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my a b/f came over just for a few mins to eat a bite or maybe it was more like 30 mins or so,anyway i was ready for him to leave as soon as he got here cause he drags his beer around withhim like its a purse,and i could tell with his personality he had a good buzz going,he still talking like we are married and what our plans r gonna be when he gets to where he cant work anymore like building stuff like gun cab. etc to sell to make money i still just cant seem to get it ,he doesnt believe in a recovery programs of any kind and has plans for our future of how we r gonna get back cause he says ssi wont be enough for us to live on andtalks alot at times about how long he has been on the bottem of the barrel liveing for so many yrs and now he is ready to have a life with me and his drinking of course ,i dont see any ofthis happening cause he is a alcoholic and also at one time not long ago loved his vodka and 2 yrs ago he was shooting dalada every he thinks everythings ok cause he has decided to stopo it all,what am i not getting here i feellike im missing something and just dont understand like im as dumb as can be .im been wondering when the ugly monster is gonna rear its head agin in him,i just dont know when ,or will it ever,i need some help with this one i know he meand well and has good intentions always but,thats just it can any body plz give me more esh here or put it all back into perspective agin for me cause im just not getting it.and what and how do i respond to him??i will not allow him to move back in my house agin ever.he tried but i said NO,that he needed his own place and my beliefs on liveing together have allchanged ,thanks agin for listening,hugs chinup
Hi chinup - have you read any of the recommended books here? I think two that would be really beneficial are "Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No" and "Getting Them Sober".
I think something you may want to consider is that you are in the same environment so it feels normal on a daily basis and is easy to keep the status quo. Change is not easy, it can be clumsy, hard and take time to see the fruits of our progress. The status quo is easy and comfortable and familiar. I've heard it said that there sometimes has to be enough pain to spur us forward or for us to hit our "bottom" (yes, Al Anoners have bottom too!) and it may be that while confusing and difficult, there just hasn't been that "thing" that makes you say "I absolutely cannot do this anymore".
The good news is always that we do not need to make a change until we are ready. And ready means both in spirit and body, both ready together. You are doing a great job right now of finding your awareness, focus on the positives in what you are doing, be good to yourself you deserve it! You set a boundary and are staying with it, those are things you can be very proud of.
Try reading some books and go easy on yourself! Part of making good changes for ourselves also includes seeing the good in ourselves!
You don't need to respond to him either. He has a plan for his life, and while he may be putting you in it, in his mind - there is nothing saying you have agreed. He's allowed to have his thoughts and beliefs and while unsettling that he's assumed you'll want the same, his word do not make it reality, they are just words. No need to respond but do listen. Listen because he is telling you who he is and you can use that information in time to decide if he is someone you want to be with permanently. No need to decide right now, but just listen to him. And remember you have a right to your own thoughts and plans for YOUR life. Dream big. Let them come, maybe they will include him, maybe not but they are yours!
It is impossible to "figure out" the reasoning of a person who is under the influence. The best you can do, in your current situation is to take care of your dreams and needs. When he talks about he future you can simply state that you are living one day at a time and attempting to recover your mental, physical and spiritual health.
Keep the focus on yourself and treat yourself with compassion and understanding then treat him likewise
It is impossible to rationalize insanity. He is insane my dear. He is sick, very sick. All drugs make a mess of our whole bodies, even when they are prescribed.
Dilaudid is a very powerful drug. It was developed to use in medicine instead of heroin.
You are not dumb or crazy or anything. We all need to learn how very sick they are. We cannot see his sick insides.
Sending you lots of love,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."