The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I decided to not go to my home group last evening opting to drive out of town to a far off (23 miles!! OMG!!) shoreline community to hear a candidate speak to a group. He use to be the mayor and lotsa people want him back. Some of us feel he will be properly supportive to our native rights and sooooo I went. Expectations? are future resentments...if you want it that way. It didn't come out as I expected it and very very far from it because every Wednesday they have a get together where many little trade tables (food, clothes, trinkets, plants etc) are on view and sold. There were over 1500 people there!! I'm kinda sorta a free solo flyer and the event was almost overwhelming considering the flame out was just 24 hours earlier. There was soooo much booze and drugs I felt like an alien...kinda just orbiting outside of mars. Thank God for the program and the time I've been in it cause I had no compulsions but one...LOL There she was...just like my ex-alcoholic/addict/wife...blitzed! Three sheets to the wind! swaying and moving to some unseen band within! Allowing herself to be hugged and kissed by who ever and making believe she knew the words to the song the group was playing with a foreign language! I loved her. She was magical and I was grateful I was done with it all. I usually start humming the tune "The Way We Were" but not last night. The mayor elect said something short...we shook hands and traded niceties...and I was gonna head for my truck and then someone told me that there was a person there that wanted to help me with my assault lawsuit (no one else has wanted to)...I was surprised!! We made contact and will continue later on in the day because the place was soooo loud and under the influence we couldn't hear each other so off to my truck to come home BUT WAIT!! WHERE ARE MY KEYS?!! I thought I lost them and there's no finding black shielded keys at night, without moon or any kinds of light on black lava ground. I had to find a ride and didn't want to cause everyone was drinking and most all of them loaded and very few coming into town my way. I've never lost my truck keys before even after locking up my truck...program, program, program...Let go and Let God and so I did and relaxed. One local friend made the offer and while he used his flashlight to look for the keys first and we didn't find them we got into his car and heading for the spares 23 miles, one way, at home. Low and behold we start the journey and he says I've been wanting to get you alone to talk with you anyway because You have stuff I need to hear. I ask myself "HEY ISN'T THIS JUST LIKE WHAT YOU HEARD AT THE MEETING YOU DIDN'T INTEND ON GETTING TO LAST EVENING?" It was and I know HP clues so it was time to shut up and listen and reply when proper. He needed to hear program principles and language and ESH cause this nice guy had be just bit by the disease. Okay I gotta ask...Who hasn't been bitten? He talks...I listen...I talk...he listens; 23 miles each way. I got my spare key and at the same time found that more peace had snuck into my home while I was gone. It was late when we got back to the truck and I put the key into the door lock and it worked...I had the right key YAY!! and then I went to put it into the ignition and it wouldn't go in...Why?!! because there were keys already there. I never do that outside of my garage. The whole night wasn't about the Mayor or the festivities or the large number of wasted people, it even wasn't about the lost was about what we do here at MIP and in the face to face rooms of Al-Anon. It was about sharing our ESH with others who have been terribly beat up by the disease. When you're ready to don't get to pick the place, the time, the get to be HP tool in HP's tool box. Thats how it happens for me too. Weird in a kinda really weird way. If we had shined the light INSIDE OF THE TRUCK we would have never had the sharing time...You think?
What a wonderful's never on our terms but with a clean healthy sober heart and mind we can be lead directly to the person we were intended to communicate with. Bless you for allowing the message to be shared in your words. Thank you for being the example others can cling to for strength in their weakest moments.
Seee you can be quiet and shut your mouth and listen! Don't forget that part.
This is such a cool share Jerry. HP put you guys together at the right time.
thank you!!
I gotta add my being a JW I can be in the strangest places and someone will start a coversation where I am asked or wanted to share .So I get a chance to share my experience with the Bible. I always thank HP for putting me there. I loved going door to door etc. But my dang bones won't do it anymore. I miss it, was so fun listening to other peoples thoughts, beliefs.
Anyway hon,time for one of those things you click and your keys talk to you!
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Very touching story and a great share. I have to say my HP is working strong in my life with my son right now. We have had contact fianlly and it went well. I let him do the talking and I listened. Again great share and thank you!!!