The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
sometimes life just doesn't make sense. My husband and I met 25 years ago in Alanon. We left after a few years, made a decision not to drink because of the trouble caused by the alcoholics in our families. We raised a family only to have my 20-something son now with a drinking problem
(((((Barbiegirl)))))...Life makes perfect sense including the alcoholism in it for me. Did I like it? Never and I still don't...will I accept it?...yeppers that is what I've learned how to do in program. When I use acceptance all the noice and erratic behaviors go quiet and then I know the next thing to do. Sorry you didn't get that brass ring on the merry-go-round...I didn't either...I just got off the ride. Welcome back home ((((hugs)))) for your daughter and prayers of course. There are more to go around for you and your hubby...Welcome to MIP and hope you still know where the Family Groups get together and/or are still going. Thanks for the reminder about how cunning, powerful and baffling this disease is...gonna tweak up the Power prayers. (((hugs))))
Just wanted to jump on quickly and say that I'm sorry that the disease of alcoholism is back in your life. I hope you and your husband will go to meetings again and find the serenity that is so much needed for you now. Hugs!
You are not alone I attended alanon, believed I had solved all the alcohol realted problems in my home and left. 14 years later son relapsed and I was BACK. Meetings, the tools, the support was still there and I was so glad I knew where to go "the second time around"
I too thought I had beaten the ugly monster , way back divorced my Dh, got my kids into alateen etc, etc STOPPED going to meeting for a few years ....Now I have one son who is alcoholic & one son who married a alcoholic lady with drug problem.It's was like I never had a day in Al Anon..Guess who hit rock bottom me of course. The nice thing is Al Anon is still here & I am once again finding serenity, working the steps, learning & re-learning, listening. Went to a face to face meeting today at noon it was on expectations, heard some really good stuff that I sure could relate too.
Sending understanding & support
"Holding a grudge is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die..."
The only life we have any control over is our own, unfortunately. I realize that even though I may get healthy in the program, it doesn't mean that my loved ones will turn out good.
I can't quite tell, but I hope you're not putting any blame on yourself for your child's choices.