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that's what all the people say...Riding high in April; shot down in May..." Remember that tune and the lyrics? It really is fact. I'm living it right now and don't have many complaints while I'm still keeping "my" program as close to "thee" program as I can so the highs and lows are not so pronounced. I'm still working and am grateful because it keeps us in our own home and the bills paid. We're out of our daughter and son-in-laws decisions on how to live their own life. Bless them and don't judge or criticize. I've got a new sponsee who is energetic and humorous...I will take my vitamins and keep up as I give away what has freely been given to me. I feel my relationship with my HP is good or better even thou I gave it a tongue lashing the other day. I didn't curse or swear this time...just was needlessly honest...needlessly because my HP doesn't need to be "filled in" on what's going on with me...Hp knows and knows that it knows...I'm the one that goes brain dead time to time. It's been 5 days that "Pinch" has left home...we did what our characters inherently do...we rescued her, helped her grow up to where she decided to just leave. I get to see her mom and dad (duck) daily at work and my wife just reminded me that she was more lovely than her mom...might have been the special care. She sure was a laugh...oh my!! I'm loaded down with doctors now because of the affects of the assault by the police last ability to still work doesn't come with the comfort I used to do it with because there is alot of pain in my spine and I'm older now...inevitable. I had decided to sue going pro-se, being my own lawyer (I know the saying about that so I won't repeat it) and have a lawyer in recovery supporting those efforts...we spoke today and he was encouraging and we will get together again in a day or so. Also in the same day my earlier lawyer who pulled me thru the court trials asked me where I was on the lawsuit and then told me "you can't do that pro-se...why didn't you call?" my response was "because you said you were too busy when I did before". He said he will be off island for a week and wants me to call him when he gets back. I'm playing the openings right now and standing in my HP's shadow. If I look I can see the good stuff and there is much of it. I can also see where I need to make changes and that requires changing me to get those done. I've done the waiting, watching period of patience and I think somethings have evolved and come to pass which are in my favor. I want or need some things out of the law suit and one of them I know is going to create a fuss in the legal system here...I've offer that one up because it's grand...a biggee to ask the courts and the local government for. I need feedback from my HP...I just recently told my HP what it is that I/we would like to have and for now I've let it go. We? because there is more at stake here than just me and what I want to see...however I believe that this journey was started years ago and now it is time to drive for a rightful conclusion. I've been cryptic in some of this and would I be out of place to ask for prayers for something you can only trust is right to do?
The final gratitude? 49ers 32 ...Bears biggie Mahalo (((((hugs)))))
I am very sure that Pinch was the strongest and most beautiful because of all the love and care you provided. I really loved reading about her progress and know the bitter sweet feeling when these little ones spread their wings and fly.
Prayers are on the way. for a positive outcome for your health and the lawsuit
Although I am a NY Giant fan, I also like the 49ers vs Bear score!!!!
Best of luck with the lawsuit. Nice that your attorney friend is willing to help. Hp seems to be put people in our lives when we need them. Maybe ducks too? Hugs. TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
Indeed Continued Prayers Coming your way, for all those everyday items you have been forced at times to overcome! I Pray daily for your Healing, and I have know doubt that You will stand Tall in the court room & be heard, and Sometimes that is the main purpose, to be Heard & Understood... Its Terrible what you had to move thru in all this, and the daily reminder in pain I can't imagine what thats like.. But know that you have a Support like know other, and your HP is Always Guiding you into the Next Best thing, and MIP is always Holding you up when your Weak in the knees... You are Loved My Friend & Thank You for Sharing your ups, Downs & Ducks with us... Cause your Journey, has helped me Grow More then you'll ever know ;)
Love, Hugs & Prayers My Brother Thank you for allowing us to walk with you...
I was happy to hear that Pinch found a way to go back to nature. That shows how great a job you did.
I am glad to hear you have help on the lawsuit. Personally I think its best to get an attorney. There are people who can consult for a low fee. I know personally I did not suceed that well when I tried to represent myself. There is a reason people go to law school!
my new job is on the mountain where there are lots of different birds. Paradise ducks mate for life. They do not really move with the crowd. They had seven chicks up there. Last week i saw a hawk in the territory. The drake faked a broken wing to me and I saw the duck and wee ones disappear round the brow of the hill. I thought I was being taught something- maybe I became a victim to protect the rest of my family.
This week they still had six. I gave them a wide berth, so they could keep on with the job of parenting.