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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I had two more adults in town pull me aside, concerned about my daughter, and telling me about my ex's new alcohlic/drug addict girlfriend that I know "nothing" (wink, wink) about and my daughter is nothing but pissed off about (she told me about the GF weeks ago, the ex and I do NOT talk at all and even text is sketchy at best.) You know, I really try to disengage and disregard but this is the 3rd GF with these issues in the course of 4 months and we've only been divorced for 3 weeks! This latest one has a major cocaine habit to boot and is in a local motorcycle gang and the last two addicts at break up completely freaked out and scared my child. Then, at the grocery store a 3rd person that pulled me aside, saw our child in a bar (cafe in our state - can have a minor in their if eating and with an adult) and witnessed him drinking at least 3 beers over a short amount of time and then leave and drive with our child in the car.
(That all said - why isn't anyone notifying the police?)
So, no - she will NOT tell her dad how she feels as he has threatened her. She will not refuse to get into his vehicle as he has threatened her. She is scared of him though she still loves him. Her therapist knows this. She feels that within 6 months she will be having to put in a mandatory report to child services.
I am doing the best I can to deal with the child fallout and just be there and be her rock. I am doing the best I can to try to disregard the things people feel they must tell me. I am doing my best to focus on safety issues only (i.e. drinking & driving with our child is NOT ok; participating in drug activity while our child is your custody is NOT ok and I already know he's a daily marijuana smoker and has had past issues with cocaine.) I am journaling these things too. I am feeling out of mind all at the same time.
I ended up having two nights of insomnia. I tried ambient noise - summer crickets, wind chimes, waterfalls...I hopped on the treadmill. We went out bowling and to the dog park. I am trying to keep busy but truly having difficulty with this.
I would read al-anon at night when I couldn't sleep, it eventually got me to a good enough place I could really let go. I think you are doing awesome. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
For me, my 16 YO is there to run interference if Dad chooses to drive drunk. He has specific directions to not get in the car, and to discourage his little brother from going with this Dad too.
I have told my ex on several occasions that I will limit his visitation if he endangers the kids. I have a home breathalyzer that I use if I suspect he is drinking...and he knows I will not let the kids go with him if he blows any % at all. If he protests, I will call the police.
One thing I did is to tell him that the courts can take the kids FROM ME -- if I let them go with him, and I know he has been drinking and driving. How's that for fair? I looked into it, and technically, it's true...if I allow my child to be in dangerous can jeopardize MY custody. It is the idea that it is my duty to protect my children.
If it were me....I would find ways for them to spend limited and supervised time together. I sometimes manipulated situations so he gets what he wants but my kids are safe too (my experience with courts has not been great).
My ex totally understood when I is MY duty to make sure they are safe...and if someone finds out you are drinking and driving with the may jeopardize MY custody too. I can be a fierce Momma lion.
Helplessness. Most gawd awful feeling in existence. I've been where you are and know your feelings exactly. I've been with therapists who "threaten" to do something and never do. I've been where the school and daycare's are coming to me telling me things they witnessed but they never pick up the phone.
I can't talk about all this because it brings out a political side of me that has to do with creating a nation of people motivated by fear. Fear of laws, lawyers and rules and regulations. It creates this. In addition there is some big ol talk about ending child abuse and neglect and NO follow through.
I was the one that ended up making the calls and *I* got threatened. They told me straight up (wish I had a tape recorder) "if the abuse isn't that bad we won't do anything". Or: "if we don't have proof we can't do anything". And then they talk to the child who is afraid of the parent, and come back with "well he says everything is fine, sorry". FYI when I tell people the things he did, their first reaction is always "OMG where does he live, I know someone". It was HORRID. It was emotional torture and some physical abuse.
First and foremost I never put my kids in the place of confronting their dad. When you are a child afraid of your parent, its horrifying to consider it. I did ask them to try and text me in secret if something was truly worrying them and then I would talk to him. I would call him and say "so, is this true?" and he would kind of lie at first but his monster ego always led him to admitting it was mostly true and usually he was proud of it!? Then he'd be aware I was onto him and they would get peace the rest of the night.
I spent more hours settling a child by text, giving them "coping" skills when they were angry and wanted to make things worse, and calming them down while their father was drunk, irate or having some party and ignoring them. I showed up once when it was the step kids also calling me for help and the kids were locked in a room afraid of both parents - but I told the police to meet me there. by the time I got there the police had settled everyone and told me to leave and did not allow me to pick up my kids.
I've been there. I'm so sorry. My older children learned the helplessness as they witnessed things with my youngest. There is NOTHING that makes you feel better or get over it quickly. It invokes a type of rage you never want to admit you have and then requires you to squash that rage and use your thinking brain. It does make you unable to relax, sleep, rest. Hyper vigilant is the word. I wish I could sit with you and talk for hours. I'm on the downside of this mess, 6 years later and age and the fact that years of hitting his own wall and having no one else to blame for his poor excuse of a person he finally has to recognize it's him, not everyone else. There is some progress now but only because I got out of the way early on, quit making calls, quit giving therapists an out (fired one and told him why and he said "I don't blame you one bit") and focused on how to teach my children to grow up in a war zone and feel empowered, not frightened. I don't think I had much other choice but once my kids have reached the age of 13 I have allowed them to refuse to go there. CA allows it. I did not persuade them, if they called me to say "I don't want to go to dads" I would say "you need to tell him that yourself, then let him know that I am allowing you to stay with me". That worked to get dad on my tail instead of theirs and I handled his enraged stupidity myself.
After 6 months of his threats - he gave up and stopped arguing over one of the teens not wanting to go. He doesn't realize than when my youngest starts up with it, I will do the same. And honestly if he said the reverse "I'd rather be with dad" I'll let him when he's older. I think kids in divorce need to feel empowered, like they have some control over their life instead of everyone telling them how their life is going to be in an environment they never wanted.