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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Recently, I had a day in court and I felt I'd done a good job of representing myself. Unfortunately, the outcome didn't change. I have a very big payment to make. I had my year end review at work and even though I felt I'd performed the duties of my job well, I was worried. At my last workplace, there was a lot of dysfunction and unfairness. This place has felt much much better but still I wasn't sure they would be fair. Maybe these feelings due to losing in court. I told my bf that I was proud that I went to court and fought for myself and that it's just money and I can always make more. Well, my boss gave me a great review and is recommending me for a raise. She didn't have any areas where she suggested I do a little better. She told me I had done phenomenally well for someone who only began the job six months ago. She said wonderful things about my character and she put in my review that I was "honest." That was such a healing thing after being dismissed in court. She personally recommended me and I was accepted to a program at work to be a calm, non judgmental ear for other employees, that was the company job description. The company is going through a lot of changes in the coming year and naturally people are afraid they'll lose their jobs. The raise won't be much money but in these times it's a miracle to get one at all. She said it's a pleasure to work with me each day and what a help I've been to her. She wrote it in my review too and that I don't spread rumors or gossip. I feel very grateful. It felt good after being in court and having someone try to manipulate me into saying things that would discredit my character, to have my boss tell me these things and reward my hard work. Just wanted to share this good news with you. Thanks. TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thank you for posting that! Somehow I feel that it is healing for all of us when one of us receives validation and posts it for all of us to share in the happiness. Bless you! Temple
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Very timely and supportive Tired...I'm prepping for court and it also looks like I'll be prose (self presented) and maybe not...Gods got the final decision on this. The contract I have with a local hotel may or maynot be alterned tomorrow and after that I go meet a lawyer regarding my case. HP has the final on that one also...I'll do the best I can with what I have and it seems, like you, that taking my program where ever I go gets an affirmation for my recovery. I love this is soooo hopeful and supportive. ((((hugs))))
I was given a nice compliment yesterday and it made my day. An outside consultant was brought into the restaurant to help straighten out some problems and I had a deep fear that he would recommend that someone local could serve the business better (I do acctg for the business that is out of state - everything is done online & via snail mail & email) He would be right in that a local person could probably be better but I've worked for this owner for 15yrs. His statement to me was that I was a highly valued asset to the owner and he sees that the owner has complete trust in me.....WOW, I really needed to hear that. And...the owner is in the middle of opening a 2nd location and I get that work too so my income will double in a couple of months.
Thanks ((((everyone)))) for your unconditional love and support concerning my positive news. It great to hear good things are happening for you too due to finding Alanon. You keep me hopeful! TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.