery work/play...maybe do something fun???  Peanut butter cups work well for me



~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3870

Hugs EC,

Sometimes I know I have lived in such chaos for such a long time that when things are going smoothly I am looking for the next crisis. Living calmly and peacefully takes a while to get used to and I get a small taste of it. For me it will involve moving away so that the SBTAX is no longer involved in my life on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. He comes from an out of sight out of mind family, he won't make the effort if the kids are no longer around for him to see.

Enjoy the peace and know that it is ok to have calm and to be at peace, the God of your understanding is always with you.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

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My precious friend, hang on sister sledge.  We are all in this together.  You are never alone.  Know that when times and thoughts begin to overtake my well being...I am merely a phone call away from a friend in the program. Also I love that I can simply flip to the back of my Courage to Change book and literally look up what's going on with me and find instant feedback.  If it's fear, there is help.  If it's self care, I can read what others before me have done.  If it's pain, problems, lonliness's all covered in this simple guide. I know you can do the Next best thing....and hon, that's all you have to concentrate on.  Trust me, this too shall pass.  Check out page 315.    


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 5075

Thank you for your wise and comforting words. I hope I can return them one day.x


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3964

You provide much wisdom through your posts and I am sure others have been inspired.  Your humility is precious.



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