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~*Service Worker*~

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the holidays

For me the holidays with the ex A (and there were 7 of them) were an opportunity to plunge into despair, resentment, envy and really a huge spiral downward for myself.  I spent many of them racked in grief, sobbing and feeling absolutely abandoned, ignored and totally disrespected by him.   Naturally the ex A got something out of that I so desperately wanted him to do things that showed some kind of a respect, caring and acknowledgement of my wish to have some kind of caring loving celebration. In some ways he gloated over my dependence on him and gloated over how he chose time and time again to do everything he could be destroy whatever I tried to create with his contempt and grandiosity.   I proved to myself over and over he was not capable of  cooperating, being warm, kind and loving around those times.  He could give gifts and even cards but that was far as it went. 

I once paid for us to go on a holiday to a beautiful spot  as number of hours away which  I now know he found incredibly difficult because there were no drugs or alcohol there but I was clueless over why he was so agitated and remote all the time we were away (which was pretty short).  At one point he insisted we go "home" (that was to his mothers the furtherest thing I ever knew from a home for me)  early and I was devastated and did not know how to take care of myself and went into a whole spiral of resentment and envy.  I read it that he was not willing to meet me on any level with regard to the effort, money and time I had put in to take us to somewhere nice.  In fact the reality was that he was wanting to do drugs and that was all he cared about at the time.  That was it perfectly simple on a holiday his idea of a good time was to do drugs and drink until he passed out.  I spent years envying his family (who he spent the holiday with). I spent years resenting that he didn't appreciate my efforts but most of all I spent years feeling abandoned, left out and for some reason I thought some person or his family were getting more than I had.  In fact all he really wanted to do was to get wasted with his brother and he didn't really care about the meal (although he ate it of course). His mother got a few crumbs of appreciation but not that much at all for all her efforts which were considerable.   One year I even cooked a really spectacular meal for his friends and the A passed out right on the table. He felt that showed how happy he was to get absolutely what he wanted for the holidays.  He had what he wanted and I had no idea how to get what I wanted because all of that was tied up around him and I had no way to detach, stop obsessing and take care of myself.

Please keep in mind that I grew up in a family where Christmas was the high point and low point of the year.  My mother stocked up for ever starting in August.  She decorated, sent cards and put up a tree.  Since she was deeply depressed this was a huge effort on her part.  The present giving eventually became a huge contest between me and my sisters and the whole occasion was mired in issues, emotions and inevitably great tension, stress and generally huge disappointment on my part. Every year I hoped that my mother and father would see me and appreciate me and every year they poured their appreciation, love and sole focus on my elder sister.  I felt ignored, abandoned and most of all absolutely livid and that's how I have pretty much spent my entire life on the holidays.  I took years and years in therapy to understand why and how they could do that kind of destructive behavior.   Yet even with that knowledge I continued to bring all the same feelings from my childhood into every single holiday and I could so easily go back to that base point this year because that is what I know.  I do not really know how to have a holiday season which is loving, caring and full of mutual delight.  Mutuality is not something I can "do" over the holidays, maybe at other times but the holiday is like a big abysss pretty much for me most of my life.  Generally I have focused on someone else, the ex A, the therapist, someone anyone to make it right for me but of course none of them can or will do that. 

Since I left the ex A I have had my share of misery, disappointment and generally feeling abandoned but on a much more muted scale.   I got to being totally distraught with the ex A I never got to that point since although I can come close to it if I really try!  At some point I got to a place of self preservation but even then I was still grieving and remonstrating at the now ex A's behavior around the holidays.  I took his desire to get completely loaded, pass out and absolutely ignore any of my needs very very personally.  Really that is all he knows how to do on the holidays, anyone elses wants, desires or requests don't come into the picture at all. That doesn't make it right but that is the reality and one I never could accept, move past or even understand until now.   This year my plan is to have a really low key holiday and to give myself space to allow whatever comes up to come up.  I am opting out from putting myself in a place where disappointment or expectations go awol.  I am glad to be in a place of self preservation but I know that the holidays are pretty difficult for me and I need to tread really lightly.  

I would really like to know how others plan to take care of themselves and to acknowlege just how far out there it is easy to be around an alcoholic/addict on the holidays. I went there completely and the price was incredibly high and I had no idea I had any choice in the matter.  I have to look at how I let myself spiral completely out of control every year with him without fail.   There was something very very self destructive about that.


orchid lover

~*Service Worker*~

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Hmmm, well, my AH was never into the holidays. He never helped decorate, shopping was a chore, never helped cook or set up the tree, etc. So, I gave up trying to get him involved in the process. I made my holidays the best they could be FOR ME, and for my son. I gave up trying to force AH to enjoy something that he clearly never enjoyed, not even as a child. I guess I really just had to let go of any expectations I had, and this was before he even started drinking again.

Although AH and I are living in the same house, there is much tension here and I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy the holidays when I'm pretty sure he doesn't love what I'm becoming right now. He has made it clear that my recovery threatens his very existence. Doesn't make for good companionship or conversation. I am planning on having a holiday open house for the neighbors at some time in December. I just put flyers on their doors, offer free food, and tell them to come and meet the other neighbors. I told my AH he can be here or he can go elsewhere but it's something I want to do to reach out and spend some time with friends and neighbors.

I plan on going to church, and basically just doing things I enjoy: baking cookies, driving around neighborhoods to look at lights, etc.

You have some great insight into yourself in your post. No one can make the holiday right for you, that's an inside job. I think we all go into Christmas thinking we all need to look like a Norman Rockwell painting, but that's not how real life is for most of us. Being honest about what 'is' and accepting it, is a great start to understanding your expectations and maybe where they were set too high.

Hugs to you, Maresie, I know how hard the holidays can be. I've never really enjoyed them fully every year, many times I've forced myself to just go through the motions. Not every year is the same.

Struggling to find me......

~*Service Worker*~

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How I take care of myself is MUCH easier now that I have program guidance. When life feels unmanageable, I stand at the turning point meaning, I have the CHOICE to start praying and letting Higher power know that I am willing to see things differently.

or not, sometimes I don't want to. sometimes, I just want to be angry....

I once heard a great talk from a woman who shared how before she came into recovery, she would wake up in the morning and upon hearing her footsteps hit the floor, the devil would say, "Run, the b*tch is up again!!!!" I kinda sorta laughed at that because it came at a time when my sponsor informed me that I had a habit of being angry. she noticed that if I didn't have something legitimate to be angry about, I would try to find something, out of habit. what can I say, I've been affected by alcoholism. but I'm like you, I sure don't want to live my whole life like that anymore....

I have plans to drive to another state to visit my son for the holidays. My son walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, so who knows what might happen. But I will do what I've been doing since recovery, I plan to have my limits (boundaries) in place and a big one is to stay at a hotel. I cannot really afford that but I do it because my sanity is that important to me today.  and I believe its Higher power's will for me, I was told Higher power loves me and wants me to be happy, right?   I will stay two days, no more. I will practice all my al-anon tools, especially detachment, and I will arrive with low expectations.  because I do know this, nothing screws me up more in life than the picture in my head of what life is "supposed" to be. When I hold an attachment to an outcome, I will be disappointed. I was told not to plan my day(s) too much anymore, I was told to fire myself as manager of my life and rely on my new manager instead. when I wake up in the morning, I think about the next 24 hours ahead, and I ask Higher power to direct my thinking, let myself be guided.  when I keep it simple, I get results.

I'm like you, I come from a dysfunctional family, well, mine was alcoholic. I worked for years to try to make everyone happy. I would spin my wheels. Why? Why did I take on that responsibility? I didn't want to accept the reality, I wanted it to look like television, so I tried to create the illusion. That is how I coped. Today I know, it was never my responsibility to make everyone happy so I asked God remove that from me. This is the first year I plan to only bring two "dishes to pass"  for the thanksgiving holiday, that is progress!  (In the past, I always brought 5 because I wanted everything to be perfect and I didn't think I could count on anyone else to cook like me...  nobody else arrived as haggard as me either,  hahaha)

Serenity is NEVER going to come from anywhere outside of me. what was lacking most in my crazy family, I can give to myself. Love. Love is the solution and I can only control that on my end so, "Let it Begin With Me." I work really hard to love myself today.   My sponsor had me make a list of things I like to do that brings me true joy. and I do that list. when I feel resentful today, it id usually because I didn't do enough to take care of myself. I abandoned myself.

I am reminded of something Lucille Ball said, "I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line."

Take what you like  ((((Mare))))

-- Edited by glad lee on Thursday 15th of November 2012 09:27:38 PM


The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.

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Growing up, Christmas celebrations in my family home were awkward. I always felt forced. As if I had to pretend we were some great loving family, when the truth was that my mother abused me and called me horrible names the rest of the year. I didn't feel the "christmas spirit" and the folly of sitting around the fire sipping cocoa and exchanging gifts in some sort of warm cozy familial love expectation was too much to pretend.

When I was active duty military in my 20's, and then moved overseas to live with AH #2, I had an easy out to the holidays with my family. I sent a gift basket and that was that. I don't remember too many Christmases with AH, maybe that is for the best.

After my 2nd divorce and repatriation to the US, I decided to reclaim the holidays and celebrate exactly how I wanted to. I ate out at a Chinese restaurant, the only spot in town open. Me and the Jews and the Chinese folks. Wonderful smells coming from the kitchen, chatter in Mandarin, hot tea and steaming bowl of noodles fogging up the window. I had a lot of gay friends in the neighborhood and some of them were not welcome back in their family home, so we would get together and make tacos or watch a cheesy Christmas movie. I enjoyed the solitude and separation from the typical American craziness of the holidays. No traffic for me, no last minute shopping panic, no expectations to decorate like Martha Stewart.

I don't know, but the holidays always get me thinking about those less fortunate. I can't imagine a better way to honor the spirit of the holiday than spending some time talking to hospice patients, listening to the stories of a homebound elder, or even something as simple as donating a bag of cat food to the local animal shelter. I'm done with Christmas grief. I believe we can celebrate on our own terms and make the holiday meaningful to us, despite what it was in the past.

-- Edited by Dolly Llama on Friday 16th of November 2012 04:28:22 PM


Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. -from Pema Chödron's When Things Fall Apart

~*Service Worker*~

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Thank you both so much for your feedback.  I certainly plan to keep it low key this year.  I am not sure how to go about that but I am going to play it by ear, one day at a time, one week at a time and one month at a time.   I do know that I don't feel such a huge loss in my life anymore but I do feel grief and I have to honor that rather than be furious I have to deal with it one more time.   One poignant issue for me is that one of my pets is getting older and far more frail.  I am not sure she will be with us for another year so I am trying to make her life as happy and joyous as possible.  She had a tremendously hard time with the ex a when I left her with him ( well actually she was his dog so I didn't leave her he jus abandoned her) and I have worked really hard to make up for his neglect and abuse.  I am glad I took her on even though it has been a tremendous effort for me to take care of her at times.  In so many ways I get to exhale after the holidays because I feel like I am treading on eggshells for much of the holdiay time.  I know that it is not just me that the holidays being up so much for.  This year, for the first time really, I am planning on taking care of me alone for the holidays.  I do understand well the issue of staying at a place of your own on any visit to family.  In fact that is a maxim for me if I ever do go to visit my family again.  I also understand limits.  I will not be participating in any pot luck.  My mind wants me to be grandiose and overgive and until I can get a barometer that is reasonable I have to put a stop on giving for a while.


orchid lover

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Great post, (((((Maresie))))!

Each year I do something slightly different depending on what my needs are. Here are some things that I have done that I have enjoyed thoroughly:

I love the ocean any time of year, so a few years ago on a bright, sunny Christmas Eve day, I drove to the beach for the day. It was cold!!! But I loved every second of driving down and every second of walking along the cold beach watching the waves hit the sand.

I decorate often with small white lights. They are so cheap and simple and they make me so happy. It really gives my space a cozy feel.

I bought one of those really small, inexpensive pastic christmas trees and draped it with white lights and some tinsel.

I try to spend a little time each day in the dark, with just some candle or the white lights to breathe deeply, reflect, and meditate on my year.

Sometimes, I like to enjoy a cup of hot tea or some hot cocoa.

For several years, I have attended the local 24-hour Alcathon that occurs on Christmas Eve/Day and I have really enjoyed the fellowship of fellow AA/Alanoners.

I often do a few of the free Christmas events offered in my town and let the Christmas spirit come to me that way.

I also enjoy candlelight services, so I usually go to at least one on Christmas eve.

I like singing, so I try to go to a Christmas concert.

I also really enjoy a nice, brisk walk in the cold air on Christmas eve or day in a local park. I like to look at everything--trees, sky, animals, etc. and enjoy how they look in the winter season.

The holidays are a very stressful time for my family and it doesn't seem to go well or be very joyous, so I now have shifted all of my visiting to other months--takes the pressure off! Now, if I buy gifts or send cards, it's on birthdays, not christmas - I find that shopping en-masse like one often does for Christmas is too stressful for me and now that I have let go of that tradition, I find the holidays immensely more peaceful.

What helps me a lot is to go inside of myself and to ask what feeling do I need/want and then work on the activities from there. Often, what Christmas brings up most for me is the desire for peace, for stillness, for quiet, so I try to weave that in and throughout my whole month of December and into January.



~*Service Worker*~

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For me this year I am going to keep a low profile.  I think that is the best way for me to go for 2012. Who knows what 2013 will bring!


orchid lover
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