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Heather, I read one of your other posts. One you made shortly after you guys broke up. I related to that one. I am still with mine, but I relate to this too. Pain is pain and I know what this feels like with and without him. My heart goes out to you. :( I am with him but not with him in my mind or heart anymore. I am shut down, and sad about that. Coming out of denial is painful whether they are in or out of your life. b/c even when they are IN your life, you still "know" you can't have that future and you still ache. I just keep reminding myself, there is no future here. I want my life to get better, and i feel like we already broke up because of that. You sound like you are being so strong and working the program, thats so hard in all that pain and good for you. I think if you keep at it your higher power will give you some relief in due time. it will happen. As for me, I feel that I will be in your shoes shortly. Seems like he isn't waking up and there is nothing I can do. I'm tired of waiting and the chaos just never ends.
take care of yourself.
-- Edited by giraffe13 on Thursday 14th of March 2013 10:29:32 PM
Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
The next chapter of the saga continues. My ex ABF has been silent lately, no calls, thought that would be good. Well I can not keep my heart in check, I miss him, I hurt a lot, cry off and on all day, cant sleep or focus. I go back to "how could the next drink be more important than me"? Despite the chaos with the drinking, that scars beyond belief. I am working the program 4 times a week, reading the literature and seeking a sponsor, i just want all this to go away. i am sooooooo very tired of hurting. I hoped of marrying him once, was willing to make that life long commitment. He couldn't give up the booze. I know, its a disease, that does not help the pain. Venting here is about all I've got, how very sad!
Hi Heather... just a question - have you ever tried journalling? It helped me tremendously, as you're able to write down your honest feelings - good AND bad - on a daily basis... this helps manage those times when our emotions take over, and we minimize the pain, & miss the person we used to know, etc., etc.... Reading through your previous posts, and reading about how he treats you (when he is active) - might help give you some perspective as well...
Just a thought
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
Aloha Heather...I know what that is about also. Some of us last night a our home group were talking about how the amount of pain is equal to the physical, mental and emotional investment we put into the dream and the alcoholic so that the alcoholic could qualify for the dream. Mine didn't matter how hard and how much I invested in her. Alcoholism is the monster killer of them all...and it's legal...damn. Keep coming back...vent or not...we're family. ((((hugs))))
This too will pass. It's not him choosing the booze over you. It's him being an alcoholic - period. He does not see or is unwilling to see how alcohol messes up his entire life. So it does you no good to frame it as you versus alcohol. That isn't even on his radar. Drinking is just what he does and even though I'm sure it's been brought up between you guys and in other areas of his life - the nature of alcoholism is to deny that it creates relationship and other life problems because that next drink send the alcoholic to obvlivion and that literally feels like the solution and not the problem. It's a sad and maddening disease. It's not you losing to booze. It's alcoholism taking over and controlling him. This doesn't make the hurt go away, but I hope it helps you at least see it's not that you aren't enough or are inferior in any way.
I find when I stop fighting with myself over feeling hurt that I can start to heal, too. Acceptance helps in so many forms.
I've also heard shared at meetings a solution to make a decision to allow yourself an hour to just feel absolutely miserable. Literally set a timer. When that timer goes off, make a choice to go do something different - hopefully fun.
Hugs Heather, my esh has been after the initial breakup it's going to take time and it's going to come in waves. Sometimes the waves are big like in Hawaii big and sometimes the waters will be very calm. You are taking all of the right steps to take care of you. I tend to think of it in terms of detoxing from a toxic relationship. It's no different than an addict the first 90 days are probably going to be pretty rough. It took me months to talk in terms of months. I could do weeks. Now I can say he moved out a year ago. It can take my breath away at times. I catch myself looking for a fix from time to time. I have to check my motives. It does get easier. It's one of those sometimes time takes time kind of things. We have children together and it's really hard to see him act so normal with them. I get that stomach dropping feeling. I feel my self esteem slip. I have to remind myself he's not ok and I'm not ok. It's ok to have those feelings because I have a safe place to come and talk about them. Just keep coming back and doing the next right thing. You will be ok and you are not alone. Hugs p :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thank you for the support and kind words. I know the pain will ease in time, as well as the bitterness and resentment. Such negativity I do not want in my life anymore. Getting over not being more important than the booze has shattered my self esteem and the relationship. Not even the real relationship but the one I made up in my head with denial, dreams, hope and faith that are shattered too. He left me a message that helps me to move on and realize its over. Now i can stop fighting, it like closure. Thank God i have a meeting in a hour!!!