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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Want to laugh now more than I wanted to kill him then. Story; I'm at work leaf blowing the parking lot and I feel a bump on my back on the leaf blower motor. I turn to the right and there is a large Ford pickup going past me inches from my shoulder. He tried to drive past me in a smaller than truck space rather than use patience. I went into enabler mode for a few seconds and then said "No way" people don't abuse me and run...(Remember the police assault last year?)...So I follow him down and get his attention and the heated discussion ensues of course I have control as the victim...apply the power...and he finally tries to use this excuse....I was behind you, didn't you see me? LOL I used rational response #1 "If you're behind me how would I see you?" I think he'd already tested that one in his head so he backed up to "I'm sorry's" (a few) and I asked him "Look do you have the brake option on your truck" I love that one and I owned his mind until he got to the same spot I was he was focused "brake option?" Of course brakes are not an option and I finished with "Use them" and went back to work looking around for the next lolo to drive across my life. Just a vent (it's healing)....(((((hugs)))))
Great story, Jerry. Goody for you. And seriously, since you know what's out there, have you considered getting a rear view mirror for that thing? Stay safe! We need you.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles