The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
All this last week I had to make the decision about truly letting go..cutting off that last string holding onto my son.It has been very hard for me but Im now doing it.Let Go Let God.Im sure I will mess up from time to time but Im letting go.
I finally started working on me and as I think back on my childhood, Im seeing a whole lot of pain there.Im seeing why Im so co-dependent and an enabler.I have to please everyone and my need to protect my son at any cost.Im learning a lot of things about me and its quite an eye opener.
Im moving forward very slowly but Im moving
Im grateful for the help Im getting with this journey Im on and with Gods help I will come out the other side a sane, health and loving old lady.
One day at a time..
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
Hi Cathy! Keep doing what you're doing. Yes, you'll slip up, we all do. It's all in our attitude and affirmations. It will get easier in some ways with practice. You're working your program one step at a time, too!
Tough, tough decisions. My heart goes out to you. I think deep down inside, we know what we have to do to allow our loved ones the choice to get better, but it sure doesn't make the decision any easier. Be gentle with yourself. It will get easier with time and recovery. Peace to you Cathyinez.
Wow Cathy! I think when we start digging up and see how we became an enabler and codependent it is the time that things change. I also think that all the al anon slogans work when we are up against the wall.
I have gone through layers of looking at people pleasing it is really very difficult stuff.