The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
This morning I woke up and sat in front of my laptop, read a few post on this and a few other MIP message boards, and was pretty much run over with memories of years gone by.
I sat right here, 12 years ago today (2001), and wrote a letter to the NC Board of Social Workers and the NC State Attorney General, and contacted two attorney's to represent 7 woman from the MIP forum called the "HealingRoom", for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse. I was going after a therapist for psychiatric malpractice. I was determined to get his license pulled by the board, criminal legal action taken by the State, and these woman financially compensated for what he had done to them. This therapist had entered the MIP Healingroom forum, and promoted himself as a specialist in the treatment of D.I.D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder). Without going into a great amount of detail, I spent the next two years becoming a expert in a field I am not credentialled in at all. I ended up teaching the LCSW board, the attorney's and the General Attorney's office about some of the dynamics of D.I.D, going to the LCSW board review meetings during the hearings I had initiated, doing interviews on video with the woman involved, for the above mentioned parties, (because to interview one woman with this disorder often meant interacting with a host of "alter personalities" within their "system") What I was able to discover and prove by these interviews, the therapist own documentation that was obtained by court order, which included both written and recorded session notes with the clients, recordings of the actual sessions is... the therapist had utilized guided imaginary, visualization and hypnoisis (yes, he was also board certified as a hypnotherapist) with the intent to further destablize the clients by creating what is called "False Memory Syndrome" in them. This ensured their complete dependence upon him for support and guidence, (becoming psychological hostages), separated them from their supportive family, friends, former therapist and even the clergy, by involving "them" in a psycohsis of false memory snydrome. What this entailed was implanting in the clients memories of a history of events that NEVER took place, and then validating the memories as reality. I won't bother going into how this was done as it would take all day to write it out. But to do it, their real histories had to be "deleted" or invalidated as a part of the therapy from the very beginning. By the time I got a clue what was happening, these woman were convinced that they were either victims of childhood Satanic Ritual Abuse, that they were the by-products of Government Mind Control experiments as children, or that they had been abducted by UFO's or were even themselves Extraterrestrial beings from outter space sent here to be transmitters of information! (Yes, this stuff really happened!) Please refrain from judging these woman. They did suffer such atrocities in life as children that created the split of their core personalities and suffered a mental psychosis as a direct result of it. The result of what this therapist was doing intensified the clients level of anxiety, fears, increased the frequency of self injurious behaviors (including cutting and suicide attempts), and created abbreactions (Flashbacks) of the created memories that would have all the physical, mental and emotional PTSD characteristics of events based in reality, while they were actually False Memories created in the course of their therapy with this therapist.
I was able to prove (via physical evidence, including but not limited to DNA) that the therapist was "bringing out" the sexually aggressive personality of two of the clients, having sex with them, "putting them back inside" and then charging Medicare for this as an hourly theraputic session!
I was certified by the courts as a "Expert Witnesses" for the civil litigation, (against the objections of the insurance companies defense attorney's) after the former President of the Board of Psychology stated that if his mother, sister, or daughter had this disorder (D.I.D.) there was no one in the state of North Carolina who was licensed in the treatment of it, and when asked if there was no one at all, he said, "I have said, "no one licensed". However, if I had the unfortionate need to place a family member with this disorder in the care of someone for councilling services there is one man I would take them to immediately. When the attorney asked who that would be, he pointed across the room at me and said, that man right there, Mr. Freifeld." When asked why he would entrust the theraputic care of someone with this disorder to me, he simply said, "I have been in this field for over 20 years, and as a result of this case have studied what Mr. Freifeld has done, his untraditional methods, and found that he was able to do for these people in 18 months what takes place in a professional clinical environment in 7 or more years on average, and he is able to do this without the need of repeatious hospitalizations, which is very common in the treatment of this disorder."
In 2002, the therapist license was permanetely revoked, and he was charged and convicted of four counts of sexually abusing the mentally impaired, and insurance fraud, sentenced to 4 years in prison. In 2004, the seven woman were awarded 2.3 million dollars by the civil court, after a settlement agreement.
During this time frame I was repeatedly charged with mistermeanor offenses filed by the therapist, and I would have to go to court to have them dismissed. He did everything he could to try to give me a black eye and damage my credibility to diminish my value in both the civil and criminal cases brought against him. Even tried to file a rape charge against me, one of his former female clients and her husband! Of course it never went any where. During the Board hearings it was ordered that the therapist undergo some testing...
North Carolina Board of Social Workers and the State Attorney General's Office ordered the therapist to undergo a pyschological evaluation in the process of revoking his license to practice as a Social Worker within the State of North Carolina. Here is the documented summary of that evaluation, which is a public record in the Consent Order which Permanently Revokes his license;
"Dr. David Ziff conducted a psychological evaluation of the Respondent, including psychological testing, which indicated (1) the possibility of significant suicidal tendencies; (2) the possibility of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder indicated by poor reality testing and disordered thinking; (3) the possibility of affected disorder; (4) difficulties in planning and decision making due to poor reality testing, disordered thinking, stress overload, and lack of a consistent problem solving skill: (5) difficulties balancing one's own needs versus those of others with the possibility of hostile and manipulative behavior towards others; (6) a generalized lack of skill and empathy in social relationships. "A psychosocial assessment conducted by Dr. Jay Williams concluded with the recommendation that Respondent not practice psychotherapy without first undergoing intensive, long-term psychotherapy with a well-qualified therapist or if allowed to practice psychotherapy he should have direct supervision with a well-qualified therapist."
This started 12 years ago today. Why am I sharing it now, here? Not really sure, but felt compelled to let the MIP members know that over the years, since 1998 when I first started this site, my main objective was and still is to provide a place of safety, healing and growth, and when something going on here tends to interfer with that objective I won't be one to sit in the background as though its not my business. I want the very best for you, I want to witnesses you reaching for the stars, reaching your highest good and watch the Miracle In Progress unfold in your life.
Please feel welcome to contact me if you see or sense something going on here that jeapardizes the well being of yourself, or MIP's members. Your anonmity will always be guarded by me as I attempt to resolve the issue at hand.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
Your compassion, understanding, empathy and love are so evident in all your actions. This is another powerful example of whom you are and what you stand for.
John, Thank you for telling us about your work on behalf of these women. I have always been impressed by your compassion, intellect and will to do good. You were Miracle 1. So many have followed. It is such a blessing to watch them unfold day by day. Temple
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Thank you John, for all you have done for others, and for what you do for us at MIP. I love this site. I feel surrounded by friends everytime I am here. :)