The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
In my deeply mixed up view of life I had some idea that in the right place I could find someone who would take care of me. I had this view because I did not get taken care of as a child. I lived on survival. I did not get my needs met. Basically I had a roof over my head and not much else. Indeed the roof was barely adequate as my parents were poor, disorganized and chaotic. I had no one to take care of me physically, emotionally and certainly absolutely no one to make me feel "special".
So I got into this place of wanting even craving someone to take care of me because I did not really know how to take care of myself. Quite some time ago I became aware that I did not really want to take care of myself, (not because then I did not know how to) but because I craved someone taking care of me. Even when I became aware of it I could not let it in how destructive that behavior is or was.
I really could live in a sea of denial on so many levels, like someone living only on one floor of a hotel and not seeing the entire building. I had some romantic notion that there was some idea of two people merged together doing for each other what neither wanted to do for themselves was actually true love.
I found it tremendously hard to let go of the notion that really all I needed in life was this special someone who would take care of me. Lately I have become incredibly aware that one of the things that binds me to many an alcoholic is their promises. They are really really adept at promising that all my needs will be met at some really obscure point in the future. None of the ones I have known ever really met my needs but they could give a fantastic illusion that they could and would and then and only then would I feel loved. I was so absolutely "hooked" on those promises it was almost like a drug for me.
Then when I could finally get to the notion that I was hooked on that notion I could see how the idea of wanting someone else to take care of me was not something noble at all.
Needless to say much of this has come about by certain actions in my life. I have wondered why there are still alcoholics on so many peripheries of my life and I know now why. I still have so much to learn from how compelling an attraction I find them. There are times when I find their "lies", deceits and complete denial absolutely flabbergasting and other times when I really want to minimize how absolutely self destructive they are. I want to doubt the certainity of my knowledge. Furthermore, I have also wondered what it is that has kept me at the part time job I have been at for a few years now. Now I realize it is because I have so much to learn from those I have to work with there (although work with is not a phrase I would use since there is not a even sketchy idea of what team work is or could be).
One of my co workers at the part time job is a woman much like me. She is my age, she has many of the health issues I have. Until now she had many of the conflicts with the management and other staff members I had. This week she became ill. I could see so much of my self in her reactions and actions around her illness. Firstly she did not take care of herself, secondly she did not want to, and thirdly she absolutely did not accept her illness on any level. Much like me, this woman really wanted everyone else to take care of it for her. So I have had to consider how much difficulty I put so many people in because I absolutely refused, demanded and resented anyone who did not take care of me.
My former sponsor was so right in pointing out that the discovery that I did not want to take care of myself was a very crucial piece of information. Of course I felt it was a minor hiccup that was just waiting to be taken care of by the "right" person. That is any one but me. So who abandoned me after all? The A or myself?
I am finding the more I look at the ways I was pulled into the ex A's orbit the clearer I am about the kinds of behavioral change I need to make. These days I am absolutely boundary based. My boundaries are so crucial to my well being, I patrol them every day and maintain a great deal of vigilance. If someone crosses them I am very very clear that they will not get the opportunity to do that again without a consequence. I am also aware that I have very little time, if any, to people please because after all I am trying to meet my own needs. People pleasing was like a huge boulder on my calendar, everything else came second after that. So no wonder I felt resentful!
-- Edited by orchidlover on Monday 11th of February 2013 06:15:45 PM
((((Maresie)))) This is a wide wake share for me...A growth spurt in coming to understand. I've had these a time or two myself and was sooooo grateful for the program and program work and relationships I had. God it felt great to be awake so that I could say to myself "now I know and I know that I know". The next thing that happened was the "courage to change" and I think I have followed my sponsorships guidance in doing that along with the unconditional love and direction of my HP. Thanks for the share and please keep coming back.. Hugs...
I too discovered that I did not want to take care of myself or do anything That was uncovered when I was searching for my will in Step 3 I wanted to be a princess, have everyone else do the work and I could look over their shoulder, critique it, judge it and be the expert and never have to do it
What a powerful awareness that was!!! I am happy to report that HP has lifted that shortcoming and I am now willing and very able to take care of myself while sharing with others
I am always so glad to see you post. You share so many great insights. I sure know the feeling of wanting to be cared for for once.
This time my relationship is very much we take care of each other. What a concept, plus he is not A.
I am glad I learned to take care of myself before we became or started becoming serious mates.
My best memory of you is how you wanted to take all your dear plants with you. and how you rescued your animals from him and from hell to high water have kept them safe. I have read and been so enrichened by your shares too marisie.
thank you for sharing what you just did. hugs,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."