The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
You are receiving this email as a registered member on the MIP Al-Anon Message Board at I try to truly minimize the number of emails I send out to the members each year. Usually it does not exceed 3 per year, so please take a few moments of your time to read them and I hope you will refrain from un-registering yourself on the message board to cease getting these few emails each year.
Miracles In Progress Al-Anon Group offers a simple opportunity to those who are adversely effected by a loved one's alcoholism. We have a very active message board with over 8,000 registered members, and a chat room in which two online Al-Anon 12 step support meetings are held each day. I will provide information as to the meeting schedules and how to enter them towards the end of this email.
Who is welcome to join us? You are! Al-Anon provides the new person with support, by other members sharing their own personal experience, strength and hope with one another. No one has to go through the hardships of loving an alcoholic, or recovery from the effects of it alone. Members share with each other the problems they are facing and share the solutions to those problems. We do not tell any one what they should or shouldn't do. We only share what we have done and what did and didn't work for us. We merely want to support each other as we travel the road of recovery towards our own learning, growing and healing. We try to encourage new members to go to 6 face to face meetings in their community. Al-Anon meetings are held all over the world. Those who walk through the doors of Al-Anon, and give themselves a fair chance will likely develop new friendships, and begin the process of learning a new and exciting way of life. For some, Online meetings are a great alternative to face to face meetings. Which ever we do, we do it by keeping the focus on ourselves, one day at a time, and let Al-Anon become a part of our own lives, regardless of what the alcoholic is or isn't doing. This is about us and our own recoveries.
Older members of Al-Anon are very welcome. Our group NEEDS and WANTS you to join us. We have so many newcomers that enter our chat room every day and join us for the online meetings. They are as confused, hurting, angry, fearful etc as you were at one time. When you first joined Al-Anon. Remember those days? The newcomer needs your guidance, unconditional love and support as they begin this journey of self discovery and recovery.
Older members also have the opportunity to provide some much needed service work at the group level. We are always looking for experienced chair persons to help run our meetings and monitor our room so it remains a safe and Al-Anon focused environment. Please, join us for chat between the meetings and surely show up to share your experience, strength and hope during the online meetings.
Please consider joining us during our Al-Anon meetings soon. Older members and newcomers are valued by our group equally. All it takes is a willingness to donate an hour of your time, a few times a week and share with us your personal experience, strength and hope. Older members who are hesitate to chair meetings because they fear all the typing involved... let that fear go. We have developed a way to chair a meeting with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you have 1 year of active face to face meeting attendance and would like an opportunity to chair an online meeting, please email us at and we will work with you to get you set up to do so on a once a week basis.
Our online meeting schedule is as follows.
Mon - Fri 9:00AM
Sat &Sun 10:00AM
(Nitely Meetings)
Mon.-Sat. 9:00PM
Sun. 7:00PM
Eastern Time(s).
Most commonly used way to join our meetings is our web site entrance at
Just be sure you select "NO" if a popup comes up asking if you want to block java script. It is not in any way a threat. You can and should assign yourself a nickname in the lower right hand corner of the room window. This allows room members to get to know you by a familiar nickname.
Another way to enter the room is by downloading mIRC from our web site at and installing it on your computer. After you have done this, follow the instructions the web page to set it up to take you into the room any time you open the mIRC program.
John F.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
Thank you for your service and for this wonderful MIP Board. I have found another family here and as so glad that you continue to support this program.
HI Haven't been here for a while. sorry. Thanks for the email reminder. I suppose sometimes we all need to be welcomed back? I have considered coming back, but felt like I'd be intruding somehow because for me life has moved on so much. I'm working my program and attending my f2f meetings. I'm an Alateen group sponsor. I do group service. Spend a lot of time getting it all in perspective somehow so that I wasn't doing too much.
I would like to be here to support others though. So I aim to look through some newcomer posts when I can. You are quite right....... people were here when I needed them most. Time to give back when I can