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Do you remember all of the dire predictions around Y2K? I was watching too much television of a certain kind around that time, and although my husband was working in IT and telling me nothing bad was going to happen with all the computers in the world, I let all the wild talk get to me.
I used to consider myself reasonably intelligent, but I sold our house and moved me and our kitties and my mother, who was in assisted living, 800 miles to where my husband was working. Did I really think he was going to keep the bears away if it all came crashing down? I suppose so.
The funniest thing I did was to buy a generator and moved it with us. Flash--they had generators in Houston.
And as we all know the year 2000 came and.......nothing happened.
And my marriage which was having one of its best periods ever, when husband only came home every other weekend, suddenly got not so nice. And I, who had been such a great person 2 and a half days out of ever 14, was suddenly being screamed at again, again.
If that doesn't help, here's this. In my humble opinion, the Mayan calendar ends when it does because the Mayans ran out of room on the stone.
Maybe this will help--I have read some of the stuff about the things you described some months back, but I don't hear or read anything about it lately. I don't know if it's because I quit letting my sister send me "yellow journalism rags" as I call them when she is through with them. And I am sure if I still had my woo-woo friends that I used to know I'd be hearing about it in any case.
Here's another thought--I was having some trepidation about an upcoming pretty big event in my life, and a friend said "Look, you could walk out of the house tomorrow morning and (I forget what dire thing she mentioned, but in other words, I could be gone in an instant.) Which is true.
I draw great comfort in the fact that someday--and the projections are for billions of years from now--our sun will burn out.
Remember most of what we worry about never happens.
Another good one is, "I am never upset for the reason I think I am." I really like that one--gives me lots of perspective.
I wish I had turned the television to other channels back when some people were scaring themselves--and me--about Y2K. After that, I said I'm not going to let anybody get to me in that way ever again.
Wishing you peace, Temple
-- Edited by Temple on Tuesday 20th of November 2012 06:58:50 PM
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
There is all this talk about the energy shifts happening and 11/11 and then 12/12 and 12/25 and it is freaking me out. Has anyone heard about it? I do feel like it may actually be real. I am working on step 4 and trying to do all of this stuff and then all of these people are talking about the energy shifts to our world and the awakening and only some people will make it. It is freaky! I feel more tired lately and more emotional due to the steps and also all the energy that is coming in I am feeling defeated. Does anyone understand any of this at all. I feel so fearful and alone :(
It is very difficult to have a pity party when I am celebrating all the gratitude I have in my life!
It will aither work out, . . . or, . . . It will work out."
I too have heard all the dire predictions. True or not I still have to continue to live. I can do this one day at a time focused on myself and trusting HP.
The 11th Step suggests that we pray only for God's will and the power to carry it out. That works for me.
I can't control those things and I've chosen not to surround myself with them. Instead I live as if I will continue and yet as if tomorrow could be my last day. At least I try and I'm ok when I don't get it right.
I do not believe there will be anything I can do to prevent it, predict it or outsmart it but I sure do not want to allow "it" to prevent me from my path. Doomsayers have been making predictions since the dawn of time. We will not know the day it all ends, I'm confident in that.
I am a historian and there have been literally thousands of these predictions and not one of them has ever come true.
What I see, though, is that sometimes when we are in a difficult situation, we pick up on others' fear as well. And there is a lot of fear in the world. If we are feeling fearful ourselves, we can see it everywhere. I've found that whatever I happen to be thinking about, I tend to see it everywhere -- if I'm happy, I notice happy people; if I'm annoyed, I notice annoyances; if I'm fearful, I pick up on fear. All of it's always out there all the time, but which part I'm focused changes my experience.
So when I'm feeling fear myself, I notice fear, and then that makes me more fearful. ("What if they know something? They must be onto something! I knew things were scary!" etc.)
My position is that if we cultivate our own gardens, we do best. Because there's always something we can dread, and that way if we don't watch out, we can spend our whole lives dreading without any of it ever coming true.
When I am cold, I do what I have to do to get warm. When I am hungry, I eat. I try not to let worry about unknowns bug me. I like Temples answers, egads I remember the fuss about Y2K, wow!
I refer often to being childlike in God's world. My personal belief is, I am God's child. As a child, I am not to worry about things because that is my "parents" job. As a parent, I soothed my child's child-fears whatever they were, as a child of God, I look to my Father to sooth my fears. It is my job to control the things I can control and let go of those I cannot.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
I learned very young that our lives can be gone in an instant. I have seen a lot of tragic deaths in my family and it reminds me that we only have today and I have always been grateful for every day that HP gives me. God is in control, there is nothing we can do to change our fate, change His plan for us, or force our will upon the universe. What will be will be. You've gotten a lot of good sharing here and even though I have a lot of fear in my life, I don't fear the end of the world or fear nuclear war or any catastrophes like that. I somehow have a gift for only worrying about stuff I THINK I can control, LOL!
If you believe in the Bible, it says no one knows ,only the father knows when the time of the end of this way of life will be.
I used to be afraid, but now, my faith is so strong. One day at a time i do my very best to be the best person I can be.
All I can do is that. Its the same as with anything, we can only control us. After going thru so much in my life, for instance as far as death, I think well my husban did it, mother did, best friends did, my very loved bil did. So I can handle it too. I also KNOW in my belief, that there is something coming that will make everything worthwhile.
If you think about the world as a whole, its not a very nice place right? Just believing something better is coming, honey we can get through anything.
What you are hearing is not all that goes with it either. Not saying that is it at all. If you want some support, pm me. I am happy to be your friend. I would give you my email and you can vent to me. I remember being scared like you. its soooo nice to be serene. hugs! Debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I try to focus only on the things that I have control over. I do believe in some preparedness tho - I keep a small supply of food & water on hand - not for any unknown castrophy but just out of common sense, like if the car breaks down or have to spend more on hubbys RXs than expected and several times over the past few months, I've had to spend my food $ on those things so I turned to my little food storage -- Top Ramen to the rescue..hehehe
Come Dec 21, 2012, if the power goes out - I'll have lite because I'm a candlemaker If there is no power to cook with, I have two BBQs and extra charcoal. If it gets cold, I have spare blankets If the internet goes down that's ok - I do remember how to function without Google or Facebook
Anything else that comes my way, I'll trust in my HP to guide me.
-- Edited by Path to Serenity on Sunday 25th of November 2012 02:28:19 PM
I trust my HP, Hes kept me sober for 22 years, and during all that time Ive heard all the naysayers and predictors have their day and get squashed nearly every time. Inevitably, tomorrow has always come. Itll happen in his time, not mine. Ive come to trust that he will only give me what I can handle.