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So now my dear son is behaving like his father and his father has no humility or understanding of how or why he got to be like this, so my husband gave my son money for drink to celibrate christmas and told him to have a good time adn not to let him down, but as we know a drinker cannot regulate his imput and once started will continue, christmas eve was all going so well I had just arrived home from work our daughter had come home for the holidays and we had just begun to wind down, then my son storms in very strangely drunk could hardly walk or talk, falling over shouting crying then throwing stuff about his money his tabbaca his keys, it;s heart breaking we tried to get him to drink coffee and tea and just get him into bed to sleep it off, but no he just kept firing up again and he said some things that cut me like a knife, he said happy christmas what is that, noone talks to me you all despise me, I said we love you to bits we just despise what you are doing to yourself, we want better for you not this, he saw his sister getting ready to go out and said he wanted to go with her, she told him had he not been soo drunk she would of loved him too, he said he wasn't drunk and was coming, she managed to go while he was else where then he realised and started thumping the glass doors and throwing anything he could find out of the door, at this point my husband snapped and was going to hit him I said please god no, this is your son you of all people should understand why he is like this, he told him to get out and not come back, fear filled me this lad was out of control he was violent and angry he was emotional and I feared fro him and anyone he would come into contact with there after, so I called the police I asked could they find him as he was drunk and disorderly and could they find him and lock him up until he had sobered up, all the time my sons mobile is ringing and his so called friends are asking him to come back out, I feared two things he would fight with someone or someone would beat him, I also had a feeling he would either try to go to his sister or would make his way back to his friends, I phoned my daughter to say he might come to her and be warned she fell out with me, he did go to her though but only looked through the window, she called him and said let me come get you and lets go home and sort this out he said nope he hated home and he was never coming back, so she came home early crying and upset and was mad with me, I had to work christmas day and had a family meal to prepare later that day I barely slept and at 5am the house phone wrang and my son was saying let me in I am cold and have been beat up and have had my head stamped on and been kicked in my face, so my husband let him in and I went to work, we had a nice christmasday regardless we put what had happened aside and here I am living this knightmare again with my son and his father, i guess my question is that I am wondering why a sober alchoholic cannot see why this is all happening and we are reliving the same senario, my husband does not talk about his feelings and so we are not allowed to talk about ours, i don't feel this situation can improve with all the denial that is still going on, and do you know my son still got served a drink in the state he was in, shame on the people that think more of their profits than the well being of a person.
I have also lived your story. I have finally got to the stage where I want my 19yr old to move out. When he drinks he acts like a toddler having a tantrum, it's ridiculous. Often he is abusive. I have came to realise that he knows what he is doing, this behaviour can be stopped with some tough love. For me, my son needs to take responsibility for his own actions. I am detaching with love which means I no longer try to fix him, take blame, feel guilt, cover up, interfere in his life. I have not allowed him in the home when he's drunk. I won't be his emotional punchbag any longer. Do what's right for you. Get al anon. Good luck.
I to have a son that continues to drink and his world is crashing down around him. He is losing everything and will be on the streets if and when his landlord kicks him out. He has so much support around him with AA people and friends that want to help him but just can't do it. His alcohol is more important than anything else in this world. He cries he wants to quit and get well....but until he utters the words " We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable" there is nothing anyone can do for him.
I love him dearly, but I have also started to love myself so I'm taking the steps to help me. Al-anon will teach you to except the things you can't change, change the things you can and learn to know the difference.
Take care of you and peace will come to except your son with kindness and love. That is all you can do
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.