The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Here I am all of me for all of you. I have been super-honest lately. My fear is going back to lying. I have so much to say & always so little time to tell all of you. I have a history of covering the truth. I am always honest on here. But, at home, I sometimes lie; sometimes overtly. I have to remember that I am not only hurting myself, I am hurting my alcoholic. He deserves honesty. From what I buy to what I hide from him. My step-mom taught me, among other things, to hide some of all of my purchases from my dad which led to me hiding even if I didn't need to. If that isn't an oxy-moron. Does that make any sense? I can't blame my step-mom for my actions. I am a 46 year old adult. I have to be responsible for MY actions.
So, I go on w/ life learning how to be honest. I am sure that bad habits are hard to break, but I am willing. I have to remember what I said earlier. I have hurt myself & others. I am so glad that I am not responsible for how people react but I am responsible for how I behave. There is hope, even for me. I am a work in progress. One day at a time.
Very soon I am going to my doctor for my arthritis pain & all that. But I have to wait until the 22nd. I haven't seen him in about 3 mos. I wonder what he is going to do w/me. As I said before, I was very uncomfortable w/ the last experience. I don't have much choice in the doctor I see. The other specialists are in WA which I really don't want to go to.
I am torn but am doing the best I can. I want what is best for me & others.
hi, you know sometimes people do lie, it just comes out of their mouth, sometimes out of nerves or like you said, habit.
I am a JW and I do not lie. Not about anything. BUT for awhile when i was working on it, I might say oh yea that was 6 years ago.oops i remember it was 4. so I would just say wait a minute I lied it was four years ago lol!
I really caught myself and kinda made a ooopsy joke out of them. This way it didn't hurt my self love, was done with humor and it made it easier to change.
My thing could be my animals. Most people do not get it so I would hide something or say oh its temporary or whatever.
Now I say you know, i was born this way, just like you were born to have a passion about fishing and have 20 fishing poles a million lurs etc.
That I would not know what do to with out them! They make me laugh, they protect me, keep me warm, keep me company, always love me, I love chores, I have met some of my best friends thru having them...and on and on.
So maybe my experience will help you. I would like it if you said oops that was a lie. I bought cheesecake, a new cool dress and 10 potted plants!!! lol giggle.
good thread. I love your honesty which is funny as you just said you lie! lol lol lol this is what makes me love you sis. hehhehe debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Thank you for sharing this, it's a brave thing to do and you are right, take one day at a time. This wonderful programme will help us if we work it and we are worth it.