The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
4 years of begging, yelling, crying and paying I did not make one thing better for either me or my son. Since October 30, 2012 when I came to accept the first step in Al-anon did my life begin to change. Yes I still worry, cry, fear and obsess sometimes ( never to my son) but I'm getting the help I need to overcome my fears to the point of living again. No it's not over but I see a light out there that I haven't seen in a long long time. I have kept to my side of the street-----with love.
Today my son told me he is trying to sell his baby ( car ) to live, but TODAY after 4 years, he's pounding the pavement trying to find a job. Yeah he has put in hundreds of applications online but never has he truly got off his couch and went knocking on doors.
It might not seem much to some but it's a big deal for me.
I continue to let go and let God take over. My life will become manageable again with or without my son. My prayers are he will find AA but this is HIS decision not mine anymore.
Thank you MIP for letting me share my life with you all, I'm truly blessed and grateful to have you part of my life.
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
That is sooo inspiring Cathy because it is working for you. Many of us know that when we gave it away to you and you worked it and found grace and mercy from this disease we suffer from also that it would mean that it would continue for us as long as we continued to work it. You came here looking and listening and you listened indeed and learned and practiced, practiced, practiced and it is beginning to work as we knew and had the faith and experience that it would. Now we move deeply into the 2nd and 3rd step where faith and commitment no longer become words but behaviors. I will add my prayers again with yours for your son that he find the front door to an AA group and receive the gift of sobriety and the more that comes with that just as you are experiencing. Mahalo for reflecting back "how it works" I am inspired. Keep coming back ((((hugs))))
I think its a huge deal as well. Sounds to me like he is taking steps to do for himself. If he has to sell the car and walk to and from a job, he'll get healthier and hopefully have less time to drink.
Congratulations to you on staying strong and thank you for the update. Your strength and those here at MIP are a true help for me and my anxiety when dealing with my daughter. I always like your saying...staying on my side of the street. I envision it as gently pushing them back to their side when they contact us, where lights and billboards are flashing with AA meeting times and open doors for them to walk through, counselors, information, etc.. I envision it as a side of the street full of hope for them and hope that one day they'll take a right and head into one of those doors. We'll watch from our side quietly...and peacefully (working on that day by day).
Really awesome. Might not be a fast process, but its so rewarding when we finally see some sign of them getting it. And thats a big deal!!! Great program =)