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((((Mara)))) that one just boggles my what's the yearning for intimacy like after that one? hmmmm My alcoholic/addict had a "Let's go dancying" fetish on Wednesday nights...which always really meant "Lets go drunking". Wednesday nights were bad for me and turned out bad for her also. I use to drink myself and she would get drunker faster which meant the party was over and the drunky sitting needed to start. It made me crazy and therefore it was bad for her. Come to think of never was funny.
He'll go to sit down on the sofa but will commence sitting about 2 feet away from the actual sofa and just bail LOL
He'll order Chinese food, pass out and the Chinese food place now refuses to deliver when he calls.
My father would always keep a key hidden outside so he could get inside the house. One day he got home from the bar drunk and brought the key inside with him. He never put it back. He left to go drinking and I left for my night out. I locked the door. I got home around 1:00am and there he is sleeping on the stoop. Did I wake him up? Nope, I walked right over him and let him sleep outside.
I think I have come along way from the days when I thought drunken behaviour was funny, I always feel very sad these days when I see drunken people being laughed at, the characteristics that go on display under the influence were a far cry from the sober person that I am greatful to have now, I have been there done that and now I don't, this is a very important thread.
He went to get out of his truck ...and fell in the road...passed out. Funny thing? we have a sheriff who lives down the road...and the sheriff was on his way into work with the cruiser and almost ran over him...of ALL people to find him...