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to exchange
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This is my first post and I'm very lost right now. I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I don't live near by Al Anon meetings but I would like to find a sponsor, someone to email/talk on the phone. Does anyone know how can I do it? Thank you very much in advance!
I dont have a sponsor either but I wouldnt let that stop you from working the steps. Maybe others can give you info on finding a sponsor. This board is kind of my sponsor. Lots of wise people who have been working these steps and getting the promised results are here to help and encourage.
I don't have a sponsor yet either, but I've been working the steps using the Step Board on this site, as a start. I go to f2f meetings regularly, but am unsure about picking the 'right' sponsor. Waiting for my HP to give me a nudge, I guess. I agree with dponlyme, this board and its wonderful members are my virtual sponsors. You will find excellent encouragement and wisdom here. Keep coming back.
There is nothing wrong with using this board as your sponser as long as you realize what the limitations are. You can always find a certain someone that you like their responses and "personal message" them about any specific things you would want to talk to a sponser about. Go to the official AlAnon website and log in to the member's section. Use any word and put "afg" after it would be your password. Example, I put "Thursday night afg" and I am in. In that website you can find access to a speech that Lois, the founder of AlAnon, gave about Sponsers. She said they should be special friends that you trust and are able to confide in. I find that such a simple definition and so often there are people with their own agendas about sponsership that make it so complex. In the beginning I used a sponser over the telephone that I trusted. I didn't actually meet her until 5 years into our relationship.
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply and your advice, I really appreciate it. I have been working on the steps for a while now but still to be honest in pure state of despair, not sure what I'm doing/not doing and would like someone I could talk to on the phone or maybe even just chat. I feel totally depleted of energy and just don't know how to go from here.