The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Thank you for your honesty and clarity. I can certainly relate and am sorry that this disease has again invaded another relationship. Truthfully before alanon I found nothing wrong with feeling the way you just describe. In fact I thought it normal and admirable.
It was not until I began working this program and the Steps that I was as self aware as you have just revealed. Good job.
There are many slogans in alanon that your post reminded me of.F
For example:
If you want to know how this program works use the letters of the word HOW
Honesty , Openness,and Willingness -- Good Job You have used all three
and then there is:
Feeling are not Facts Again you know that and told on yourself Good move
and lastly
We are as sick as our secrets You revealed yourself to us and that took courage and wisdom
Keep showing up for yourself You are an inspiration
-- Edited by hotrod on Thursday 15th of November 2012 06:50:02 PM
Avid I'll bet that you have just felt what his spouse has been feeling for a longer period of time. You describe as being qualified for the program because someone elses drinking now disclosed hurts your pride and!! that one got me also and so many many other members of the program. Hurt like that I learn meant that I had some unwarranted expectations of the person. They had to be "different" in order to be with me...conditional acceptance was a huge stumbling block for me and I'd get That wasn't about me being bad or was about me being affected by the disease of alcoholism and I had to get to and then into the face to face meetings of the family groups in order to come to awareness and change. I am soooo grateful that happened.
Avid, I think you show a lot of compassion and grace concerning your friend. Naturally, you're disappointed, who wouldn't be. Maybe your friend is giving you the best he has right now. Who knows why hp put the two of you on one another's path. Maybe more will be revealed in time. Hugs. TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
Well an alcoholic would want to hide their drinking from themselves so how would they get to share it with you.
I think the instant intimacy around an alcoholic/addict can be heady stuff. They can seem so unbelievably close/honest and personal and every friendship is a "best" friendship. They don't seem to have any acquaitances do they? Evey relationship is pretty loaded. For me personally having acquaintances is a great thing these days. Imagine liking just discussing the weather or the neighborhood with people.
I felt absolute undying loyalty to alcoholics/addicts before. I felt responsible for their problems for most of my life but now I don't. I think the best thing with any alcoholic/addict is to let them know in very clear terms that their drinking is not okay by you. Of course most active alcoholics are not going to want to get out of secrecy or the whole bounday bluring issue. None of us know who we are around them, are we friend/best friend/ alternative to spouse What? I think it is pretty normal to be shocked, angry and really upset to find out that anyone is behaving in such a self destructive fashion. The kicker in al anon is to learn ways not to be pulled in to being responsible for someone else's choices.
I am sure your friends wife does know about the drinking. After all it is pretty hard to hide that there is a hole in the finances or someone is gone for a long long time. Maybe they just do not know how to address it but I am pretty certain at least on some level they do know.
I am well aware of what it is to be around people who drink and drive. One of my neighbors is currently on a binge which has gone on for a few months now there is no sign of any let up. He has a sister who has stage IV cancer, children (albeit grown up) and grandchildren. What a lovely Christmas present to them for him to be injured in a drunk driving situation? What a great holiday they are going to have around someone who is behaving like a big baby who lashes out at everyone, feels everyone owes him and acts like a infant but unfortunately one who has a car to kill other people with while he tantrums that life is not being fair to him? Alcoholics are magnets for resentment, rage, exasperation and frustration. Detachment is the only way to stay sane around them. I hope you will be willing to learn how to do that because that is one of the best ways you can be "there" for him and his wife and his child. By detaching you can get some clarity on the alcoholics, denial and absolute hell bent self destruction.
I am glad you are aware that his child is "at risk" because that is a real eye opener. Since you have that information you can decide what to do with it and you can be the responsible party because clearly your friend isn't.
Your post and the ensuing response brought up a lot for me. I took my A's secrecy and seeming lack of trust very, very personally and that led to our break-up many years ago. After not speaking with him for 20 years we mysteriously became very close again after a five-year sober period for him. I was able to re-examine all the thinking that had gone into not only the break-up but also the relationship. Hindsight is 20/20. It was only at that time that i understood Alanon's "detach with love" premise and apply it. I saw that this disease is not simple to understand. Nothing really makes sense to the non-A. I had assumed that the incredible intimacy we had experienced was a figment of my imagination and his evil manipulation and that tore us apart. He was just BAD as far as I was concerned. But with the distance of all those years i was able to see that the the intimacy we had experienced was absolutely real which enabled me to stop berating myself for "being such an idiot." This disease protects itself. Like some sort of canny but scared cannibalistic animal it will eat it's own in order to feed itself. We are all just remnants of this behaviour. This is no reflection on you nor does it excuse the actions of the A. this realization helped me to forgive myself for loving him so much and be kinder to myself around the whole issue. I also came to see that many, many of the lessons i had learned as the result of his bad behaviour were things i needed to know anyway. The loyalty i feel for my A now contains no responsibility component. He is entitled to kill himself if he wants to, that is not up to me, but I should thank him for leading me to learn the really hard lessons. If i can one day love myself as much as i love him, I will be a very happy person. I work on that everyday. I know it took 20 years for all of this to be revealed and I have to believe our HP brought us back itogether because more learning needs to be done. Good luck to you.