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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I draw my finishing line on Christmas in my realtionship with the ABF. Now I am hoem in my hometown for the holidays, far away. and I feel I am breathing again.
But he sends me texts and emails, an even if he agreed to break up after the huge fight, he now seems to be back in denial again, and he also thinks he healed in 5 days!!!anyway. so he talks like nothing is over, he still just talks about how he is tired of being blamed and all...
so i don't understand how he wants to be back in this...i thaught it was all clear between us.
I will still be here at home for some time, but I am honestly scared to go back to where I currently live, because he will want to face me and meet me..and no matter what I say, he will not listen to what I have to say or my decision or my feelings.
How can i best deal with it...nornally I know what's best for me...but yes I loved that person, and try to detach in love also...but I have a feeling it will all become a violent tearing apart again....I need to be carefull, because he will either drown in self pity and threatening of suicide, or he will use every second and opportunity to get to me and my nerves. I am not so deep into the program that my selfworth is strong enough.
Does anybody have a EHS share for me, really need some support in this....
I know I've said it before but I feel we are walking the exact same path ( but you seem strong than me right now ) my Abf is in every description word you type. I'm struggling with the exact same situations. While safe at my parents my A thinks all is ok & wants to know when I will move my belongings back in to our apartment. The urge to communicate & reason is so strong - I guess my own sickness is still very active but I resist the best I can and try to distract myself with looking for a job and the upcoming college semester.
I know that there is no amount of reasoning or explaining that will make them understand or except the terms of what has happened or that the relationship is at it's end. Forever.
I wish for you the utmost strength right now. Just to focus on you, what lies ahead for YOUR future & in your best interest. I personally have an order of protection against my A, you could potentially need one in the future also if he pursues you as you exspect. It always seems they have all the energy in the world to put effort into all the wrong things.
I can tell you are getting stronger in just reading what you have posted... Stay true to yourself! Know I am praying for you.
People who won't take "No" for an answer are so trying. Remember that two people have to show up for there to be a relationship. If you don't show up, it can't go on. Can you block texts, calls, etc.? I know it takes a lot of stamina. It always helped me most when I had other involving things going on.
If he is threatening suicide, you can call the police and have them intervene. That saves the people who might go through with it and keeps the manipulators from trying it again.
These are tools that I use to stay present. One suggestion that's been offered to me and been consistent no matter what my situation; is to find a meeting and find even more meetings when anything troublesome is going on in my life. I know I always feel better and less alone and less fearful when I make more meetings at these times. When I visit home, I know where to find meetings and at least include one meeting. For me, not attending any meetings would be like needing medicine and forgetting to pack it in my carryon bag. I would have to find a way to get it when I arrived at my destination so my health wouldn't suffer. Meetings truly are self care for me. I can feel my higher power's presence anywhere but I particularly feel it at Alanon meetings. "I came, I came to, I came to believe." My sponsor and other program people are just a phone call away and what a gift that can be when if I'm staying with unrecovering family members. Thank goodness we're available to one another for sharing and listening. Hearing someone's voice offering comfort and assurance can help me to continue finding courage in difficult situations. Of course there's prayer (whatever that may mean for you personally). Reaching out to my higher power for guidance and unconditional love. I've had to use these tools more times than I will ever be able to count but they've worked. They're a set of tools I use with trying to work my Alanon steps.
As far as your ex bf, it's your choice. It sounds like you've already ended it with him. Just because he chooses to pretend he didn't hear you, doesn't mean you didn't say it and mean it. You did mean it right? I remember sending mixed messages (I had one foot in and one foot out of the relationship) and I got mixed results from the other person. These days if I don't really mean it, I don't say it. Completely severing a connection with someone is sometimes necessary for our own sanity and well being. When I became willing to experience a little loneliness as a trade for keeping my serenity and sanity, I started to feel more protective of my newly found wellness. I wasn't about to just give that away to insanity again. There's no need to be held hostage by someone's manipulative threats of suicide. In my humble opinion, this is something that is between them and their higher power and no human can cause this to happen or keep it from happening. To thine own self be true. I hope you choose to keep your happy, joyous and free life in the year ahead. Thanks for sharing your journey and your es&h. Hugs. TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
(((Tortuga)))...what I did was 1. Admitted I was powerless over alcohol (and the alcoholics) and that my life had become unmanageable. Then 2. I came to believe that a Power Greater than Jerry F could lead me to Sanity. Then 3. I made a decision to turn my life and will over to the care of God (as I understand God)....and then I continued on changing myself into the peaceful person I wanted to be.
My sponsor once asked me to imagine sitting in the audience of a theater which was about to start the story of my life. "How would you feel about sitting and watching it"? he asked and I replied sick and scared. "Imagine that just be for the play started one of the stage managers came up to you and handed you a different script to read"? "Then the play wouldn't be able to go on"!!, I said. "Exactly" he replied..."Change your script".
You become the peaceful person and don't go back to your old script. ((((hugs))))
I don't know whats best for you, but I can share what worked for me. I had to cut off all communication with my exbf in order to finally end the relationship and move on. I had to ignore his calls and texts and wouldn't see him. I did this with as much kindness for both of us that I could and it eventually worked. I would repeat - we both know this isn't working, it's time to move on and theres nothing more to talk about. It was so hard at the time, but it worked. If I had talked to him, he probably would have talked me into giving him yet another chance and repeating the unhappy pattern. Instead, we've both healed and moved on. I am now in a very happy relationship, better than ever before. I'm so thankful. Best of luck to you.i bet you are stronger than you realize and that you will know whats right for you.