The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I've been really appreciating this site, thank you.
A few weeks ago I was offered a new job and accepted. At the time AH was drinking spirits for breakfast! He has started the new year without any drink, which is great.
We have lived with alcohol for nearly ten years and after all the usual ups and downs that I know you are all too familiar with I decided that I needed to preserve my own self respect and put myself first. Hence the job application, even though it is a long way from home and I'm going to be away for two or three weeks at a time. I'm sure it will be fine once I get started but for now I am scared stiff! So I'd like to reach out, and if any of you marvellous people can raise a cheer from the sidelines I would really appreciate your encourangement right now.
Congratulations on putting yourself first! It's a big deal in this economy to get a new job and it sounds like this one promises to be challenging and rewarding. I hope you celebrate the hard work it took to go through the application/interview process and that you got the job. You're really working your program by not letting his drinking limit your path. Congratulations!
One Day at a Time, focused on yourself, trusting HP you will gain the serenity, courage and wisdom to continue to enrich your life and take care of yourself.
Maybe you can find some Face to Face meetings when you are away. That will give you additional support
Great job working on you and moving forward, even with trepidation. HP will guide you along the way. If you could find a meeting in your new work area, that might be useful too, to help with the transition.
Thank you all, your comments really helped set me on my way. The job is great, it is lecturing at a university, and the team there have been fantastically supportive by helping to adapt my hours to make it more manageable for me. I had a fair amount of resentment, feeling pushed out of my own home, but it is going to be so helpful to have students to think about instead of all the rest. And with the new schedule I will get to go home more often than I expected so it is not nearly as big a leap in the dark as I feared. I am counting myself extremely lucky and feel very grateful indeed. Once again, thank you.