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Post Info TOPIC: A cry for help, How do I help him!!!!!


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A cry for help, How do I help him!!!!!

Where do I begin, I've been with my AH for over 11 years, married for 7. He has a 16 year old daughter that I love dearly. He comes from a different Country and have seen much devastation in his life. He's always been a loner and have abandonment issues. He's a smart educated man with a great job BUT He's always been a Binge Alcoholic for years but he never saw it as a problem. For the  first couple of years of our relationship , he hid his drinking from me completely. Now while he still hides it, he knows I'm aware of it.. We have had a rocky marriage since I DO, I've dealt with lies, deceit, cheating ( more than once) and more importantly this demon of drinking.. I've stayed throughout all of this and suffered in silence UNTIL last October when he asked for a Divorce because he learned that I was communicating with an EX.. Well, I begged and pleaded with him until I realized that this was not about the EX it was about everything else. It was just an excuse.. So, I called his bluff and prepared to leave.. Well, I DID!!!  I noticed that since the separation, the binging became closer and closer .. He consumes an extreme amount of alcohol at one time.. I've warned him the dangers of it but he was convinced that he knows when to stop and start a binge.. Since the separation, we still are very close and do things as a family and often talk of getting back together. We tried counseling but he starting binging after the 3rd session .. We still travel together and speak daily.. Well, last week this time I received a call from stating that the house was possessed and that I should stay away from him for good. I returned to find him experiencing what I now know tho be DT's.. I was totally confused with how and what to do for him. He was clearly hallucinating and dellusional. I called for emergency assistance and he was admitted into the Hospital. Thank God he is fine but he had to be  transferred to a Alcohol rehab ( after 3 days in Hospital) Well, TODAY, he gets out and will resume with a partial hospitalization intensive outpatient program daily ( 6 hours) .. I am his ONLY SUPPORT!! He has No family except his daughter and they have a terrible relationship ( she and I are closer)..

My question is , how in the world do I help him?? Should I move back into the house or let him come to my house for a while? Whats the best way I can support him.. I am a praying wife seeking prayer and support. I know this isn't my battle but he is still my husband.. Until death due is part , Right??? 

I have to admit, I've enjoyed the peace of being on my own and not having to come home to all the different mood swings and the not speaking to me for days and weeks but I do love him very much. I just want him to be better person for him and not hate me for trying to help him.. Any Godly advice is welcome.. Thank you so much and sorry for such the long story.. I'm a mess right now...

A praying wife!!

Praying wife

~*Service Worker*~

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I'm so sorry this is happening to you, and glad you have found us. 

I hope you will also find some face-to-face Al-Anon meetings.  They are all different so they say to try six until you find one that is a good fit.  When we live with alcoholism, we get sucked into the insanity without even knowing it, so we need recovery too.  Alcoholism is very powerful and it is so valuable to have a lot of support in putting the madness behind us.

One of the hard (but liberating) truths that Al-Anon teaches us is that there are three C's about alcoholism: we didn't Cause it, we can't Cure it, and we can't Control it.  The experience of thousands, probably millions of people have shown that if we could control it, it would be controlled by now.  The alcoholic has to want to take the steps to recovery, and no outside power can convince them to do that.  They have to hit their own bottom, which happens on their own time. Tragically, I'm afraid that a significant percentage never do recover.  I say this because I had put my life on hold, waiting for that magic day when he'd be over it.  It is far better for us to go ahead and make our lives peaceful and good (whatever that would look like) without having that hinge on their decisions.

Of course if someone is in a medical crisis, we don't stand by and let the worst happen.  They need professionals on the case then.  But in the slow but sure downward slide, there are no professionals that can help unless the alcoholic himself wants help and goes for it. 

There is one big thing that you can do.  When we go into recovery, that adds recovery to the dynamic.  Everything gets healthier even if the alcoholic is not seeking to get healthier.  We go into our own recovery by finding good Al-Anon meetings, getting a sponsor when we find someone appropriate, reading all the Al-Anon literature we can (and the threads on these boards!), and working our program.  There are online meetings here and a chat room.  If you read through the other threads you will find many people in very similar situations, and many people who have experienced this and moved on to lead much more peaceful lives.  You have taken the first step in coming here.  Please don't wait in getting more support -- no one should have to do this alone.  Hugs.


~*Service Worker*~

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Get the book Getting them Sober.  Follow a al anon program. Give yourself a break.


orchid lover

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Aloha Praying and welcome to the board.  I hope that you become a regular member...stick around and read, read, read with an open mind and post how life is going with you as you already have.  The separation or detachment has a positive outcome for you...peace of mind and serenity and arresting the damage that the disease is having over get a chance to pray in serenity to have those conversations with God or your Higher Power without the disease coming in between it.  Don't we not pray for them and also pray for us to be relieved of the pain of the disease?   You have done what it takes to be relieved of the pain (some...theres more to do for you) and that was/is to get quiet.  He has a part that he has done and has to do still in order for the wedding vows and contract and promises to come true.  All of those were mutual commitment and if it is now not mutual it won't work.  When you married you didn't get a requirement to learn about and understand alcoholism.  You didn't know that your husband was a carrier of the disease and therefore could not have envisioned you would be reaching out for help at MIP.   Today is your day.  Step out of the way between him and his Higher Power and let the two of them meeting.  It is your concern and not your job because as it has been mentioned, thanks to Mattie's share, the 3C's apply.  Alcoholism has already taken you down and you both down and you left it alone which is one of the alternatives for us who want to be winners.  Detach...Let go and Let God...Turn it Over (to HP)...To Thine own self be true and more.  What Mattie said was absolutely accurate..."If we could have...we would have" and we can't.  Alcoholism is a disease that is incureable.  If it is not arrested by total abstinence it results in insanity and death. My suggestion of getting to face to face meetings of the Al-Anon Family Groups echo Mattie's because that is what worked for me when all other attempts failed.  You are responsible for you and responsible to others...You have been responsible to your alcoholic and it didn't work because he isn't responsible for himself.   I'd like to hear how the meetings do for you...go to the white pages of your local telephone book and look up the hotline number for Al-Anon in your area and call to find out where and when we get together and come as early as you can.   Praying for you and for him.  (((hugs))) smilesmile


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Hi Praying Wife and welcome to MIP. I'm so glad you found us. Mattie and Jerry have given you great ESH (experience, strength, and hope). I also second Maresie's suggestion of reading Getting Them Sober. It was a real eye opener for me. I don't have much to add other than I hope you keep back, reading and posting. There is much wisdom, concern, and support to be found here. You are not alone.


~*Service Worker*~

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Glad you found us at MIP! You already received great ESH and I just wanted to send you prayers, love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."


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Thank you all so much but I'm not as strong as I seem to be ( Or writing about anyway) Well, He's out and now staying his first night at my place. I was very hesitate but the case manager thought it was a good idea as he's been saying how the drinking became worst after I left and that the incentive to getting back together may keep him sober.. I believe however that this is his Battle and he should let GOD fight it for him not me.. ( of course with him being responsible ) I'm only agreeing to this for a couple of days as I stated before there is noone else for him to lean on. We have a great relationship , He just made a bad husband for right now( because of the Alcohol) . I don't want to enable him but I dont want to leave him hanging.. He feels as if he need certain Prayers to keep the enemy off/ away from him so the first thing he wanted to do today was go to a Wednesday night Bible study.. I supported him and went.. I've never seen him so active in Church ( Praying and worshipping that is) .. Could this be Manipulation that I hear so much about, He is saying all the right things? . I dont want to fall back in this trap no matter how much I want this marriage.. I'm Tired!! I've attendant an Al Anon meeting once last year but didn't return because I thought I could handle it on my own but I'm ready to try again now.. First thing Saturday AM...
Thanks for all your prayers and I ask that they continue..... I know its a long road ahead of me...
Still a praying Wife!!

Praying wife

~*Service Worker*~

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Praying Wife the disease is cunning, powerful and baffling and insidious and many times easy to understand if you understand and learn from those who come before you and those who have done the research and study of it.  Alcohol is a major mind and mood altering chemical...They drink they get altered...different and the chemical naturally sets them up for more.  More means more practice and more useage and therefore leads to misuse, abuse and addiction if they are not predisposed from birth (as I was).  In time you learn that there actually is a Dr Jekel and Mr. Hyde co-existing personality.  When he is not under the influence (and that does not always mean drunk) the Jekel personality is pronounced...when he is under the influence the Mr. Hyde personality rules.   I was taught to accept that I had a wife - and - an alcoholic/addict and then to know which one was in my atmosphere so that I could respond properly (for me) to what was going on.  How did I help her?  I helped myself first.  I got into Al-Anon and sat down with an open mind and learned from the members who came before me who were calm, serene and sane.  I let them teach me and asked them for help.  I was born with the disease not the answers to it.  I had to learn the solutions over time and with effort and practice and willingness and humility.  With out such help I was done for...mind, body, spirit and emotions.  I learned a proper relationship with God as I understand God and I learned how to practice that 24/7 as it was required in order to keep me from taking control over something I had no control over.  No one controls does the controlling and we do the reacting.  It is not a cureable disease.  It is thousands of years old and it is permitted to exist and snares millions one of which is the person you love.  Best person for him to be in contact with is another recovering alcoholic who knows what happened and who has learned that change is necessary and who now practices those changes...1st change...Don't take the first drink and then it goes on.

Marvelous for you that Saturday you will be with us at a face to face meeting in your area...Marvelous!!  Take an open mind with you and leave your fear and miseries at the door before you go in.  If you still feel that the program isn't for you then you can retrieve your fear and miseries and try something else.  This is what I was invited to do when I first got to program.  I never went back and retrieved my fear and miseries...I just kept coming back on invitation.   Keep coming back cause this works when you work it.    (((((hugs))))) smile


~*Service Worker*~

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I would try alanon. It is the best way to build yourself up to be strong in the face of whatever he does or does not do in recovery. It never helped me to view myself as someones "only support." If that is the case, then it's your husbands job to make more supports. Alcoholism is a disease of isolation. To stay sober, we need to stay connected to a network of recovering people. We can't depend on our signifcant others solely. In fact, thats one of the worst things an alcoholic can do and it will always lead to them getting drunk again. A sponsor and his peers in AA can help him stay sober more than anyone. You can be the same supporrive wife you already know how to be and if he cannot reach out and ask for help and then take the help AA has to offer, that is his problem and not yours.....sad as it may be.



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Thanks again so much.. Its just all so new to me and I just feel at such a lost.I feel like running as fas as I can but can't live through the guilt.. I feel like I don't know whats right to say or whats right to do. Let him stay or let him go home alone. ???? Saturday can't get here fast enough.. I know that it's going to take time and it's a life long illness but when and how do I make decisions to move forward... I will take an open mind with me and leave all my fears outside of Al anon..

Praying wife

~*Service Worker*~

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The Al-Anon suggestion is that we not do anything for them that they could do for themselves.  That doesn't mean that you could never make dinner for him or something like that -- it means more that if it's something an adult would do for himself, then we let them do it for themself. 


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3972

Reading the book "Getting Them Sober" was very helpful for me. I pray you can make it to some meetings and be open to the program of Al-anon. Sending you love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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