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""Got my dander up"" is the expression my Granny used when someone ticked her off.
A coworker emailed me that he was making an unusual deposit & that I should make a temp posting for the funds until we have a chance to discuss with the boss. Well, I email him back and give him the proper proceedures for this type of transaction -- he emails back that he really wants to run it by the boss before proceeding.
I do understand where he is coming from because he's just recently been promoted to general manager after the other GM resigned (really let go for cooking the books) and I think he is trying to make sure he does everything properly which is commendable. Even knowing that, I'm still ticked because my knowledge of the accounting process was questioned or brushed off......heck, I'm the one that trained the boss on this particular franchise's rules & regulations for reporting revenue and if the boss had been asked first, he would have referred the question to me anyway.
So even tho I know where this coworker is coming from, why am I so darned mad???