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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I'm an AA member, just started going to Al-Anon meetings because of lingering adult child issues I have yet to resolve and I do know AlAnon is for ACAs also. I'm debating getting a therapist to go over these issues because after all this time, I'm still not over a lot of it. The childhood issues can be so overwhelming at times and I feel stressed out just trying to function day to day. Some days are decent, others, it's about all I can take. I do meditate and it helps, but mostly it puts it on hold and I have to go back into daily life again. What would you folks recommend? Bear in mind that I haven't found an AlAnon sponsor yet.
You will know if you need more than just Al-anon. When I first started Al-anon 2 years ago I had done a lot of counseling with someone who dealt with families of alcoholics. I was still attending counseling my first several months of Al-anon and I needed it at the time even with 2 weekly al-anon meetings, 1 sponsor meeting weekly and a woman's church meeting. It helped me to get through and over my past so I could live in the present. At times it was so hard and daunting, but I would not change a second of it. In this program you get what you put in. I am glad you found us and are thinking about how to further better your health. Keep up the great work, sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Hi Dave so glad you have decided to give Al-Anon a go. I'm an ACOAs myself and can understand were you are coming from. In Al-Anon we are taught not to advise, but to listen and share our experience, strengh and hope. Only you know if you need additional help. Your HP is there for you, do what feels right. Keep coming back.
As you know recovery is a process and we aim for progress not perfection. I found that by incorporating alanon's principles into my life, I was better able to know what I needed and to best direct my energy.
Working the program, the Steps, especially with a sponsor gave me great relief from the childhood trauma. Much of the anger, resentment, self pity and fear lifted.
I guess the best answer is to look within and listen to the still small voice within.
David David David...of course brother...find one that knows about the disease and works with others like you. I did and what a major positive change it made in my life....I am doubled like you are and I am currently in matter again I had a major event happen in my life last year and I knew...just knew that some of the old issues regarding how I was raised and treated by alcohol and drug affected family in the past was gonna come up and it did. I got nothing to fear or be ashamed of...I'm still alive and more often than not can laugh at the drop of a funny thought or joke and smile just like "normies" they let me come close now for longer periods of time...LOL. You think it might help that is all that is necessary...go get your beautiful inner self bathed and polished. YAY!! (((hugs)))
For me, counseling didn't do much, it just didnt' help to keep talking about my childhood over and over. The big thing lacking in my upbringing was love. My parents didn't have it to give, they didn't love themselves either. But I can change that today, I can practice the steps and step two, to me, is turning to that Great Love. I have learned to love myself and I am feeling the best I have ever felt, by attending ACA meetings, working the steps on ACA issues, having a sponsor in all three programs and reading ACA books, I have From Survival To Recovery - Growing Up in an Alcoholic Home and Hope For Today, a daily reader.
Take care of yourself WHATEVER that looks like, my friend. With or without therapy, the answers are all right inside you.
-- Edited by glad lee on Tuesday 4th of December 2012 04:13:09 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
Trust your gut. If you think you would benefit from seeking out a therapist for some professional help, we consider that an exercise in self care in Alanon. Members in 12 step programs can offer their experience strength and hope and it certainly can be beneficial for me at times when I might be feeling like an odd duck. A sponsor in Alanon can offer guidance through the steps, a listening ear and unconditional love to a sponsee. Alanon members are not authorities or experts in the program - we offer experience strength and hope through our mutual sharing with one another with hpoefully the reward of from both members benefiting from the exchange. Since we come from all professions and walks of life, there are therapists in the program. To be equals in this program and share it, professions are left outside the doors of our meeting rooms. The program isn't worked any more successfully by a professional therapist than it is by anyone of any other profession or someone with no profession for that matter. It can take time to find a good sponsor who is emotionally healthy and living the program
A therapist can diagnose, offer clinical advice, will keep your sessions confidential, suggest medication if needed, discuss the possibility of referring you to other medical professionals if something is pinpointed. If you can afford to give this extra help to yourself and would like to, go for it. In my humble opinion, although we don't discuss therapy in the room of Alanon, therapy and our program can compliment one another. If you visit the Alanon website, you'll see articles written by therapists whose patients are in 12 step programs. This might help in your decision making. Welcome and keep coming back. TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
Very very personal choice, I have an addictions counselor I still see about once a month. What I can tell you is that I had years of counseling before coming into alanon and I never had the right therapist .. I needed someone who specialized in addiction behavior and how that affects the family. I grew up in a non alcoholic home, however there was a tremendous amount of cody behavior in it. If I had to do it all over again I would find a therapist who was specialized in the area I needed as well as meetings with alanon and aa. I hadn't had anyone recommend alanon until I cam eto this spot.
There are tremendous books out there both alanon lit and things that aren't alanon lit. I've gotten great recommendations from this board for both.
Hugs P :)
PS - Get a sponsor, do the work (steps) and have the support around you I really don't believe it's a wrong choice in that regard. :)
-- Edited by Pushka on Tuesday 4th of December 2012 07:07:02 PM
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo