The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
(((((Zimmy, Zimmy, Zimmy)))))...channeling my former sponsor Don T. How grand...Mahalo Akua, Thank you God. I was talking to a work buddy this morning about this very thing and telling him what my sponsor taught me about balancing. I use to What If!! like it was my only life stratagy and of course that life was riding the merry-go-round. I was sooo out of balance until my sponsor told me "If you want balance and the opportunity to stay in balance...for everytime you "what if" something you must "what if not" it also. I did that and got exactly what you got...nothing to worry about or fret over...pure magic. He also taught me about doing the "opposites" which was just as great as the "what if nots". I'm blessed and so are you.
Keep coming back and channel Don T as much as you want. He passed last February and I know he wanted to keep contact still.
-- Edited by Jerry F on Friday 21st of September 2012 02:31:26 AM
Just wanted to share something im quite new on here so first time Ive shared on here!! Here goes, I have had a really trying day today, all emotions good and bad, but it was great just to be able to use some of my alanon tools to get me through the day. I remembered that its ok, i will feel things good and bad, think about them and then let go let god.
But my biggest blessing today was when my thinking started with the what if my beloved a is....but something in me (hp) put in my head what if he isnt? and that just straight away cancelled any crazy thought right in its track. This single thing took all the anxiousness away the old way of wanting to control things by thinking every dire way thing could work out. It also made me feel oh well if crap does happen i'll just deal with it if I need to. (of course with that thinking everything is much better and im more in the moment than trying to control the maybes that could or couldnt happen.
I dont know if that makes much sense and if it doesnt im sorry, but i needed to pat myself on the
Thank you all who have posted your esh or your shares it helps me so much, one grateful member. :)
What a caterpiller calls the end of the world....God calls a butterfly
I understand. I had a good/bad day with emotions. My thoughts ran away with me. But I just ask my HP for help. I have learned to accept the responsibility for my part. Keep coming back.
Great use of alanon tools. You listened to your inner voice, heard the negative message, and responded to yourself with a positive message Wonderful ESH
Thanks made my morning seeing your post :) I am new to alanon and working on the 3rd step so to wake up to see what you had posted truly was my hp doing great work for me. Thankyou for a great start to my day. Godbless
What a caterpiller calls the end of the world....God calls a butterfly