The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Everyone who plays a part in our lives offers something we might learn. Other people can be our mirrors, reflecting our better and worse qualities. They can help us to work through conflicts from the past that were never resolved. They can act as catalysts, activating parts of ourselves that need to rise to the surface so that we can attend to them.
Others can learn from us as well. We are all connected. That is our great strength.
So when I grow impatient with someone's sharing in a meeting, or take offense at a loved one's inattention, or feel incapable of coping with another person's choices, I will consider the possibility that my teacher or my mirror stands before me. And I will ask my Higher Power to help me perceive their gifts.
Today's Reminder
One reason I come to Al-Anon is to learn to develop healthy, loving relationships with myself and others. I recognise that I need other people. I will welcome those my Higher Power brings to me today.
"Seperate reeds are weak and easily broken: but bound together they are strong and hard to tear apart."