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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
... found more bottles and smoke stuff.... he apparently tried to "come clean" with the truth (after confronted) and said hes goin down wrong path and is stoppin so plz be patient, he's been using excuses to leave the house and drinks enough to black out is why the things I found were here... I dont want a divorce I dont want to seperate ... but I dont know how to make insanity stop ... the more I detach the more he drinks etc. My child worries ... Im at a loss .. I ordered getting them sober .. As much as I try to only worry about me and m y son... Him bringin this to our home ...Im not sure how to deal
..."expecting the world to treat you fairly because your a good person, is like expecting a bull to not attack you because your a vegetarian "
If you are unable to attend face to face meetings please try our on line meetings here and the open chat. We who live with this disease become isolated and lost . We need to connect with others who have traveled this road and have found an answer. You are not alone
Aloha Sweeetr; I hear your frustration and anger and confusion...that's all normal and I read your BIO and you have the 3Cs on it. Those are just one of the tools and the face to face grous are a larger one. That compulsive addicted human being...that alcoholic child of God isn't able at this time to sever the relationship with alcohol. He's sick like someone with diabetes who looks normal on the outside yet is being affected on the inside. Diabetics also break the rules and pay the consequences yet we are talking about your alcoholic who most likely will need a painful bottom as an experience to cause him to go get help at a rehap or the face to face meetings of AA or the like. Your detachment is one of his bottoms. Alcoholics don't like things to change also while they are drinking...they like everything to be like they want it and don't understand that the more often they drink life has to change for the worse for them and everyone they come into contact with; friends and associates and family.
Our face to face meetings almost everywhere have a literature table with great books for daily reading and such. Please find a meeting you can call home if you have not already done so. Keep coming back. (((((hugs)))))
Did you find the bottles because you were looking? If so, stop looking. It will drive you CRAZY. Trust me, I have been there. I am doing better at this but still have my moments. Live just for today. You don't have to decide anything today. Keep telling yourself the 3 Cs. You can't control or cure it seems like is what you are struggling with. Say it enough to yourself and it will start to stick (that's what i do.) The detachment sometimes may take a while. I get thru it sometimes by visualizing that it is water. Regardless of what my wife is drinking, if I don't like how she is acting and what she is saying I go into another room or do something else. If it doesn't bother me how she is acting and what she is doing I stay, regardless of what she is drinking. That is her problem and business, I worry about MY business. I know, easier said then done. Even sometimes this is the case with me.
If you have said something to him about his drinking (it should be done when he is sober) that is concerns you, then don't do it again. Once you said your concerns (and don't tell them what they need to do to solve their problem, just that it concerns you and why) leave it alone. More than once is nagging. Good luck and keep coming back.
I wasn't digging. I was gettin Christmas deco out I have tried replying three times and it won't go thru. He said he's not an alcoholic so guess he's back to square one excuses. The more I detach the worse he gets
..."expecting the world to treat you fairly because your a good person, is like expecting a bull to not attack you because your a vegetarian "
If you can not get to a meeting come on here as much as you can, we have online meetings to. AA meetings are sometimes open I have learnt alot fom them howeevr Al anon is for our recovery.
Maybe you could find out if people on here are willing to give out phone numbers who live in your country. There is also lots and lots of al anon literature that really helps.
If there are no alanon meetings in your area then I would attend the open AA meetings. There are limited meetings in my area so I do suppliment with the AA. Calling my STBAX an alcoholic or making him realize he is .. isn't my job that's their own def of themselves. I know what he is, .. I think on some level he does too however whatever label it is quibbling with him about it isn't going to make him see the light. The only way to stop the insanity is to stop participating in it. He's going to drink or not, what are you going to do?
Where I have to put the focus is on myself it's the only thing I can change in the situation. I'm glad you are here and I hope you will keep coming back.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo