The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
AW drunk tonight and turns into what I call 'the little god'. When drinking she often expects me to do whatever she wants whenever she wants and if I refuse she threatens to make me pay. In the past I would give in just to get her to leave me alone or I would get angry with her which never ended well. Tonight I refused and didn't get angry. I calmly explained to her that I would not do what she wanted. She kept after me but I stuck to my guns throughout her manipulations and verbal assault. I maintained my calm and advised her that what she was asking of me was not reasonable. My adult daughter wouldn't answer the phone so she wanted me to drive over to her house to find out what was wrong. I told her she could start walking or could call the police if she was that worried. Eventually she passed out. Thank you God. I had a good day and didn't allow her to ruin it. Still feeling good. tired but good.
That took alot of strength, good for you. With my AH one time I refused to take him somewhere when I got home from work. In a rage he said , "Fine I will walk then!" I guess he thought I would have felt bad for him, but I didn't. To watch him stumble up the street, yell at cars passing him by, I knew he wouldn't be able to make it. Five minutes later he came back home and fell asleep. It is tiring to watch and go through, but huge kudos to you for sticking to your alanon tools.