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i work a decent program. and i am able to detatch fairly easily. i don't really care if my AS is drinking or not. i love him just the same. yesterday my 13yo granddaughter and i went to lunch. her parents separated 8 months ago and she chose to live with dad to take care of him. (god love my daughter-in-law for tolerating the insanity for 15 years!)
anyhow, granddaughter recently deceided to live with her mom. her dad was in 2 rehabs and signed out after a couple of days. granddaughter keeps every thing inside and doesn't talk much since mom left dad. she deceided to open up yesterday and asked me if her dad was going to AA. (he is stumbling down drunk every i asked her what do you think honey? and she said "NO" she talked about how her friends make fun of her dad cause he is a drunk. we talked about the disease aspect of alcoholism. she is the sweetest kid. my son has asked me not to talk to his near ex-wife.
i am so PISSED OFF right now. this disease is taking everything. to see the look in my poor granddaughters eyes. she feels such loyality toward dad. i went to the house to visit with her today. she was at her friends house. my son was in bed at 1p.m. hangover no doubt. beer cans were all over the place. the house was a pig pen.
alanon is not an option for her as i have discussed it with her mom in the past. i feel stuck because i don't want to overstep my boundaries with granddaughter and dads disease. guess i really don't have any boundaries.
anyhow, i feel better now just venting. thank god for this board because i was ready to pick up the phone and just light into my son. not for me but for his daughter. craziness.....
I feel so bad for your G'daughter. I too was made fun of by my peers because my dad was the town drunk - the jokes were geared toward my Dad but of course, I took it personally - my self-esteem took a huge hit - it left scars that I carry to this day. Is there any way she can get access to an online ala-teen program?
Tough call deb. You are his mother, her grandmoter, and an essential part of the family. Your opinions matter. If you state anything to your son, it might be considered doing it for you. You don't have to just accept and swallow up the feeling that this is so wrong. Whether or not he changes or responds to hearing are powerless over, but it's not necessarily wrong to state what is true and you don't need to watch child neglect happening and say nothing. It's not in your power to fix it...I know you recognize this. Like I said, there is a possibility that advocating for your granddaughter will teach her she has a voice and can say "you shouldn't treat me like this" and that is something she needs to learn how to say to men right?
It's confusing but I don't think your instincts regarding saying something are totally off.
An idea for you. I believe you are able to get grandparent custody visits. I do not know the process but it would be your time. In that, you could take her to an al anon meeting. No court would refuse you that given the circumstances. It's something you may want to utilize one free consult with a lawyer to learn about.
thanks for replies. there is no problem with my granddaughter spending time with me. we actually are quite close. because of this divorce, my son has asked me not to talk to his ex. we uses to be very very close but i haven't spoken with her in 8 months out of respect for my son. (sticky situation. although son was active in his disease for 15 years while married, she left him and ended up getting involved with his best friend!) i don't know how much her mom (or dad) have told her about alcoholism. and i'm not sure where my part in the "education" is. i want to be available for her to talk to. she really spilled her guts to me yesterday. she is a daddys little girl but i think it has gotten too much for her. i asked her if she has anyone to talk to about stuff that is going on and she says just a couple of friends. kids are so smart. i will send her link for alateen. thanks again everyone.
Remember that you don't have to stop speaking to your granddaughter's mother just because your son has tried to make that happen. Divorcing people often try to get everyone around them to take sides. She may have made some bad decisions, but she is still your granddaughter's mother, and it's not as if he is not making bad decisions too. I hope that whatever you decide ultimately, you will look at what's appropriate for you yourself, and for your granddaughter, rather than what the sick person demands.
The relationship between my son and his Ex is beyond strained but my husband & I do keep in touch(not lovey-dovey but civil) with her for the sake of the kids.
However remember the A is very sick. They are basically brain damaged as they are using and sometimes forever.
Keeping this in mind, is it prudent or wise to respect the wishes of a sick, insane person?
I would expect mom would want to know what daughter is going thru. I sure would not allow my son to tell me who to talk to or who not to. This is your daughters mom!
Your sweet grand daughter is reaching out to you. You said she wanted to go back with mom. My experience with kids is you are right they are very smart, however they need us to be adults and protect them. She is in an abusive situation!
With a drunk parent like this we never know what could happen!
Sending you lots of love and strength to protect your grand daughter. Debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Would her Mom be open to her seeing a counselor, one that has some background in the family disease perhaps? My daughter is 14 and I had her see a counselor for awhile after I left her dad. I remind her if she has any issues with either of us and needs someone to talk to we can always get her an appointment. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."