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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I agree completely, I have called 911 and taken keys in such a situation .
I would not ask the police to stake out a bar in order to possibly catch my son or spouse in the act. In NY I do believe that there are checks in place that the establishment would be subject to a fine or loose their license if they sell to an intoxicated person The same is true or liquor stores. Naturally this is not perfect solution as there are "pay offs" and the rules are not always enforced so DUIs happen often. My relatives pride themselves on never staggering or "looking " drunk so they can get served all the time.
As we know alcoholics will get booze one way or the other--My son had neighbors and friends buy booze for him when he was cut off
I do think that examining my motives and following alanon principles in each situation works for me
-- Edited by hotrod on Sunday 11th of November 2012 09:06:18 AM
-- Edited by hotrod on Sunday 11th of November 2012 10:53:34 AM
Aloha Family...just checking in before going to bed after a day of being still and quiet which worked wonders at taking the pain out of my back. I zoomed into Stephaniej's thread and read and decided to continue it with my own ESH. I'm a caller and a do unto others as I would want them to do for me. My experience has been working for the CHIP as a dispatcher and patrol ride-a-long while I went to college and even dispatched a DUI stop on my own alcoholic/addict when the beat officer took her off the highway. I have also told "my story" in the local Police DUI classes along with being a substance abuse and alcoholism Therapist. My final attempt has been trying to get legislation passed that I authored in CA before coming home to HI for while legislators think is "comprehensive and necessary" and won't do anything about. I am making another run at them because the body count here is going up. Of couse DUI's are not the only indicator. I was an ATV mens case manager and that also very often involved intoxification; drugs and/or Alcohol.
When I've done the DUI classes I always get to the point that "they know and know that they know" that drinking and driving and allowing other to drink and drive and alcohol and gasoline don't mix and all of that historical evidence is true and real. I ask them if they would consider putting a flashing red light on top of their car when they have been drinking or red flags on tall poles all around their cars would be a great idea so that the rest of the community could know and stay the hell out of their way. They of course think (and have told me) "You're Crazy" of course because it would draw attention to themselves by law enforcement. So I ask them "So how do the innocent people stay out of our way"? No responses to be had. I ask how many have multiple DUI's down to how many are on their first trip. You'd not be surprised that there a more than a few multiples and that because of that the majority don't have drivers licenses and therefore insurance. I ask them how many could immediately leave the room and go out and buy booze and all raise their hands.
My legislative proposal is "Anti Enabling" meaning if the person has a known problem with alcohol or drugs then when they go to purchase alcohol they are asked for an identification (every one has to be asked) and if the ID indicates the problem the, resturant, package store, party giver, whomever gets the tools to say "No I will not provide". Who ever provides in the face of the information looses their license also. The legislation goes on to suggest that alcohol be sold in one confined section of the store or where ever and managed by a department staff. Those who provide alcohol in the face of information that they should not become financially responsible along with the purchaser for any death or damage caused by the purchaser should that occur.
One of the last legislatiors locally who told me that is great...give it to me and I'll get her done...and who also told me that he has 39 years sobriety; did absolutely nothing with it including not call me again after he got it. It is anti-enabling not blanket prohibition.
Will I call the police on a DUI? I have often when I know and I know when they show me that they are drunk or loaded. I don't have to know who's life I might save. That is not required.
By the way when I asked my HP what I should do about the situation in the past...I heard, "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you". Roger that...911. And by the way some of the calls were made to save the drunk from themselves. I don't do manipulation and control I do rational, compassionate response and then turn it over for what happens next and hopefully HP and the right people show up in time.
I'm sick of seeing families decimated by people who know and the disease doesn't care about any of it. We loose citizens in the multiples and one by one. I'll make the call everytime.
Don't you think that the alcohol industry, just like the other industries that have too much power, are blocking such legislation?
I've done a lot of research on the food industries and what I find is quite disturbing. The general public is unaware, either by choice or shear ignorance.
Wishing you the best!
You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light. Lama Surya Das
Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die. Malachy McCourt
Aloha Gail you are aware...been doing your research, learning and now knowing that you know. We have the 3As in the program and the last is Action...proper Action that is without expectations. Yes the Business and Politics and then the departments of government that regularly defy "Of the people, By the people for the people". I keep pushing because there will be change. Look at all the other changes that have come along over time by the efforts of "the people" not allof them have been good and the process works!! The new people have taken their seats in government and it is time to run the proposal by them so that when the consequences hit the fan they will not be able to say I don't understand...They all understand.
The alcohol industry understands and the government and the industry have admitted that they do and have refused to put into action positive changes which were agreed upon years ago and then arrogantly they went back to business as they understand business.
One part of my proposal is that everyone in the industry from owner/CEO to the bar maid must have formal alcohol education and not just mixology. They need to know and know that they know when they are providing alcohol to the human person. If they had the education I have chances are they would balk and refuse to provide just on the information of how alcohol alters from the first sip. Of course we know because we have and are living with it daily. I just made myself sick. Bleah!!
So I'm gonna sit back read and pray...sitting in the hands of my HP. (((hugs)))
The legislation is a nice thought, but in practicality, it would stop people from receiving or entering into treatment out of fear of being labeled as a problem drinker. Having a drinking problem is not criminal. Having a drinking and driving problem is. You are trying to develop a prevention program but it needs to not punish business or plain old drunks that don't drive (which is not the norm since I do believe most of us did or do drive drunk while in active addiction).
--In my county there use to be a gentleman, who over the course of many years, was arrested, not only for DUI's (beyond multiple) but other related alcoholic infractions. And the intervals between the arrests seemed really short. Eventually he got time, however. I've often wondered if there those within the system were getting somekind of kickback for the merry-go-round! --In my town..a gentleman had 6 DUI's!!! They finally took his license away. He still drinks...just 'hoofs it' to the bar which is not that far for him. --In younger days....I and my husband ran around with a certain couple. The man eventually became a county cop. My daughter, then underage, had been testing the waters of consumption. During this time as well, she was dealing with the separation of I and her father. (NO EXCUSE!) I had tried to talk to her, warned her ranted and raved and short of tying her rear up, nothing I said was getting through. I was, of course, dismayed and upset, when a local cop from a nearby town brought her home one night. Round and round we went. Well, the 2nd time I was awaken by her to got up and to talk to the cop who had brought her home, I was facing this friend. I thinking, "okay, some help!" He told me the why's of the incident. I listened patiently, the whole time seething inside wondering what the hey was I going to do about her. He knew I was angry even though I had not spoken a word the entire time. I will never ever forget what happened then. He got very close and said, not once, not twice, but THREE times, "Don't be mad at her, remember we were young once." This whole time my daughter listening!!!!! The third time, I looked that man in the eye and replied, "Yes we were, but some of us GREW UP!!" I have not spoken to him since. To me, he was trying to over step MY parental rights and secondly as a law enforcement authority that was not proper to say in front of a child! Then to make matters worse, the day she went before the judge, part of her sentence was to to stay so many 100's of feet where alcohol was present. I, stood up, identified myself and asked this question. "Your honor, her father lives in an apartment right above a tavern. I want to know if this includes his apartment. I explained, there was a private door to this residence, as well as one right next to it inside that led directly into the tavern. (I didn't tell him the entrance to the tavern was usually left open. One could see that from the street.) He said yes......"All buildings, places, people that there is exposure are to be avoided." Furthering it with, "Her father can come to her, meet with her at other places. On to parole....they separated us and would not allow me to go with her during her 'session'. I was stunned, but abided. Upon return, after we got in the car she was quick to inform me that she had been granted permission to visit her father in that apt. And she was QUITE smug and happy about it. I said nothing for I was stunned. In a 10min trip by foot after leaving the courtroom and the sentence to the bldg. housing the parole officers everything had turned around!! How the hey can we the general public deal with these problems, when crap like this goes occurs within the system? Not to speak of, the very legislatures we put into office, are offenders themselves and seemingly walk away when caught as if nothing happened? It boggles the mind!!!!
I truly applaud you as well!!! Keep pushin forward, Jerry!!!!
Hi Jerry: I think there are laws that prohibit bar tenders from selling alcohol to anyone who is intoxicated. I am not sure how a license could indicate that someone has DUIs but the thought is certainly there. As far as I know even when people have a suspended license the only one who knows that is the police and the insurance company the clerk at the liquor store would not be party to that information. Certainly there are laws where clerks cannot sell to someone who is clearly underage or to someone who is buying alcohol for someone who is clearly underage but I don't think clerks have access to the kind of information about anyones criminal record.
The now ex A drove regularly on a suspended license. A neighbor of mine who is currently on a relapse has a suspended license and drives erratically al the time while there is both a university police force as well as a regular police force patrolling the area. On one occasion he put some tires on the roof of his car untethered and drove off at speed spinning the loose tires all over the street. Anyone in the street or driving in the street could have been injured at that time. Thankfull they were not. The ex A racked up fines, crashed cars all the time (he wrote off two brand new cars/trucks in a short period) and had numerous counts of dangerous driving. He was still able to find insurance and people/companies that were willing to insure him when he was clearly a huge threat to all other drivers. At times that insurance was expensive but nothing ever stopped him from driivng not matter what he felt entitled to be a danger to himself and everyone around him. The current law(s) is far too lenient with drivers who have severe substance abuse issues who drive recklessly have a documented history of doing just that and who break the law every time they get behind the wheel. I do know that certain people have received huge fines and even prison time for having multiple dui's. They still drink but I personally know one or two who are far more cautious about driving after they went to prison and sustained fines that were really difficult for them to pay off.
I have to say one of the biggest burdens off my shoulder once I left the ex A was not worryng that he would kill someone while he was driving erratically. At times his behavior was absolutely homicidal as well as sucidal and he was an absolute danger to everyone on the road as well as to pedestrians. He certainly crashed into people when they were in their cars and one of them sustained whiplash as a result of one such crash. His addiction was so complete he didn't feel he was in any way at fault. Everything was always someone elses fault not matter how clearly something was related to his erratic and dangerous driving. At times, He even drove away from such scenes but by some miracle he didn't kill anyone. He was prosecuted for one such incident and despite his terrible record did not receive prison time and when his license was supended nad you guessed it he kept right on driving. I will always be grateful that for some reason he did not crash the car while I was in it although his behavior while driving escalated all the time. Needless to say these days I do not put myself into any such situation but I did then and my health suffered tremendously. Neverthless, he did crash the car/truck when our dogs were in it and I feel that that incident traumatized them considerably. Everyone is at risk around such reckless and competely self absorbed behavior. I am very grateful that my dogs and I escaped such a dangerous situation.