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I am so sorry that this deadful disease is infecting your life I found when I validated my self worth to myself, I began to truly feel the self esteem that I had denied for so long.
Try making an asset list each day, read it out loud and add one more asset each day. Before going to sleep try to remember each asset that you listed and fall asselp thinking of yout assets and gratitude lis. It works and counteracts any negative voices that may have besieged you during the day
Good job with both dogs and you children .
-- Edited by hotrod on Monday 15th of October 2012 10:01:35 PM
Boy, this day got off to a terrible start. Went downstairs this morning to discover a huge puddle of dog pee in the living room, on my son's toybox. Cleaned that up. Then had a fight with my AH, in which he called me a name he has never, ever called me before, and which upset me more than anything else he has ever called me. Put on my big girl pants, took my son to daycare, and went to work. Came home to a huge puddle of dog puke in the living room. Cleaned that up. Cried.
Then I got in the car to pick up my son from daycare, and on the way I saw a lost dog. Picked her up, called animal control (she had a dog license) and they gave me the owner's info. Five minutes later, the 14 year old dog was back home. So I am hanging on to that positive thing for dear life today.
I am sorry some things are so hard for you right now. So glad you took someones old dog home, very nice! Sounds like your own dog is feeling the stress along with you. Sending you much love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Certainly, not an easy morning. For me, emotional stress weighs so much heavier than physical stress. My exAH is still not beyond calling me names- while, I disengage, I hope that I'm eventually able to work the program enough where it doesn't effect me one way or another. I hope you were able to do something nice for yourself and enjoy your evening.
UGH .. I hate name calling and YES you took lemons and made lemonade. The gratitude lists always put the focus back where it should be. I have been saying this a lot .. someone can say anything that they want to say, the only way I give it power is if I believe it is true.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
The beautiful part of it all is it is now a new day. Put all that negative stuff behind you. As a 40 year old ma I must admit that I have cried more because of this disease than I ever have in my life. There will be good and bad days is what I have been told and this is so true. Keep your head up. Remember there are 2 people there, the alcoholic and the man you once knew. The alcoholic controls your husband, don't let it control you. Keep coming back.
(((stephaniej))) I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. I remember the name calling and how hurtful it was. You've gotten some great ESH here already. I don't have much to add except yes, it was a rotten day. But tomorrow can be better. Keep taking care of you. And good on you for reuniting the lost dog with it's owners.