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~*Service Worker*~

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Question about the steps

There is no race, there is no rush. Work the steps as best you can for YOU, not for your sponsor.  you simply cannot do it "wrong."

I have two sponsees. Do I wish they would move along a little faster? yes. only because they are still suffering a lot. I have the advantage of standing on the other side and KNOW they will feel better after working the steps because that is how it worked for me. Sometimes I phone my sponsor to ask her to remind me of what I was like as a newbie, I appreciate knowing how frustrated she was, lol. Helps me to remember, I cannot get an al-anon to get better any more than I can get an alcoholic to. There is ONE who has all power. it's not me. I need al-anon because I can't get people to do what I want. Sponsors are only human, not perfect.

Truly, all any of us can do is just suit up and show up, I'm pretty sure that's what your sponsor did. Be honest, open, and willing - that is HOW it works. the rest is up to Higher power. Maybe she cannot accept you where you are, but YOU can because Higher power does. maybe she will learn quite a lot from you, sponsorship is a two-way street, none of us are healed alone. Here is a quote I like to keep:

"Nature does not hurry. yet everything is accomplished." (Lao Tzu)

-- Edited by glad lee on Thursday 1st of November 2012 04:46:51 PM


The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.

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Here are a few things that are going on for me and I really need some ESandH.  I started the steps with a sponsor and I am on step 4 now.  My sponsor said that we do a step a week.  So I immediately felt rushed from the get go.  I was having trouble finding my HP and she told me that she was surprised that i was having trouble finding my Hp so them i felt judged.  So I think I have found my HP and now we are on step 4 and I am answering these questions that I feel are so emotional for me and I am having a hard time wanting to tell my sponsor my answers and I am actually feeling so tense in my body about telling her.  I guess the thing that is hard is because her and me are complete opposites.  She is a thinking/black and white thinker/thought based person and I am a sensitive/soft/see things in pictures/feeling person.  Sometimes I think I may be trying to sabatoge this and that our differences are good.  Other times I feel like she cannot connect with me and validate my feelings much and so I feel alone.  Being a child of an alcoholic being alone is the worst feeling for me.  I don't call my sponsor much and when I have - she tells me what might help but I always feel like she is just so black and white that there is no connection.  To me connection is SO important.  I have always had a hard time finding it with people.  Should I just buck up and do the steps with her and answer the step 4 questions?  Part of me thinks that I may be just really scared of facing myself in step 4.  What was step 4 like for you?  am I just being a baby and need to toughen up or do I need to honor myself in what I need.  Yes, I am the type of person who takes a long time to do things and i dont think in black and white.  I have always spent my life trying to do life how everyone else has done it and now I feel like I am doing that again but then I think that maybe I should just shut up and be tough.  I feel like a fish out of water and it feels scary.


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Hi willowtree,
glad lee is right there is no rush when working your steps. I would never of been able to take the ones I've taken at a week at a time. We are all individuals and some will find some steps easier or more difficult than others. I too am an adult child and I would have found it incredibily hard to "rock the boat" by tells my sponsor things are moving too fast. Luckily for me my sponsor told me that we take the steps at my pace. She also told me that I can choose anyone I think appropriate to do my step 5 with, that it does have to be a could be a cleric, Al-Anon friend, therapist..etc..just as long as I trust them and they aren't my A's or family members who are equally affected by the disease.

Now that I have more confidence & trust in the programme I feel I could tell my sponsor if I felt hurried. For me it's very very important to really accept each step and understand it before I can move onto the next. I believe my HP is guiding me in how long each step takes, in that it takes as long as it takes. I was literally months working step 2 and my sponsor supported me offering E,S&H when I asked and staying silent when I needed time to think. If I was pressured into conforming to a timetable I don't think it would have worked for me.

Whatever message our HP sends us about the reality of working the steps to a timescale, we need to listen to it's message (for me it'll be in my heart) once we've heard what our HP thinks, then we need to gather the courage to act on it. If your HP tell you you should do a step a week so be it, but if your HP tells you it's too fast for you than have a chat with your sponsor and tell them what message your HPis sending you.

I wish you well on your journey, Take care of yourself and listen to the wee small voice whispering in your ear.
Jane xx


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^^^ I meant to say my sponsor told me it doesn't have to be a sponsor I do my step 5 with.^^^^


~*Service Worker*~

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I have definitely been down the road of wanting a perfect sponsor and experiencing abandonment and pangs around them. The issue for me was the abandonment that I felt was related to the childhood issues.  I certainly went through a lot in therapy too over having a therapist be "there" for me. I can tell you it is possible to work through all those things but it doesn't happen overnight and the person who has to do the work is you.  Of course we would all like the perfect enviornment to get into recovery in.  I wanted a sponsor on call day and night.  Most of the time with sponsors I was really aware of how unavailable they were. In fact the ideal mileu for working the steps is indeed to have a person who isn't available for you because then you have to sit with all those uncomfortable feelings and work on them.  Of course no one wants to hear that at the time they are doing it.  The ideal person to work with is in fact someone who isnt at our beck and call but for me that meant facing tremendous abandonment issues that were really crippling to deal with.  Over time I did indeed face them but most of the time I was dealing with them I felt absolutely suffused in resentment, rage and bewilderment of ever getting someone to understand me.  Many of us do more than one 4th step I dont think it has to be a perfect step each and every time.  Of course whatever comes up isn't exactly what any of us want to deal with. Who likes reality?  That's why we are around alcoholics right?

I feel for you at this but actually whatever you are dealing with is perfect for working through all the things that held you to an alcoholic/addict. For me abandonment issues were huge. I would rather stay stuck to someone really dysfunctional than deal with those feelings I felt they would destroy me.  Of course we also have the option of working through our feelings with a therapist, within a group with recovery friends.  There is no maxim that in order to work the steps we have to do it in a specific way under a specific time table.  I have met people who felt that everyone should work the steps in their designated fashion.  They were adamant about it.  I don't believe there is a time dated stamp in the big book or indeed a explicit instructions. Some people never attended a meeting and worked the steps on their own.  Everyone has to find their own way but the most important thing is to want to get better and out of the way of self destructive behavior. That's the key element that will find you working through this time period.


orchid lover

~*Service Worker*~

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My ESH for you is to be true to yourself, this is your program to work as you see and feel fit. I have been so blessed to find a sponsor that I call a lot at times and not so much when things are fine and she is great at listening. My sponsor also told me I had a hang up with my HP early on, but I figured it out. She is strong and tells me what I need to hear, not always what I want to hear, but always with my program forefront in her mind. She allowed me to work the steps at my own pace and meet with her weekly and if at the end of out meetings and while doing the book blueprint for progress workbook with her some steps took longer, it was okay with her, I just had to tell her I needed more time. I got comfortable enough to tell her everything I was afraid to face and she didn't judge me at all. She helped me move out of my own way. I won't tell you what to do besides to take care fo yourself and your needs. I am sending you love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

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We come into the program being ruled by our feelings and we also think our feelings are so unique and nobody else can understand them. More realistically, your sponsor isn't validating them as much because she sees some elements of self-pity in them. She doesn't want you to suffer so she doesn't validate you being a victim any longer. It may come off as cruel and like she's hard and a black and white thinker. But it sounds to me like she may be just what you need. Yes, you want to retain some of you sentimental, sensitive, and intuitive traits, but you also DO want what she has which is not to be so tortured by your feelings right? Don't take her inventory so much. Imagine how she must have come into alanon. Do you think she was black and white and not emotional then? I bet not. I bet she was a crying mess like most folks when they first come in. Some folks take sponsoring a little too seriously perhaps and they only offer solution and don't believe in listening to "venting" or endorsing any dramatics. That being said, I wanted more of a connection with my sponsor so I found someone I could trust and we went from there.

You are never going to be "done" with these steps. They are an introduction to a way of life. As you continue in your journey, you will know which step to apply to various life problems. You will catch yourself acting in certain ways and then you will use the knowledge you accumulated from working the steps to act differently. Hence, you want to be thorough in doing the steps, but you are committing to live by these spiritual principles and really you are just learning them rather than "doing" them for the first and only time. Knowing that, it's easy to see how you really cant mess them up cuz you'll be living them forever.

Best wishes for your journey!


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Thank you for your es&h friends! I have to tell you that some of what you wrote really hit home for me. I talked to my sponsor about my feelings and she was very open and receptive. I realize that I have self pity and I have a lot to work on. I realized that I let my fear take over and I want to run from things. This was a huge turning point for me. I went to a alanon meeting the other day after meeting with my sponsor and applied some of what she said. I came away with a wonderful night of connection and friends who accept me for me. I no longer want to push people away. I still have a ton of work to do but I am learing my character defects and I know I can keep working this program. There are a lot of people who are my opposites and I can learn a lot from them. I realize that we all have different stories/personalities but we all carry the same feelings.

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