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In reply to your vm which I just heard, yes I did hang up . I am not mad now at you in any way. I felt I was getting emotionally compromised. I will let you know
what happens. I have plans to remove my pain, depression and anixiety forever.
It is up to my son, God and his willingness to seek help now.
Have a good day my friends
-- Edited by Cathyinaz on Monday 10th of December 2012 10:20:00 AM
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
I talked to a good friend of mine big in AA this morning. Now I decided to call my son to see if he would answer......yes he did and he asked if he could call me back because he is talking to Jon ( my friend ) right now.
My friend when to his place and is talking to my what the good people of AA will do.
My son might be mad but I'm feeling better.
Yes I might have interfered but I was worried just like others might be when you get a text like that.
Thank you and God bless..
-- Edited by Cathyinaz on Monday 10th of December 2012 03:28:39 PM
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
I'm so sorry. I get messages and have conversations like this with my husband as well. It is heart wrenching. The pain and suffering is overwhelming. I have had to leave town on a business trip before terrified the entire time he was going to commit suicide while I was gone. Still, each day I hear from him--I am grateful he is alive. It is a lot to take on and it took me a lot of practice to learn to turn it over to HIS HP.
One thing that helped me A LOT during one specific crisis (and afterwards) was the slogan "Live and Let Live"...he has to be free to live by his own choices and deal with the outcomes...meanwhile *I* need to remember how to LIVE for myself, live my OWN life, and really LIVE it...because spending my day in emotional turmoil over HIS drinking and drug addiction is not how I *want* to live. I choose not to now.
They have choices and all we can do is offer love and support and try to protect ourselves. I am sending you and your son loving thoughts.
Cathy, that is basically a suicide note. I would call the police so he can be committed. The mental hospital may be where he needs to be right now any how.
I second pinkchip, it is worrisome indeed and not sounding rational. Please do what you think is right, but sometimes turning them over to the authorities is the right thing. Sending you much prayers, love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
(((Cathy))) AA has the same 12th step that Al-Anon does and also makes house calls when there is the need and a member willing to share the story of their own recovery with the sick man who needs help. 12th stepping is one way to have our program grow and how we keep self focused on our own recovery.
Thank God for your friend because that is who sent him. I pray your son receives the necessary push to want to save his own life. In any case your son is being widely loved...lets home he starts to love himself.