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Post Info TOPIC: Denial was bliss compared to this!


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Denial was bliss compared to this!

Hi all,

My title is meant to grab attention, beacause I really do think I need to move all the way out of denial.  It seems like once I admitted that my husband was an alcoholic, the ball has kept rolliing and now I am seeing that our marriage has been a shell that I have constructed to make me feel like I had a normal family.  I love my husband very much, but if he is not in this marriage then we don't have a marriage. Wow.  I have been mourning the loss of what I thought we had all this past week.  I feel like I am mourning the death of a loved one.  I just keep thinking that we really did have something, but when I look at the actions overall- I can't see anything.

hmm I know why it was so nice to be in denial.  If I am in denial then I get to keep my family in the same house.  I get to think that things aren't as bad as I think they are.  I get the benefits of AH's job and I can be a SAHM.  I could go on. But the truth is, this isn't healthy for me, for the kids, or for my husband.  

I thought that I could just go along and work the steps.  As I worked them, I thought I could formulate what I was going to do and in a couple of months maybe be in a better place to see what I need to do. But in the mean time, my AH has decided that I was not respectful of him and has cut me off and is giving me the silent treatment.  I prayed about it to see if there was anything I needed to apologize for and I decided that there wasn't. So he has continues ignoring me for a whole week.  It just goes to show me that he is not in this thing.  I tried to talk to him about it and tell him my point of view, but he wouldn't hear it.  Now he is sleeping in the guest room and is still punishing me by only talking to me about things that are business-like.  He is trying to seem like he is being "nice" by working with me on the kids, etc.

I have left him be and this time I am not trying to beg him to talk.  I am letting him wallow and just not acting hurt or upset when I am around him.

I have decided that I am going to get our local church involved.  I am not interested in them trying to do couple's counseling. I am going to ask that they help me to confront his alcohol addiction and get help for himself so that he can come back and be a part of this marriage.

Of course this brings up a lot of feelings for me. Fear, fear, and more fear (in denial I didn't have to deal with these emtions).  I am working to trust the situation moment by moment to God.  Focusing on today and enjoying time with my friends and my kids. I realize that I am powerless to change him.  Powerless to bring him back to this marriage, but also pleading with God for help.  


He's not finished with me yet. gracealone

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To come out of denial is quite painful; that is true.

However, what follows is priceless in the longrun.


You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light.  Lama Surya Das

Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die.  Malachy McCourt

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Denial was meant to take care of us until we were ready to accept the truth. My AHsober acted similar to yours. He would cut me off, withhold affection, conversation, then blame it on me. I would plead with him to talk to me. It would never happen. He consequently left the marriage. When one person gives and the other withholds, it is not a relationship. I hope it works out for you.



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Grace rather than trying to help him,or her, we learn to help ourselves.

To ask the church for support for you and kids, goes a lot further than to get into his disease.

A's do not like for us to try to control or change them. They do not appreciate us betraying their right to choose how they live, by bringing in outsiders.

In my experience that is not a wise decision at all. He knows he is sick, he knows what his disease is doing. He knows better than anyone.

Plus if these church goers are not A's there is no way they are going to understand. They can make it so much worse.

It is up to him to call out for help. Their disease is not our business. He knows he can call AA anytime.

I know you are desperate, however the best thing we can do for our A is allow them the dignity to make their own choices. Same as we want.

Keep coming! love,debilyn


Putting HP first, always  <(*@*)>

"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."            Or call: 1-888-4alanon

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Aloha Grace...Thanks for the reminder of when I came to get help in Al-Anon.  I knew nothing about alcoholism and even that one little part called denial.  The early fellowship had me face my own denial when after they heard me whine and complain about my alcoholic/addict they asked the question, "So what's your part in it"?  Find the solution to that question required for me to take a hard look at myself and take my focus completely off of my alcoholic/addict wife.  Alcoholism is a equal opportunity disease and there are lots of people playing a part in it.  I had to find out what part I played cause that is the only part I can change.   If you are not already attending face to face Al-Anon meetings in your area I suggest going to the white pages of your local telephone book and look up and call the hotline number for Al-Anon.  Come as quickly as you can cause there are many solutions and miracles waiting for you.   Keep coming back (((((hugs))))) smile


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You are so right....myXAH did the same's almost like they are not engaged in the world around them. I cold be sad and crying and it was like I was not even there...a very inhumane reaction to someone you are supposed to care about. I still am AMAZED at the level of selfishness, self involvement...just the general SELF in there  a SELFAHOLISM?guess that wHY Our recovery depend on us taking care of ourselves.



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Alcoholism = Insanity

You have stopped enabling him and that is hugely threatening to his ego and to the disease itself. The disease of alcoholism will have him so self-centered that he cannot or will not fathom how it has been affecting you. It will tell him you are attacking him, undermining him, emasculating him, and going behind his back. All of those things will probably seem real but the fact is, you are no longer playing the game and he and his alcoholism are really angry about that.

It's hard for you to not to take that personally, but I just wanted to back you up that you are strong and you are not alone. You can make choices and be okay with your decisions. Let your higher power guide you. He cannot even do that because alcohol is his higher power. Breathe deep and take this 1 day at a time, on minute at a time. Folks in alanon are there to support you so that you know you are not all by yourself.

Also, just because his alcoholism took a progressively downward turn (as it tends to do), that doesn't mean the whole marriage was a sham. It doesn't mean it's all going to be peachy if he stops drinking either. What is closer to the truth is that the marriage has been under assault by his disease and the fall out from it and that neither of you really planned for it.


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I am right where you are today, Grace. Coming out of denial, trying to face the truth, only to fall back into denial because it's easier, and then realizing that the truth is there now. I can now see the elephant in the room yet my AH can't/won't. If you ever want to PM me, please feel free. There is wonderful support here on these boards, but I find face to face meetings to be the best place for support. A real life hug always makes things seem easier and the folks in Al Anon are always willing to give you one! You've gotten some wonderful feedback here! It has helped me, as well, and I'm grateful for your post. Have a beautiful day today!

Struggling to find me......

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Well this was another dejavue post for me , my husb was famous for not talking to me for weeks and it used to drive me crazy until I had sharred this at a meeting one day and a woman came up to me after and asked  * Have you thought of enjoying the silence ??* I imediatley thought  how stupid is that  , then she said  think about it  he's not complaining  or trying to pick a fight , not telling me what a looser I am etc . she said  turn up the music and dance enjoy the silence .  now that was a new concept  sheeesh . She reasured me that  if I didnt react to what he was doing went on with my life that the silences would get shorter  , she was absolutley right .


I came- I came to-I came to be

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This thread is amazing...its why I keep checking in. I too hang on to the denial stage. The truth is sad, painful, frusteating, lonely....i could go on. But I visit this firum to face the truth...i married an alc. Hes selfish, hes addicted and hes not really capable of being in a relationship...with anyone. That said...ive stayed...its been 13 years and one child...and here I sit...alone...but alone all bad...the house is quiet, I can go to bed alone...its peaceful...problem is...he left here at 2pm...its now guessing his whereabouts but im call to rell his daugh gnight, no call to sat he woukdnt be home for dinner...its so selfush...hes in his own world. Hes not a terrible person by most standars...just addicted to alc and himself. Sad to adm really...and I see litle change in sight but yet I stay....its as if im a single mom with an occasional ovsrnight guest...of course its still on his terms.
Not sure if im detached, in denial, angry and resentful or all of the above....its maddening thats for sure.


When all else fails...there is Faith, Hope and Prayer.

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I totally understand what you are expressing! I thought I was past my denial about his drinking problems and how it affected our relationship. Thought I had that handled, BUT after a series of horrific events I had him move out. Going on 2 months now longest time without speaking to him in yrs. I find myself struggling with the same issues you describe looking back on everything from a slightly different perspective then when I was active in the relationship. Did/Do I really love him or did/do I love the home with him I thought we were working on building? IDK cause he was never really vested in either our relationship or making a home together. Did he ever really care or was the whole thing a farce? How can you treat someone they way they do and really care? Was this again my fantasy? My denial? Was I a drunkards dream and the entire thing was made up in my head living in complete denial? Remember at the beginning I thought I had a handle on my denial. I now know I did not, because all these questions torture & sadden me even more now. I can no longer live in denial even though many - many times I wish for the fantasy to play out just one more day then face what I am left with, to no longer deny. I am working on my denial at a deeper level now I guess is a good way to describe it. I didn't know this extensive denial was buried in me....
Hugs to you!



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Thanks, everyone for the encouragement. It is so comforting to know I am not alone. I am going to be starting a new thread on boundaries. Please look for it and share your experiences.

He's not finished with me yet. gracealone
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