The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Over these last few months I can say I have learned a lot about myself and its really given me the ability to live again. Dont get me wrong, Im nowhere close to being completely without fear and worry but Im learning to handle it better and faster. Betty told me its natural to have worry in my heart because its my flesh and blood, so yes I do worry but its how I apply that worry that Betty has taught me. Al-anon has taught me so much as to why I do what I do and with the tools in place, I can advert my crisis without going crazy all the time. Last but not least.MIP. Your support and encouraging words on this forum is a lifesaver. Without my daily MIP reading/posting I would be lost. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I have learned so much about why my son does what he does and can let go. I can stop and think about my motives before diving in head first and try to advert a crisis. I can stop MY madness.
I can look at him and know he does have the ability to help himself and I can pray he will have the strength and will to change his life around. Mom has no business trying to do it for him.
Mom can be there with love and support him when the time comes to make that change. Mom can pray for him and give him hope that he is worthy of this world we live in.
Miracles can happen if you but your faith in your HP
Now for the biggest crisis coming my way..Please God give me the courage to make the right decisions and let go and let you do your job.
Thank you my friends....
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
((((Cathy)))) you've done well because you've done the work...the program as shown you...the walk. You've come to understand and now you know peace. The winners will always be in support of the newbies. You cannot keep it unless you give it away to someone else is what I learned and like a winner Betty handed her recovery to you to did the work...Keep coming back there is always more. Thanks for your ESH. hugs
You are my life savor. I think about you everyday and your service to all of us. Like the song go's " I can't get you out of my mind" :) I know I can't keep if if I don't give it to others so as I come here and everywhere I go I will listen, learn and give with all my heart. I CAN be a winner and in support of others.
I think about Mark and his courage to overcome and his service and help with making me understand my son so much better. Tom with his telling me " What am I GOING TO DO "....well Tom... a lot I hope. John and his service to all of us keeping us together as a family and encouraging words. All the woman here that take time and give us the ability to seek meetings online when we need them.
I thank Deb for her encouraging words and kindness for everyone here. I thank all the mothers ( you know who you are ) and fathers, husbands and wives that have supported me through thick and thin. Your words of wisdom and encouragement will ever be in my heart.
So people.....I'm not going away anytime soon because I need you and will always need you. And I pray you will need me someday.
(((( Hugs ))))
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
You are indeed a Miracle i n Progresss. I would just like to say that another gift of this program is that it is a fellowship of equals. I am never going to be recovered to the point that I no longer need meetings or all of you.
Today is my son's birthday and as I reflect at the joy and sorrow of the years that I was fortunate to have him in my life, I am truly grateful that I found alanon and the support and understanding of the rooms and this Board. The anger, resentment, self pity and fear that visited me over the years due to this cunning and powerful disease have been changed to gratitude for the time he was in my life, and joy at the precious memories of his beautiful spirit.
Thank God for all of you and alanon. One day at a Time I live this program and am my spirit is enriched.
Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm so grateful to be one of millions of equals in this fellowship. Without it I would have surely been lost. My path to recovery is in it's infancy but I will continue to grow for the rest of my life. It's not like they say " if you road a bike you never forget" It's more like " If you fall off that horse, you get up and hop back on" Well my horse is going to be very tired every night...but I will feed it, water it and give it lots and lots of love and care so it will treat me right.
I want to say a prayer for your son and give you a birthday wish of peace. I'm happy you have joy in your heart for the time you had with your son and the precious memories ( God's child ), He was truly a blessing in your life like mine is. I have to say I'm being selfish and don't want to lose my son but it's in God's hands now. I lift up arms up and pray he will take care of him.
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.