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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am so glad you found us and had the courage to share. It cetainly sounds as if you and your hubby have you hand full.
Living in the atmosphere of alcholism is so vey destructive for each of us. We all need a program of recovery just as the Alcoholic does. Alanon and this Board are perfect tools to help us recover.
Alanon has face to face meetings in all communitiess and the hot line number is listed in the white pages Here i learned to break the isolation caused by this disease, connect with us who truly undesrstand and to develop new constructive tools to live by. You and your hubby could take turns going . Pickup some literature that will help inspire you and if that is not possible try to attend our line meetings held in the chat room 2xs a day
There is hope and help
-- Edited by hotrod on Sunday 20th of January 2013 09:08:54 AM
Hi Everyone. I am new here. I've read some of your posts quielty to my husband, we have the door locked to our room so hopefully my drug addicted daughter and/or her children can't hear me. So many have hit home... so so many... like so many of you we are just so tired of living like this! My husband is ill, he had a stroke and a heart attack that left him mostly blind, he has other health problems too, he can no longer work and due to my having to care for him and the children I lost my business about a 9 months ago. We are really struggling and living on only his SSI which is very small and not nearly enough to support ourselves and the 9 children we are now responsible for. We've lost our home, our vehicles and all respect. Let me start by giving you guys a little history... I've heard lighting never strikes twice in the same place, but it seems history repeats itself is far more accurate.
I am a ACOA... my mother was an alchoholic. I spent my entire life protecting her and caring for my little brother, I even remember driving her to the liquor store when I was only 11 years old because I was scared she would get me and my brother killed but I couldn't let her drive!! I lied for her although she would drive my freinds away by quite literally chasing them down the street. I eventually learned to just not bring friends home and by my 15th birthday when she wouldn't let my boyfriend near the house I tried to kill myself..... after 2 weeks in the hospital my dad finally believed there was a problem and took custody of me and my brother and moved us cross country. My mother ended up commited to a state institution where she found out she had cancer, then died 2 years later.
I married and had babies young, I wanted so much to be the "perfect mother". I wanted to make up for all the sins of my past. I did what I thought was a great job, I was always there for them.... tried to hard to be their friend....rejoiced when they were having babies and participated in their lives as new parents even though they were far too young. I have 4 kids, 2 are addicts.... my son and daughter married a brother and sister from a severly neglectful home. Their mother had abandoned them when they were very young. There was history of alchohol and drug abuse and child neglect their entire life. I think my kids thought they would "save" them.
4 years ago I had to take custody of my son's 6 children because of drug abuse and neglect. CPS placed them in our care after they were in 4 separate foster homes for 2 months. It was tough... no matter what we did the parents didn't seem to want to fix their problems. My son refused to leave his wife because she was the "mother of his children". I kept saying "but you don't have your children!!" Along with the drug abuse there was violence, my son was almost killed when a guy his wife ran off with stabbed him. Eventually though the CPS case needed to be closed the judge allowed the 3 older kids to go back to their parents, giving us permanent custody of the 3 younger kids. Although they never paid child support and were resentful that we had their kids our home was happy with the 3 little boys. Then my husband got sick, and the money problems started.
Almost a year ago my daughter started on a downward spiral (probably started sooner, but that is when I became aware). She actually was working for me part time and her reliability became unpredicatable (she blamed it on her husband) I had to replace her. This is why I am here! My daughter is addicted to prescription drugs. She buys them on the street and goes to multiple doctors to get them. I knew things were getting bad, I had spoken to my husbands counselor about what we could do to help. Her husband smoked a lot of dope and refused to work. They lived way in the country and I suspected he was abusing her physically and mentally, but couldn't get anyone to listen to me... they have 6 kids ages 3-13 and I was really worried for the kids. Then the unthinkable happened, her loser husband sexually abused her 9 year old daughter. When she found out she called the police, he is now in jail. Things really got out of control when he went to jail, she blamed herself and really started using a LOT of drugs.... CPS got involved and asked her to put the kids in the care of family or they would have to remove them. I am now responsible for 4 of her kids, and the two oldest are here every weekend. That makes 9 kids under our roof. She was supposed to be going to out patient rehab... however we don't have the transportation to get her there and she keeps using her crumby part time job as an excuse... I've recently found that she is stealing from us.... and we don't have much to steal.... I finally got a child support payment at Christmas time and found she stole most of it (that was stealing from HER kids too) then at Christmas we got some gift cards from a charity and she stole those too!! Then in the last week our rent check almost bounced becase she used my husbands SSI to "secure a u haul" and ended up "losing" her own money that should have gone to pay for it... instead she let them run the card... that same day she went to Walmart and made several purchases using the debit card and got cash over the purchase of the $6 lock I told her she could get for the storage place!!! There are also gas purchases and cigarette purchases we did not authorize. She denies all of them!! We are livid.. for the last couple of months we've suspected she was stealing my husbands medications, so this month we counted them and LOCKED them up. She still got them!!! Almost half of them.... we don't know how he is going to make it through this month now. We don't even have money for toilet paper now, and my husband is almost out of meds. She is living with us because there is no where else she can go.... her kids are devasted by everything that has happened and would freak out if I lock her out, but I think that is our only recourse at this time.
Neither my husband or I can take the stress of a confrontation. I have medical problems too, but I'm not going to get into that...... what can I do? How can I get strength? I can't go to meetings cuz there is no one to watch all these kids and transportation is an issue. I just don't know where to turn.
Catherine, there are many organizations that serve children in need and families in need. I suggest you search of a case manager/family therapist to help guide you guys through what entitlements you might qualify for. I do think harboring the addict in your house with all those children is not safe or good for them as much as they love her. She is breaking the law, stealing, using...Even though that's your daughter and their mom, she needs to have her own consequences and it's better to put the kids first. I often hear "I have to put up with this theiving, abusive, inconsiderate addict because they have no place left to go!" Um...that's not true number 1. She can go to jail, shelter, a mental institution...Those are all places that she is more likely to find recovery than under your roof continuing to use and abuse drugs and other people. None of those places is going to kill her either. Continued drug use, stealing, and the inconsiderate lifestyle she has going on in your home might kill her.
The office on aging is another outlet for possible least for your husband. You have too much caretaking to do and could use their help with him at least. Stealing his meds is technically abuse of the elderly and it should be reported to authorities. She'll be safer from herself in jail. Her kids might "freak out" but they will freak out more if she dies or you guys don't have food to eat cuz of her.
You sound like a person capable of doing great works and helping so many. You have 10 people that want and are able to receive help and 1 person in the scenario that doesn't want help and is literally preventing you from helping the other 10.
I know this is hard cuz it's your daughter. Hard to believe her addiction could take her so low....Prayers for you and the rest of the family.
One person is disrupting and stealing from you two plus all the children. She is unlikely to seek help as long as you cushion her with house and access to things to steal. The police and or social services should be able to help. Because I am low income my children and I are well taken care of until I can do it on my own, we have medical, rental, counseling and more. I am sending you much love and support and fully agree with what pinkchip wrote.
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Thank you Pinchip and Breaking Free, I know she needs to go. I just don't know how to do it. She becomes extremely confrontational when we even try to talk to her. She denies everything, and starts spouting off suicidal threats like fine then I'll just kill myself. I've tried a couple of times to get her to go in patient (cps is willing to pay) but she refuses to admit she has a problem. I truly don't know if we can handle the violent outbursts ourselves, my husbands heart and my BP are likely to put one of us in the hospital if she becomes violent, I'm also worried about what the kids will hear. I can't get anyone to come over and help, I've asked her sisters (the non addicted daughters) to help me do an intervention and they have refused. They don't want to deal with her crap anymore, they don't want their kids exposed. The children have counselors but none of them can help me.......or their mother, I just don't understand that at all. How can you expect to make a child well if their caregiver can't get help? How can I summon the strength? How can I kick her out as painlessly as possible for the others in the house? At what point should I call the police if need be and can they in fact remove her from the house? I'm so scared..... Honestly shaking at the thought of all of this. My biggest fear is how to protect the youngest kids (3 year old twins) they will be scared to death, and believe it or not they love their mommy so very much.
hello, im sorry you are going through so much right now. my sponsor told me to always make decisions that benefit the majority. your daughter is one member of your family and she is an adult. the rest of your family are suffering because of the actions of one. i hope you find the strength to act for the majority.x
Mommamimi, one thing to try is calling your local police department and asking them what recourse you have and if they can help to remove her from the home. You don't have to have them come out, you don't have to have her removed. You can just get information, which it sounds to me like that is what you are seeking right now. If you want to know what your choices are and what you can do, just ask. They will help you. Also, the cps you are working with to have the kids there, they should be able to help you with resources. They are already involved, let them do their jobs and get you additional resources if needed.
CPS closed the case when she placed the children with family. The key was she actually stepped in and did what they asked BEFORE they removed the children from her. Because of that, once they inspected our homes and determined the kids were well cared for the first few months they backed out of the case. In order for the children to move back to her home she will have to complete a re-hab program (either in or out patient) abut no one but her family will make the determination that she is "ok" to have her kids back. This has to be done at the end of the Power of Attorney she filed when she gave up the kids. It ends the end of April. That's what makes all of this so hard, technically they are no longer involved so I have no one "watching" her. I know she isn't doing what she needs to do, but if the "placement" is found to not be suitable they will put all of the kids in foster care. They gave us special permission for her to live here while she gets well, but she is not allowed to be alone with the kids at any time. However, at this point she just needs to get the heck out. I thought I could help her... obviously I can't.