Al-Anon Family Group

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Post Info TOPIC: New here...Need to stay "focus"


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Posts: 4
New here...Need to stay "focus"

Hey there... I decided I needed a group to help me stay focused and discuss my thoughts and hear how others are dealing with this crazy thing we call "addiction"

I am married to a man who is no doubt an alcoholic. He is a Binge drinker, the type that doesnt drink a lick all week but feels entitled to getting drunk on the weekend. He isnt abusive to me and remains in control when the kids are awake but he is by all accounts an alcoholic. He stays up alone drinking, he is embarrassing at parties and puts me on edge that at any moment he may get a wild hair up his butt to go out or be disrespectful. So I find myself staying sober to watch him, check on him if I go to bed to make sure hes still home and listening for the door.

About 5 years ago he got a second DUI and for a long time NEVER got behind a wheel. He would take a cab IF he went anywhere, but that didnt make me OK with him going out anyway. Every time hed go out it was the typical Ill be out till 11 just having a few drinks nothing crazy and then a call at 12, then 1 and come home drunk as a skunk at 2:30.

Most recently thought he pulled his sneaking out trick and I heard the worst noise everthe car backing out of our driveway. It was all I could do from jumping in my car to follow him, but of course the babies where home and asleep.  I literally watched him leave and could do nothing to stop it.

After calling his phone 100x and getting no answer I cried. Then.a switch went off. I realized, there is nothing I can do for him now except pray. I am not in control.

For YEARS I have watched and coached him every night dont drink liquor, slow down or youre not leaving right? only to have him do whatever he wanted and feel like it was a kick in the face. So I decided, no more. I will no longer try to control him, I can no longer try to protect him from himself. There is no point, I love him dearly, and he in fact is an amazing father and friend. But every so often he drinks and while it doesnt always end badly, when it does its life threatening and scary as hell And even when it doesnt happen I still live in fear it could at any moment.

I asked him to leave for the week so I could think. I wasnt kicking him out, or punishing him, I just needed to be alone. I didnt want to feel angry and watch him sulk on the couch and say how horrible he is or how sorry he feels. I realized they I needed to detach. I needed to come to the reality that I dont have to DO anything. I dont have to leave him, I dont have to hide our dirty little secret or even try to help him. I just need to be honest to myself.

I let him come home last night, I told him I just wanted to him to listen. I told him I was letting go of control. I wasnt going to tell him what to do or how to act. I logged on here today to keep me focused. To remind me not to read into it. I asked him not to respond to me and when I was doneI almost asked him to respondthen I realized, I know exactly what he would say. Ive heard it 100x, I realized for the 1st time those words didnt helpthey made it worse. Because he knows what he needs to do, and yet, he chooses not to. So why should I try if he doesnt? its really that simple.

Anyway, I hope that this board can be a place for me to stay focused and strong in my self.





~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3972

Hi and welcome. I didn't read if you were making it to Al-anon face to face meetings, but they saved me in a big way. Coming here to MIP and posting like you did is also very helpful. The book "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews taught me lots about myself and how to deal with my A and his disease. I hope you stick around and read all the great ESH and read all the Al-anon literature you can get your hands on. Sending you love and support on your journey!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 17196

Welcome a Shu

Thank you for your share and the clarity with which you you  viewed your situation.

Alanon is a fellowship of men and womenr who live of have lived with the problem off alcoholism  We believe alcoholism is a disease over which we are powerless and that we need our own program of recovery in order to regain our sanity and peace.

Many of us who have lived with Alcoholism in our lives have been affected by it without even realizing it ourselves. Not just in the sense of having to put up with the alcoholics behavior, but in the sense that we ourselves have become irritable and unreasonable without even knowing it. Having our own program of recovery allows us to take the focus off of the things in our lives, which we cannot control, such as the actions of others, and onto the things in our lives, which we CAN control, our actions, our thoughts, and our happiness.


4. Q. How do I find Al-Anon meetings?

A. Help with finding local meetings near where you live may be found at the following web site: Or call: 1-888-4alanon

Online meetings are held in the Al-Anon chat room associated with this site.

Keep coming back  Thee is hope



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