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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Its almost 5am here in Scotland, Ive just returned from our local A&E where Ive been since midnight, my husband has had a stroke. He lost power on his left side but has slowly regained some movement and is somewhat stabilisedthankfully he has had no brain bleed.
Ive just had enough enough enough.
I need to try and get some sleep, I have a business to run tomorrow..and just want to throw in the towel.
Im screaming at the disease because I just know the stress of it all has given my husband his heart condition. I have no compassion right now..just hate hate hate.
((((((Ness))))))...absolutely no need to apologize sister...go vent and then go lay down in your Higher Power's palms. Trust that someone can run the business tomorrow while you let go absolutely?
My husband has had two strokes, 3 open heart surgeries and multiple other things so I know from experience that it is very stressful to be going thru this.
Please take good care of yourself, eat right, get lots of rest and know that you are in my prayers.
-- Edited by Path to Serenity on Friday 7th of September 2012 10:50:46 AM
Thinking of you and your family during this incredibly difficult time. I'm so sorry you are dealing with all of this at the moment.
Sending lots of love and prayers, hugs P
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
OH you have every right to be angry and get it out! venting it out in words here is great! I also believe we need to yell it out too, scream in our pillow, whatever we gotta get that poison out.
I am so so so sad for you and all you go thru! You are such a lovely person, have enjoyed you for years.
Been where you are. It is horrible, exausting and hellish. Do you have anyone to give you rides there? Sit with you? Feed you? It's so hard on the spose, people bring them flowers etc and forget to comfort the sig others!
You are spent. If we don't replenish ourselves we will get sick too, no question. I don't know about your business, I am sorry I forgot! But is it one you can get help with?
taking naps helped me a lot. Made myself eat and drink too.Its ok not to stay there all the time too. though this is very serious and scarey.
I would take in a breath and raise my abdomen, it releases tension, drop my elbows. Walking helps too. if the chair is uncomfortable in the room, take a new camping chair, they are comfy, maybe one you can lay down on would be good too. Or ask the hospital for a comfortable chair.
Wish so much I could come help you! please look at what you need and do your best to give it to you.
sending so much love,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Thanks so much you guys for your support. My husband is much improved today, he has regained all feeling and speech and the CAT scan showed no bleed, no damage. It was a T.I.A (a mini stroke) He is being kept in hospital again tonight which gives me a rest as well as him.
This morning I made myself unavailable saying I was out for the day due to family circumstances, I lay on the sofa huggled under my duvet just cat napping, drinking water and eating soup.
Feeling the feelings, doing the best I can with what Ive got