The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Here's your hug! (((((SweetPea))))) So glad you found MIP, you'll find we are a very loving group. I also encourage you to find a face to face (f2f) group locally. As hotrod suggested you can check your local white pages, or sometimes they are in the local newspaper, or you can also check out this website: Good luck to you! If you'd like to get a "feel" of what an Al-anon meeting is all about come join us in the chat room in 30 minutes (9 p.m. E.S.T.) for the evening meeting. Just go to the link above under Al-Anon Group Meeting/Chat room and come on in! There will be people present (me) to help you log in if you don't know how. F2f meetings are a must too, I believe to work a serious program when you first come in. So be sure if check out the website, or local listings for f2f meetings in your area.
-- Edited by Overcome on Friday 4th of January 2013 08:41:02 PM
I can Overcome all things through my HP who strengthens me.
Hello! I have been with my significant other for 9 years now and just now trying to find some support. He was a recovering alcoholic and when I came home from work tonight he was drunk. I am usually an optimistic person but tonight I feel very sad and pretty much hopeless. I hope to read many posts tonight. I will share more at a later time if that is ok?
Alcoholism is so very cunning and baffling. It is devastating to come home and discover a relapse I urge you to check out the alanon Face to Face meetings in your community and attend.
It is so very important to break the isolation cause by being powerless over this disease. The main number for alanon should be listed in your white pages. Here you will feel support and develop new tools to live by . We learn to focus on ourselves and to ACT and not React.
Thank you for replying, Betty. I so appreciate the hug! Unfortunately, I live in rural outer banks NC and the only number I found for an local alanon group was disconnected. I will keep trying to find one!
((((Sweetpea))))...welcome to the board hope you find someone in your area who is a Al-Anoner...Check with AA to see if anyone there had info you can have. (((hugs)))
Good idea, I have learnt that some of their meetings are open so that non-alcoholics can also attend. In the early days of our contact with AA and Alanon I my daughter and son all attended this type of meeting with my husband who was actively drinking at the time. We took it in turns to go with him however there are no rules who or how often. This is my experience to share.
Alcoholism is a cunning, baffling disease. One we can never truly understand. Relapses are not uncommon but they certainly are just as hurtful. I do hope you find a meeting in your area or join us online for our twice daily meetings. We would love to see you there. Also you might want to read back on older posts and you will find your story written many times over along with all the replys. I know in the beginning the posts we a great help to me and they still are. You are not alone by any means and we are here to support you! Blessings
SWEET PEA: Here is your (((((HUG))))) & many more where that comes from. I wish I could give you a hug in person. I really don't go any days w/o a hug. I need & crave them. I have been able to receive them better since I have been in the program. It kind of goes w/ the territory. We are very loving people.
HUG! I'm new too. AA is the path your partner needs for recovery and to choose you over A. Al Anon is what you need to get your hugs and support even if it's online. HUG again!
"my country is the world, and my religion is to do good" (Thomas Paine)
Thank you all for the hugs! You have no idea how much it helps and how much I appreciate them! I am reading a lot of posts and learning a lot. I am so happy I found you all! Take care!