The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I'm a wreck right now. My A son, 32 yrs old who just recently separated from his wife of 10 years and 4 single digit age children, lost his home, his job, his car, and his drivers license ... all due to alcoholism, called me about 2 months ago, saying he wanted help, had no one else to turn to etc, etc, etc....
I told him, I can help get him into a detox, or treatment program, but short of doing that (First things First) I wasn't willing to do anything else to help him at this time. He told me he didn't think it would work for him because he would end up right back where he has been, with the same people doing the same thing... blah, blah, blah..
Well, I offered to put him on a airplane and bring him here, under the pretense and understanding it would be for 30-90 days so he could get through detox and get some sobriety happening before having to decide what to do or where to go from here.
Well the first thing he found here was alcohol, and the second thing he found here is a woman. He has been to less than 10 meetings since his detox, and now has this woman pregaent, who is a 30 single parent of a 5 year old girl. She dumped him when she told him about the preg test results, ... because he had said that he was going back to Texas for Christmas and didn't know if he would be coming back here, he admitted to her that he is an alcoholic but doesn't go to AA, he is unemployed, stays with his dad, doesn't have a car or drivers license.. etc, etc... (She sounds like a altogether kind of girl to me, an untreated alanon would surely have went to the rescue and tried to control and manipulate things to fix him... she didn't, instead she let him go saying they would not be a good match for a future relationship.)
okay.. now thats out of the way... today I confronted him about taking money (stealing). Collectively its not a lot, about 30.00 dollars in three different incidents. First taking all the silver coins out of a huge vase that I throw my change into each night. I use it for stuff like cat food, dog food, laundry deterent... ya know, when things are tight, I have my little kitty to pull from for those things.... Second time was going into my pant pockets while I was sleeping and taking 20.00 out of them, which I asked him about and he admitted to at that time, and then today... from a mirror that hangs on my dinning room wall, that is about 9 ft long and 5ft wide (very big) I see him in the living room, go and pick up my pants and stick his hand in my pocket... I don't say anything I just walk into the living room and he drops them and pretends he is picking up pet toys and putting them in the pet area. Keep in mind, I was looking right at him from the kitchen, via the dinning room mirror as he was rummaging through my pant pocket. He didn't have time to check the other pocket before I entered the room, and found nothing in the one his hand was in. I know what I saw.
Tonight, I tell him we need to talk. This situation has been eating my lunch all day. So, we sit and I tell him..."When you take something of someone elses, without their consent you are stealing". You did not have my consent to take money out of my vase, you did not have my consent to take money out of my pant pockets a few days ago, and this morning I saw you via the mirror in the dinning room, pick up my pants and stick your hand in my pocket, I walked in on you, and your tried to make out like you were picking up pet toys. Well, thats called stealing too." I won't have a thief living or staying in my home and we have already had this conversation. You are doing nothing about your alcoholism, which is what I brought you here to do, you now have another woman pregnant and now you have 5 children that will be raised and supported by someone else, you don't have a job, any way to be a contributor to their lives, no less your own, a car, or anything else. My heart goes out to you, but you have to leave my home now."
He went ballistic. Raging about how I didn't do this and I didn't do that, and he came here with the idea that he would get a car, and that would make it where he could get a job... blah, blah, blah... I simply told him, "I do not put untreated alcoholics who don't have a drivers license behind the wheel of my cars, nor do I buy them cars. Sorry, but you don't even have a state ID card. You couldn't do anything with a car if you had one. Register it, insure it in your name, pay taxes on it, or drive it. Why would any one give you a car under those conditions? You were suppose to do certain things that justified your getting one, and you have not done any thing since your arrival here but drink twice that I know of, and get a woman pregnant. Nothing that was agreed to prior to my putting you on that plane."
Well, he then went into the ...."Well, you need to buy me a plane ticket back to texas, I'm not going to stay here any longer!" I simply relied. "There is no I.O.U here, nor are you entitled to anything just because I'm your dad. You want to go back to Texas, please do, but find your own way, now leave my home before I call the police to have you esorted off the property by them." I looked at my key ring holder and one of my car keys were missing and I asked him if he had it as he was walking out the door. He pulled it out of his pocket, showed it to me, and threw it into the street. This key goes to a BMW, you cannot get one made by a locksmith, or even have copies of it made here in the USA. You have to go to the dealer with the car registration and your ID (to prove its your car) to get another made by the factory which pulls its code up from your vehicel VIN number and send the key back to the dealer. It can take up to a week to get another key. Cost.. about 230.00.
I just closed my door on him and now will let him go without rancor or hoopla... and turned him over to the care of my Higher Power. The job to be done there is much bigger than me, or my son. I know this.. but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
((((((John)))))), I can't even imagine how hard all of that is. You know you did the right thing tonight. It's between him and his Higher Power. Try to unclench. You found your way back. He can, as well. You know you'd be doing him less than zero favors by enabling him further. God Bless, Temple
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
You are in my prayers, John. I know your strengths, your courage & your tenacity as well. Tough Love is never easy and the pain and fear that goes with it isn't either. May you have angels on your shoulders and may you pull up all that Alanon has seeped into your soul. I know you can get through minute, one day at a time.
May tomorrow be a new day with new positives and encouragement from sources that you never anticipated to be available.
lacewing ~!~
...He compared his weathered hand to mine and said, ... GROWTH OF THE MIND AND HEART are the best offers you can Grandfather (Keeper of Stories), to me
Aloha John...Been there and done that also...some minor differences; mine wasn't a BMW,...and it's come out just fine for both of us. I've pretty well stayed out of their business in respect to my program and like you at the times that I did do imput it was short, sweet and loving no matter how bad the situation got...and then I let go absolutely. Practice, Practice, Practice.
John... thanks for bringing your story here, and reaching out to those of us who truly care and understand..... Always tougher when it is our children, but you know the drill, and you know you are doing the best you can in the most dire of circumstances.... I share the above link/post as a positive reminder that the seed has been planted, and here's hoping your son figures out a healthy path for himself very soon..... Good time to dive back into your own recovery and program....
Take care
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
We're walking side by side right now - couple minor differences - my A son is 42, no preg girlfriend involved but ditto on the emergency change jug being raided, both my husband's & my debit cards had charges from local liq store, etc.
When he denied having hubby's card, I called the police & had him removed. They took him to a detox center which he quickly left & was back pounding on my bedroom window at 4am. (2nd time for this scenerio)
He's no money, nowhere to go, go car - he does have jobs waiting on him to sober up but his clients are getting mighty tired of his binges. During the prev binge, his major client popped up at my door, dragged his drunken a** out on the front porch and to my amazement she started talking program to him - two hr long heartfelt intervention. But of course, he didn't follow thru with any effort to seek help so were right back where we started. He does fully admit his problem, has talked to a couple close family friends about needing rehab but hasn't taken that step forward yet.
I have difficulty in getting hubby onboard with the tough-love routine. He insists on letting him use our pickup to go to work - hubby just keeps saying '''but he has to go to work'' and I keep saying ''yeah, but that solves nothing because when he gets paid, he binges again". I explained to hubby about ''staying on our own side of the street'' and his response was "No, I'm not going to stay on my side of the street".....grrrrrrr!!!
One of the officers that responded the other night, stayed and talked to hubby for a long time - to our surprise, he is a member of our same church/faith and told hubby exactly what he needed to hear but it hasn't all soaked in yet. He did recommend we file a TRO and that is the next thing on my list - I'm dragging my feet on that one but praying for strength to do what I know I must do. (but to be truthful, I think I'm praying harder that I won't have to!!)
God Grant Us Serenity....
-- Edited by Path to Serenity on Friday 16th of November 2012 09:03:16 AM
-- Edited by Path to Serenity on Friday 16th of November 2012 09:11:02 AM
Reminds me of my son and his father, both active alcoholics, and their falling out this summer, the disease is so ugly and destructive. I have to keep reminding myself I am a spiritual being having a human experience. it also helps me to remember, my kids are not "mine." they are God's. They have to find their own path to God, as I am. Addiction is a path to God.
I have this highlighted in my meditation book, please take what you like:
"Do not weigh your spirits down with the sins and sorrows of the world, only a (Higher power) can do that and live. Look for the loving, the true, the kindly, the brave in the many all around you."
Gives me tremendous gratitude for this understanding fellowship because I will never, ever, have to do this alone. My sponsor always tells me, "God never promised 'easy.' Just company."
-- Edited by glad lee on Friday 16th of November 2012 12:07:22 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
Supporting you all the way. My one son went through a streak, living under my roof, after his father left our marriage. His dad was an alcoholic and the man actually 'okayed' our underage teen to drink. His father as well got him a truck, of which, my son thought he could take off in anytime and to any place he wanted. Still in HS, this son was hanging out during the week with friends I wasn't crazy about who drank, so of course, so was my son. Round and round we went. I could never get hold of the keys, either and knew I'd hit a brick wall asking for any kind of help from his dad. Son started lifting road signs. More rounds! I came home one night to find a huge gate with ROAD CLOSED sign on it. I knew exactly where it came from as I passed this road enroute to and from work. I stood firm when I encountered son. It was to gone and taken back by the time I came home the next night or I called the authorities. Next WAS gone....but so was my son. He moved out and in with his dad's sister. I was called everything in the book, as well when he came to finish collecting his things. I cried and cried, HOWEVER, I didn't chase his rear and beg him to come back and of course, his dad pampered him and played on this. He went off to Army Nat. Guard about a year later. I was there to see him off although he still refused to talk to me alot. I wrote letters to him, ect. ect. He ended up going to Iraq and got engaged before. I emailed, wrote, ect. never once was all the 'bull' mentioned by either of us, nor any apology. Thank God he returned safely, but there was still this unspoken thing between us. At his wedding reception.....friends were sent to fetch me to the dance floor for a Mother-son dance. As I got to the edge he grab my hand and literally almost drug me to the center and these were his words, "PLEASE listen to every word of this song!" He started to cry and held me so tight I thought I would faint, releasing me repeatedly and saying, "I Love you, Mom. I love you, Mom" The song......20 years late. If you've never heard the's a sort of thank you for being there including be the discipling! Sometimes.....TOUGH LOVE.....has to be undertaken!!!!! In my case, son has grown up and is a MAN! Stay strong!!!! Prayers and Hugs, Learning
He sounds like my x partner of 11 years .. He too threatened to throw my keys into the woods ... In fact, he took my keys out of my ignition while we were driving one day and left me in the middle of a very busy street here while he walked away for 15 minutes .. Insanity and painful beyond belief .. The big AA book has a section where it states .. "Do we continue to allow our loved ones to abuse us when there lays before them the path to choose." I do believe he is looking to himself for the answers and finding none, looking to his own strength and therefore seeing the truth .. he can't change it .. when we don't have the hope something can change, what do we do about it ? nothing .. but then again, I do know higher power will wait until he's ready to reach him .. he will watch him run circles and tire out to the point of exhaustion until he has nowhere to fall but to his knees .. this is always the hope .. gods ways our ways so differant .. he never deprives us of the dignity of learning to either degree .. the hope is eventually he will choose recovery .. for now, you are a light in his darkness .. when push came to shove he knew this deep down; where to turn .. you didn't fail him by turning him away .. sometimes what is in their "best" interest and ours isn't going to be our happiest or our smoothest .. i'm also learning nothing happens by mistake .. it's another hit for him .. ever hear the story of the rock cutter ? the rock cutter hits the stone 99 times and it finally splits but it isn't the 99th time it splits but all the hits that went on before .. when we're in recovery, this is a great hope giver to hang in there and keep moving forward .. it works the same however for those with addictions .. they will need to continue to get hit before they finally split and decide they need help ..
AA also reminds us there are those unfortunates who are unable to get honest with themselves .. the hope is eventually he will .. You're both in my prayers tonight ..
I am having issues with my son as well. He just had surgery, the doctors had "allowed" him to get addicted to pain meds and I think he abused them along the way. Now he is smoking pot as well. He may blow up his marriage and he has a darling 2 yr old dtr. My heart aches for him and you. Lyne
My heart goes out to you. We have a 31 yr old AD and our 8 year old grandson living with us at the moment. It's a testament to your program how you handeled this. My prayers are with you. Stay strong.
Thank you for sharing with us, just want you to know we are all with you on your journey, we support you, I think you have done so well, it must be so hard, your working a great program!! good on you, I pray your son finds the right path, and I just wanted to send my love to you,
look after yourself as best you can and keep coming back
I am watching a neighbor of mine spiral out of control in a very similar way. He is belligerant, drunk/high all day every day and feels entitled to everything. Luckily for me I have a program too. At a certain point there is nothing else to do but say you are not bringing me down with you. I think personally the entitlement issue is very hard to deal with. The ex A felt entitled to steal, lie and cheat when he got to a bottom. He also felt entitled to put other people's lives in danger. He felt that everyone and everything was against him if they were not telling him that he was a victim on some level. I had to cut off all contact with the ex A and still ami n no contact with him.
I do not doubt that your grandchildren will know your love this Christmas. I am sure having your clarity in their lives will be a asset given their complete abandonment by their father. These days as someone with an al anon program I know when to step back and say that is enough. I did not know that or have any such limit for most of my life. There was no limit, there was no "thats enough" there was no time when I said I am letting this go for my own self preservation. I felt absolutely responsible for the addict/alcoholics behavior at all times and didn't give them the dignity of falling/ failing for themselves. Maresie.
Ok ummm you have this GREAT place you keep going called MIP. Welcome here anytime.
Will hear true stories of experience. So hmmm I have watched the door, where were you?
Wish it had been different and you would have come here to vent before your dear sons disease started this bolony. Just like you have, we would have listened, and supported you to hopefully make a good choice.
We know it's always sooo much hardest, the worst when it is our kids. Its like our denial comes on when their disease manipulates us.
It's not a fault, it is the way the disease pulls us back into the pit. If I had known I would have been holding you back with one hand, whispering Al Anon in your ear! In fact we all would have been holding you tight!
So next time...
Now remember it is not your fault at all. The disease is so crafty. I am so sad you had to see your son like that. We have no way of knowing if he will crawl into AA or not, but John he has watched you, so you have done the best thing anyone can do by example to their child.
Disease does not care if we love it. All it cares about is getting what it needs and wants to be comfortable.
As far as you, please be tender with yourself.That was not an ez thing to do to throw him out in the world, but you of all people know, he needs you to be stronger than his disease!
Talk to hp, take care of you. I am so glad you shared. love, and hugs, debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."