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Post Info TOPIC: Hello, new to the board!


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Hello, new to the board!

Hey everyone, so I've come to this board after pacing back and forth about 5 times from my car to the driveway of a church where an al-anon meeting was at in my neighborhood. I felt very timid and anxious toward entering the meeting as a 23 year old guy by myself. I had a fear of going in and feeling alienated from the rest of the group and being seen as "crazy" for thinking the thoughts I think. So I took the cowardly route and drove back to my home where I live with my alcoholic mother. 

It all started when I was born. Or so it seems from what they say. Both of my parents have admitted to me that I was in fact a mistake. The mistake that (seems from what they say) was the reason for their divorce. My father had his alcoholic period in my youth.. From about the time I was born until I was about 12 years old. He's sober now (which I'm very thankful for) but still shows some signs of an abusive personality. 

My father used to say awful things to me and physically abuse me.. "You're too fat." "Your mother's a 'xxxx." etc.. I remember he once forced me (at 7 years old) to run on the treadmill (no matter how tired I got) for an hour for eating fast food my mother had given me for lunch. I would get physically abused if I received a grade lower than an A on my report card (and a good "talking" to if I got an A-). My father was in and out of jail for drunk driving from when I was 4 until I was 10. When I asked where my dad went, my mother would tell me that he went away to school. 

Even in my father's sober state, he would still verbally and physically abuse me because I was the reason he had to pay my mother child support. He continually asked me to go to court with him and testify against my mother but I would refuse to. My father told me how ugly I was when I had acne in junior high, he would tell me how fat I was too. I would skip lunch at school every day in hope that I would lose weight to please my father (even though I was an average weight for a kid growing out of their chubby phase).. Sometimes I went a day or two without eating, just drinking water. I thought it was for good discipline and to be a stronger man. 

I did not understand why I was constantly punished. I attended school, I excelled, and I was generally a good kid.. Never really a troublemaker except here and there I would get in a little scrap with one of the kids in the neighborhood. my teachers always had good things to tell my mother at the parent teacher meetings, and I played baseball and hockey. 

Later on into highschool, I felt very isolated. The only thing I felt comfort in was playing music and making art. It was my fuel that helped me through these years. I would often skip class and go hangout in the art rooms or go jam with a friend in one of the music rooms. I started getting into trouble with teachers which is what really began to fuel my resentment for authority figures. I still did well in class, I didn't do drugs, and I didn't make any trouble. I skipped class, but I did not understand why I should serve detention after school for that. 

In my last years of highschool, I was arrested for painting graffiti. I became obsessed with it. I loved just going out in the night and making beautiful art out of eyesore cement buildings that were abandoned years ago. It was a competition of who was the best. Who got the most locations, and who had the most fame. Well a few months later, I was arrested and in juvenile hall. I had to see a councilor, but I did not understand why. I thought I was just caught and the police thought I was a little psycho or something. When the shrink asked me how my home life was, I thought "great!" because I did not live with my father, and my mother pretty much let me do whatever I wanted. I did community service, then kept going with the graffiti.

I moved out of my mom's house after highschool to attend college. That's where her drinking began. I remember going home one weekend, and she was drunk. I didn't ever see her that wasted, so I asked if she was okay. Then she went on a big rant talking about how I don't do anything to help her, how I'm just a burden etc.. It just snowballed from there.

A few years ago, my mother kicked me out of the house on christmas eve. It was snowing out and I had nowhere to go. At this point in my life, my father had abandoned me because I would not ask my mom to stop child support (merely because I didn't want to get in the middle of it). I called him several times to see if I could stay at his house for the night. No answer. I wandered the streets, called friends but it was Christmas eve and I did not want to intrude on family time. I finally came back to my house and just slept in my car. I felt so lost that night and that's where my depression began. If God would not let me celebrate the birth of Christ with my family, he could go **** himself. 

I wound up dropping out of school in the middle of the spring semester and found a job doing pizza delivery in my hometown. Continued living at my mother's house and continued taking the abuse. Continued listening to her tell me about how much of a loser I am, how I remind her of my father etc.. I began to feel very isolated.

I lived out of my car and a tent for about 2 months the following summer until the fall cool came in. I would bath in a nearby lake and use 24 hr gas station bathrooms to brush my teeth and use the toilet. Then I went back to living with my abusive mother. She did not even know I was gone. She had lost her job, and she was taking it out on me.. Telling me I'm selfish, telling me I don't help her out, telling me I'm an awful son. I tried taking her booze away, she has it stashed all over the house. She got in a drunk driving accident, payed the victim $1000 to not call the police, then I had to cover rent for the month. She ran out of gas drunk driving and I had to come with the gas tank to save her. 

My mother tells me to not even bother going back to school because it's just going to be a waste of money anyways. I'll never amount to anything. My relationships fall apart because I wind up clinging on too fast and scare them away, or have some kind of outburst of anger toward a very little thing. I have finally met a woman who I connected with recently (about 6 months ago) and things have been going steady, but she's afraid of coming to my house because of my mother. The sad thing is, if I move out, I fear that my mother will poison herself. I know I'm 23 and should have my own place, but I really don't want my mother to die.

Luckily, my partner is very understanding and she loves me dearly, but I sometimes fear she'll abandon me at the drop of a hat. Like flicking a switch.. I fear she'll cheat on me or just grow bored of me. I will say things to her such as "You can dump me if you want, I understand if you don't want to put up with me and what I've been through." and just pure pity party stuff like that. I explained to her that my thought process is very skewed due to the environment of my childhood, but I am overcoming it. I'm 100% not an abusive person, I would never hit a fly. I always thought I was just crazy, stupid, and immature.. But I see people on here exhibit similar behaviors with relationships, so it frees me from some isolation. 

I really think I'm at the stage where I need to just cut ties from my parents. It's too much stress on my mind and soul. I'm a bright kid, and I always do my best with things.. But sometimes my depression becomes so overwhelming that I forget about everything except my own miserable current situations. I don't know if this is PTSD, BPD, bipolar disorder or what.. I just want to be okay! 

I hope I will find the courage to attend a future al-anon meeting at some point.



-- Edited by hotrod on Wednesday 28th of November 2012 10:40:19 PM

-- Edited by canadianguy on Tuesday 12th of March 2013 04:43:42 PM


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 2940

 Hi R.

Let us know when you make it through the door, why doncha?aww

I was 33 when I made it through the door, tho' I had had some contact since then.

You are very self-aware and intelligent and have every hope of putting the pieces of your life together.

I was the only man in my local Alanon group most of the time- but that did not deter me. I learned

to look for the similarities and not the differences.


Take care my friend- good on you!smile



Each Alanon member is my teacher.                                                                                                                  

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 763

Sanders, I'm so glad you found your way to this board .. So much pain there you share and the level of shame that's been placed on you .. that piece is not a pity party . that piece is real .. it's amazing how much we can literally endure 'before we find our ways through the door .. I remember my first meeting .. others online had suggested i go .. i told them i would .. kept obsessing with them lol and they knew i didn't .. when i Finally worked up the courage .. i walked through the doors and was so relieved but i got the time wrong so guess what ? the meeting was ending in 5 minutes lol .. so then deep down i thought well i went i'm off the hook (thinking) i'd probably never go back until another members said to me .. oh, it's ok there's another meeting starting in 10 minutes just a half mile away .. that's the thing where i'm at . there's plenty to choose from .. to make a long story short .. i showed up .. put my story on the table and each of them just smiled and said you are in the right place .. Something about their warmth and acceptance called me back .. It's been several years today and today I know it was best thing I ever did for me ..

I hope you keep coming .. your miracles and sense of belonging are waiting for you .. we understand as perhaps few others .. 'can .. alcoholism is not just a drinking disease it's a thinking disease and can take on many forms which others (who maybe can't understand) may or may not add labels to .. it's powerful baffling cunning manipulating .. but the first gift we get at the meetings is hope .. sooner or later, we hear others share pieces of our story .. and then comes the gift of courage .. when others get honest, so can we .. alanon is not a religious program, but it is, however, a spiritual one .. it finally gives us a foundation we can build on ..

i know the pain and shame feeling of not really being wanted by parents but we here at alanon want you .. keep coming back !!


~*Service Worker*~

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You sound pretty resilient for where you came from. Alanon is not therapy, but it certainly is therapeutic. I do believe that once you actually go, you will find validation there for what you have been through and that alone will help tremendously. You already sound like you have awareness over how all the emotional abuse from your parents has affected you. I mentioned how alanon is therapeutic because I don't think you need a therapist to tell you what you already know (even though therapy never hurts) and I think those are elements of alanon that would help you the most.

I really wish ACOA (adult children of alcoholics) groups were more abundant, as that would be even more specific and maybe helpful. Again though, as with some other young adult members here whose parents are their qualifiers, I'm amazed at how well you seem to have turned out despite the upbringing you describe. Go easy on yourself.


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3972

I am so glad you found us at MIP. I hope you can make it to the next face to face Al-anon meeting it was also hard for me to make it to that first meeting, but I have been home ever since. I am sending you much love and support on your journey! Keep coming back!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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