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Post Info TOPIC: I'm new here, not sure where to begin


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I'm new here, not sure where to begin

I am in my early 40's and I have been married to my husband for 19 years. We have 2 kids aged 12 and under.

My husband blames me for his drinking. Last November, I'd had enough of him being a selfish jerk and told him I wanted a divorce. He was a social drinker back then. 

Now he says I ruined his life when I told him I wanted a divorce because he swears he didn't know things were so bad. How could he when he was NEVER home?
(This man missed his son's first day of kindergarten and every belt testing in karate for his other child. Not because of work, because he chose not to go.)

I ended up staying not because I wanted to but because I felt I needed to for my kids. But honestly my heart was just done.
He has started doing the things that were an issue last year when I decided to leave: going to the cigar shop, coming home only to go outside and light up a cigar and pour himself a drink and sit outside.

He actually got a DUI in April. Easter weekend. The weekend that he was supposed to meet me at my family's house out of state to celebrate Easter and see his kids hunt Easter eggs for the first time.
Instead I got a call that he was in jail and I had to arrange for a friend of his to go bail him out.
He hasn't been charged yet and it's going to end up costing a lot of money.

But basically he tells me it's my fault he drinks. Had I not told him I wanted a divorce and "ruined his life" or "given him an emotional connection" then he wouldn't drink. He also blames me for the DUI. Again, because it's my fualt that he drinks.

Wha makes me so angry is that I allow him to make me feel guilty over this. Rationally I know I do not put a drink in his hand.But he is so manipulative and that's his M.O. and he knows it.

If I even mention that I think he has a problem with drinking he flies off the handle and is livid. Says he can go for a long time without drinking. Swears he will never drink and drive again but I don't trust him.

I ust honestly don't know what to do. I feel so lonely and powerless. I still want a divorce but he starts with the threats of he will quit his job, I will ruin my kid's lives, everything will be MY fault.
I am so depressed some days I don't even want to get out of bed. I've been in therapy for years.

Thanks for allowing me to vent here.


~*Service Worker*~

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You did just fine! welcome.

First we cannot control anything another says, believes or does. Of course it is not  your fault. Besides if he believes that what makes him stay? lol If you ruin his life, his legs are not broken, he knows where the door is.

This horrible disease drags us into it, that is what makes you feel so sick, and your kids too. Believe me they are affected negatively too.

Al Anon can teach us how to stay with them and ignore their banter, their dui's, lieing, whatever. We learn to concentrate on us, and know all that bad stuff you mentioned is his disease, not the man you love. All his stuff is his own.I quit even talking about it to him. None of my business.

So he says he will quit his job, that is manipulation,another symptome of being an addict. More, selfishness, lieing, using drugs including alcohol,so many things that this horrible disease is.

So we look at ourselves, what do we want? Do we want to learn how to live with them and go thru life working on that, or do we cont. as is or do we leave the situation?

Leaving does being fear. I know. I have seen and found on my own, to make huge changes I start by checking things out. Look at what jobs are available, go back to school and look into childcare, Decide how much we need to live on, what is availabel as far as government help and my supplimenting that.

What housing is available? I have to take my pets. Where would I want the kids to go to school? Who would support me, friends, family?  would keep a journal or notebook and be proactive.

When we learn about what the change may bring, we are not so fearful. When we have faith in our ability to figure it out, and see it, we are not so fearful.

Myself I don't believe in allowing kids to be in bad situations. I know I would be better off in a tent with my Mother than live with an abusive A. The tension kids feel is horrible on them. That is MY experience.

I am glad you came here. We having gone thru this or are going thru this really care about you, kids and your A. That is what brings us together. Some of us have been here for around 11 years, some like you just started, but we all feel the same and need each other.

If you choose to stay, there is sooo much hope here, guidance, we listen, we share what we have learned and been through.

When you choose or if to climb out of the disease of addictions pit, you will be able to get out of bed with hope and faith that you are going to make a change. You have us to be here for you, and you will put together a support group there too.

You need you, and your kiddo's need you too. YOu are soon to be going thru the teenage "fun." lol so your coming here was good timing! (c:

I hope you come back and feel comfy.  Lotsa hope for you,debilyn 


Putting HP first, always  <(*@*)>

"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."            Or call: 1-888-4alanon

~*Service Worker*~

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Sounds like he is really playing on your fears and insecurities. That's just evil and it doesn't resemble love in any way. I suggest getting involved in alanon and following through. It probably will be met with criticisms and more manipulative behavior from him but I really hope you do this for yourself. Living under constant threat and only being with someone because of their manipulation is like being a hostage. That level of control and manipulation is actually abusive and you might also look into womens support groups for domestic abuse/violence.


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Welcome Angel14 :)

I think you should try and go to a face to face meeting. You'll meet people who have been going through the same things that you have.

One thing they talk about in our program is the notion of loving detachment. Being able to love and empathise with the person while separating the disease. As an example, when he got arrested for his dui you scrambled to find someone to bail him out. In Al-Anon we learn to let alcoholics be responsible for their own decisions which would have meant leaving him in jail. Sure, he would have been upset and he is your children's father but now he knows you'll always be around to bail him out, which puts you on edge and affects your mental health.

Keep coming back.



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Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate them. I am going to try to find an al anon meeting near me that I can attend while my kids are in school. The meetings that I see say that they are "closed". Does that mean I have to be invited to attend? I have been a SAHM for 8 years, but I've been an RN for 18 years and I have kept my license active. So while going back to work after 8 years is scary, I know I can. My husband is a physician. We were married and he started med school 2 days later. I'm 100% sure he isn't drinking at work. His professional reputation is way more important to him than how I feel.


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A closed meeting means that it is more private and reserved for those that are dealing directly with the effects of alcoholism -- YOU. All you need to do is walk in the door and accept the fellowship of those that have/are experiencing what your are.



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Thank you, Path to Serenity. There is actually a meeting tomorrow. I just need to overcome my social anxiety and walk through the door. And pray that my husband doesn't find out because I know it would piss him off.


~*Service Worker*~

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Many towns also have meetings that have free childcare.  If you call the local Al-Anon meeting they will be able to tell you which ones.

It sounds as if your alcoholic is really used to getting his way by any means possible (anger, manipulation, guilt, threats, bluff...).  Of course he wants to keep drinking with as few consequences as possible.  That's the disease, which only looks out for itself.  Some people imagine their alcoholic with the word "SICK" written on their foreheads.  I hope that helps if he tries to give you grief about protecting and healing yourself by going to a meeting.  You will find many wonderful people who have been just where you are.  Also, they say to try six meetings because they are all different.  If the first one is not a good fit, just move on to the next.  But many people find even the first a great source of wisdom and support.  I hope you'll also read through the threads here, and there are online meetings here.  Hugs.


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3972

So glad you have a meeting planned. Al-anon face to face saved my life! Sending you love and support on your journey!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 5663

Going to meetings might piss him off, but it will really just be him being pissed off at himself. I know I personally can't fix this situation for you, but it does make me mad that your attempt at self care will likely be met with anger from your significant other. That's not loving at all. Something has to change though...

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