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i drove over by where he is liveing while he was at work,and his freind told me that my a was back to work and that he told him that he "my a" was gonna mess around and lose his job and truck ,my a told him yes he knew for now i guess im safe with the truck,it worries me though that he might end up wreaking it,and then not pay for it and ill get a knock at my door for haveing to fix it ,ot of my pocket,cause i did sign that one peice of paper saying that id be held responsible for any damages done to the truck or breach of contract.this i didnt know i done for it all went so quickly signing and all that i didnt read anything untill i got back home and had my a get the papers out for me to sit down and read it all,bad on me i guess.just hopeing it nothings happens and if it does it dont all fall back on me.........silent
I hear you and can identify with what you say I too use to "Hope " everything would go OK and I did not take actions to protect myself.
Naturally living with an A or having financial agreements with an A things DID NOT go OK and I found myself responsible for huge credit card bills. It took me years to pay them off.
It has been suggested that you call the car company and explain that you can not pay for the truck if anything happened and that you want your name off . I would also send this in writing
Please continue to take care of yourself. You are worth it
Worrying about how we're going to be harmed by their actions keeps us attached to them.
I don't know if you can get your name off that piece of paper. That would be something you'd need to ask the dealership right away. Otherwise it will just be continued worry. There is also the possibility that you, like probably most of us, are so used to chaos that in a strange way it feels familiar and good. I used to do things that were almost sure to victimize me, and then I got to feel victimized. It was hard getting out of that mindset -- being proud that I was the "good" one and yet I was being victimized.
If you can't get your name off the paper, I guess it's like his drinking overall. He's going to wreck the truck or he's not going to wreck the truck -- what are you going to do?