The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hi everyone
It's been awhile since I've posted, however you have always been with me. It's been so busy I'm in my last year of graduate school, I've been doing my best to focus on me and my well being. This is a hard time of year for all if us I'm sure, the holidays are so painful. My younger brother is an addict who has been homeless this past year. He decided on his own after many months on the street that he wanted something more, and checked himself into a year long rehab that is AA focused. I have learned so much from alanon which has not only kept me sane and helped feel less alone but focused me toward my own growth. Bottom line is I haven't seen brother in over 4 months and its hard. He has been 1 month sober, which Im so thankful for. However, I can't even contact him on the phone. My parents and I are going to visit him at his facility for Christmas, which I'm so happy about. I'm glad he's clean but in working to staying out of the way as he is going through recovery on his own. This is our only visit. I miss him and our time as a whole family. My husband met my brother after is addiction had begun, and hasn't met the real man that I know and have lived, so talking about it is hard and I feel alone like he can't relate, I just need some encouragement through this hard tîne as I see my family unit separated but still united, during Christmas but with a new idea of it. My brother has mental illness on top of addiction so it's hard to get him the help he needs. I just miss him and learning my new role as his sister in alanon. Any support is greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your help.
I am so glad that your brother is in treatment and sober for over a month. I know it is difficult to accept that his not being in contact with friends and family is important to his recovery. He needs to connect with his recovery and AA tools as much as possible without distraction.
It is also very important that the rest of the family continue to care for themselves and heal . Since this is your last year of Grad school I am pleased that you are continuing and attending alanon meetings. Maybe Mom and dad could find other alanon meetings that would help them
Enjoy your visit with your brother and trust HP with the day
I wish you and your family all the Joy of the Season