The material presented
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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
i have been here 6 days. we leave tomorrow. son is a mess. His gait is unbalanced, his speech is garbled his hans shake. he can hardly read and write. he was in the hospital for 9 days. prior to that he drank beer in his room for 3 weeks his stomach was pumped and lots of med inluding lithium. from the hospital he came to this small resort with a woman we hired till i could arrive 4 days later. hismeds were a mess. lots all gone because he cant remember when he took something so had way too many. the flight home is 30 hours and we are in different sections. i am having difficulty changing because i used miles to be in bussiness class. he is not and they wont make changes. dh is trying to fix it. i am not thinking past getting home and getting to our docs. i am worried about head trauma. odat odat